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An Empirical Study to Measure the Impact of Information Technology Governance Under the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies on Financial Performance

Purpose: To determine the effect of information technology governance (ITG) under the control objectives for information and related technologies (COBIT) on financial performance is the objective of this study. Additionally, the article seeks to look into the relationships between the factors under consideration.   Theoretical framework: Information technology and operational processes are evaluated and ensure their compliance with the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq. Therefore, the research dealt with a conceptual framework by reviewing the literature on the importance of the COBIT framework in assessing financial performance.   Design/methodology/approach: To investigate the effect of information technology; we the value-added intellectual coefficient approach and a defined corporate governance index were utilized. The performance of the company was assessed using operating efficiency ratio and Economic value Added (EVA).   Findings: the results Show there are the high level of application of ITG in the banks listed in the Iraqi stock exchange. Also, we found the effectiveness of ITG under the COBIT framework in banking financial performance.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The findings should inform practitioners and legislative institutions of the necessity to follow strong COBIT procedures and enhance the effectiveness of IT to produce a better financial performance for firms.   Originality/value: the study is among the first to consider the casual connections and how COBIT policies for ITG affect financial performance in the setting of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of an Educational Unit According To the Constructive Strategy in Developing Thinking Skills for Fifth Primary Students

    The current phase distinguish by the rapid scientific development, which pushes individuals to have the necessities of scientific and practical life through the proper scientific thinking which contribute to the development of invention and creativity away from memorizing and indoctrination and encouraging individuals to looking for information and then attempting to process and develop these information instead of being a passive receiver. The investment of minds becomes the logical investment in all societies by preparing the citizen to become able to face life changes and its necessities. It is very important to take care of individuals and develop their mental abilities and thinking skills. The constructive strateg

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the impact of oil price fluctuation on the budget Deficit base in Iraq for the period (2003-2020)


                 The research dealt with a studying the impact of oil price fluctuations on one of the rules of financial discipline, which is the rule of budget deficit in the Iraqi economy for the period (2003-2020) as it is one of the quarterly economies that rely mainly on volatile oil revenues that fluctuate with oil prices in global markets, and therefore the general budget suffers. from The state of instability and then the government resorts to borrowing for a long time . this deficit in the general budget and increase the debt burden in the public debt.The research aim to measure and study the impact of oil price flu

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
MEDIA AND CUSTOMERS: (An analytical study of the opinions and attitudes of a sample of industrialists in the role of media in directing consumers to national industries)

The talk about the relationship between the media and industrialists can be the core of a bigger and deeper subject which is the role of these means in increasing sales : First, increasing the customer’s awareness of the importance of goods and the result of the promotion of products. Secondly, increasing investments which do require continuous studies and deep research in order to understand the constantly changing market conditions, and the public’s taste. In this research, we try to find out how industrialists see the role of media in the promotion of products in Iraq today, and how it develops in the future.

There was a reluctance of the industrialists to advertise in the local media, also industrialists see the role of t

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International Public Relations (An Analytical Study of the Speeches of US President Barack Obama Addressed to the Arab Countries in Crisis)

In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.

The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.

The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicine And Life
Arrhythmia related to hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy in Iraqi patients: frequency and outcome

Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) caused by high blood pressure is linked to increased mortality and arrhythmia risk. This study aimed to evaluate arrhythmia in hypertensive patients due to left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). A cross-sectional study was performed, assessing participants' blood pressure, echocardiography and electrocardiography, and Holter monitoring in certain cases. There were 300 hypertensive patients >18 years attending the cardiology unit of Baghdad medical city. The study was conducted between January–June 2022. The electrocardiograms at rest for 300 adults with hypertension were investigated. 130 (43.5%) were females, and 170 (56.5%) were males. The mean age of participants was 58 years. Forty-nine (16.3

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
The Effects of Salvia officinalis Gel as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planning in Patients with Periodontitis (Clinical and Immunological Study)

Background: Phytotherapy is the usage of herbal species with medicinal properties for the management of various diseases. Gingivitis and periodontitis are diseases that involve the role of both the bacteria and the host immune response. Over the years, various researches have shown the importance of herbal products in the management of periodontal diseases. Aims of the study: To evaluate the efficacy of locally applied Salvia officinalis gel as adjunctive in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Subjects and methods: Fourteen patients (10 males and 4 females) with chronic periodontitis were enrolled in the present study with total number of twenty-eight periodontal pockets utilizing a split mouth design, the pockets were divided i

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Structural Performance of Slender RC Columns with Cross and Square-Shaped under Compression Load
Abstract<p>The idea of using slender Reinforced Concrete (RC) columns with cross-shaped (+-shaped) instead of columns with square-shaped was discussed in this paper. The use of +-shaped columns provides many architectural and structural advantages, such as avoiding prominent columns edges and improved the structural response of member. Therefore, this study explores the structural response of slender +-shaped columns experimentally and numerically by nonlinear finite element analysis using Abaqus simulation tools. The results showed an excellent convergence in strength between numerical and test results with an average standard deviation of 0.05 and 0.07. Besides that, the use of +-shaped column</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Building Engineering
Technologies for safety and health management in construction: Current use, implementation benefits and limitations, and adoption barriers

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Performance of Low Cost Material (Peanut Hulls) for Dye Adsorption Using Inverse Fluidized Bed

The present study dealt with the removal of methylene blue from wastewater by using peanut hulls (PNH) as adsorbent. Two modes of operation were used in the present work, batch mode and inverse fluidized bed mode. In batch experiment, the effect of peanut hulls doses 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 g, with constant initial pH =5.6, concentration 20 mg/L and particle size 2-3.35 mm were studied. The results showed that the percent removal of methylene blue increased with the increase of peanut hulls dose. Batch kinetics experiments showed that equilibrium time was about 3 hours, isotherm models (Langmuir and Freundlich) were used to correlate these results. The results showed that the (Freundlich) model gave the best fitting for adsorption capacity. D

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 04 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study in the procedural provisions of the action consumption incidents A comparative study Under Iraqi Consumer Protection Act No. 1 of 2010.: Study in the procedural provisions of the action consumption incidents A comparative study Under Iraqi Consumer Protection Act No. 1 of 2010.

This research Sheds highlights the procedural protections that must be enjoyed by the consumer in the face of the product, which is the protection of no less dangerous than the substantive protection of our obligations and duties delivered by the legislature upon the product of consumer interest, what is the benefit of the right if the access road to him complicated, so know The consumer has a right to the face of the product, but leaves the claim, either to ignorance For access to this right either to the difficulty of connecting to him.
That this research modest attempt we tried through which to focus on the way to the consumer behavior of arrived right, as we tried to highlight the weaknesses and the complexity of the procedure to

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