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اقتباس قرآنی در دوحة الازهار
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كان من مظاهر تأثير اللغة العربية في الفارسية بعد الفتح الإسلامي، القرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف، فتأثر الشعراء والأدباء الإيرانيون بهما وبفنون أقوال العرب عموماً، فاقتبسوا في أشعارهم وكتاباتهم الفارسية أو العربية منها، كثيراً من الآيات والأحاديث والمصطلحات العربية، وهذا الاقتباس هو فنّ أدبي ينتمي الى المحسنات اللفظية والتي تشكّل مع المحسنات المعنوية عُنصُري علم البديع الذي هو فرع من ثلاثة علوم الى جانب علم المعاني وعلم البيان والتي هي فروع البلاغة. والاقتباس معناه أن يضمّن الكلام نظماً كان أو نثراً، شيئاً من القرآن أو الحديث لا على أنه منه. تناول البحث الموسوم بـ( الاقتباس القرآني في دوحة الأزهار ) موضوع الاقتباس وأضربه في كتاب ( دوحة الأزهار) وهـو مثنوي للشاعر الإيراني الرقيق (زين العابدين علي عبدي بيگ الشيرازي ) في وصف دار السلطنة ( جعفر آباد ) في حكم الشاه ( طهماسب ) الصفوي. توفر البحث بعد المقدمة على ذكر البلاغة بين العربية والفارسية كمدخل للتعريف بها، ومن ثم ذكر الاقتباس بأضربه: النصّي والاشاري والمعنوي، والنتائج التي توصل اليها البحث من نواحٍ ثلاث : الأولى الاقتباس والفن الأدبي إذ جمع الشاعر بين لفظ ومعنى البيت الشعري ولفظ ومعنى الآيات الكريمات بأسلوب ينمّ عن براعة وتوفيق فجاء نسجُهُ دليلاً على ثقافته وعلمه بكتاب الله تعالى وفهم الآيات القرآنية ومناسباتها، وفي أحيانٍ كثيرة كان يستخدم الألفاظ القرآنية قاصداً بها بيان غرضه ومقصوده الشعري وليس غرض الآية ومعناها الأصلي. والثانية الاقتباس والأثر النفسي، وبيان أنّ اقتباس اللفظ والمعنى القرآني في الشعر له وقع وأثر لدى المتلقي فهو يحرّك أحاسيسه وعواطفه ويزيدُ من حركة الكلام والتفاعل بين الشاعر والمتلقي. والناحية الثالثة الاقتباس والأثر الاجتماعي، فالاقتباس القرآني يُظهر الشاعر عارفاً بدينه وبكتاب الله، قارئاً له فيتمَيّز من أقرانه ممن لا يسلكُ هذا النهج كما تكون اشعاره موضع ترحيب واستحسان عند سلاطين المسلمين فينال صلاتهم وعطاياهم ويتمتع في أكنافهم بالجاه والحُظوة والمكانة المحمودة.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
ما العدالة في إستقطاع ظريبة الدخل على رواتب وإجور العاملين في القطاع العام بطريقة الإستقطاع المباشر في العراق
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The income tax that is imposed on the salaries & wages of employees  in the governmental fields &the companies of public & mixed sectors by direct deduction in a manner similar to the employees in the private sector according to the order NO.49 of 2004 issued by Coalition Provision Authority in Iraq , from the validity of Security Council resolutions NO. 1482 of 2003, &1511 of 2004.                                                        &nbsp

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Succession Planning In Human Capital Development In Organizations ( the Field of the research at the Oil Training Institute – Baghdad
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  To identify the importance of the role of succession planning in developing human capital in organizations in light of the accelerating and dynamic events and changes in the work environment, and the research problem indicated the seriousness of employees retiring or leaving their positions for any reason and the extent of its impact on the organization in creating gaps in leadership and problems In managing the talent injection because there will be a shortage of talent, which in turn will affect the general performance of the business in the researched institute, so the importance of research appears in trying to present a set of solutions through which some of the problems facing the organization in quest

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
factors determining pricing strategies in Iraqi business market – on analytic study in a number of industrial sector companies
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Pricing has an important position among the elements of marketing mixture (4ps) as it represents revenues that in turn represent one of the important  pillars' for resources affecting on organizations sustainability and development , and the failure in determining prices and their strategies has a dangerous effect on the organizations reality and future as a whole . from this point,  this is what from the focus of the research problem,which centered on how to get companies to critical price that satisfies customers and achieve corporate objectives.                          

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of my style (CPM / PERT) in enhancing the performance of construction projectsAn Empirical Study in the Department of projects in the office of the province of Baghdad
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This study was to demonstrate the role-use planning scientific methods is disabled and little used in the planning and follow-up construction of vital projects in the province of Baghdad, including network planning methods, in order to find the optimal time to finish the project in light of the resources available and the budget set for it, in the current research has been used the most prominent network planning methods and two stylistic (CPM / PERT), was the application of the critical path method on standard-design school project (traditional) to draw Action Network according to confirmed times for the activities of the project and account his Crashing time , It was Pert technique applied to the project hemato

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effectiveness of the financial analysis in the statement of the ability of financial ratios in the detection of fraud in the financial reports of industrial companies
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This research after financial ratios in the detection of fraud to the financial statements published which enables specialists from the work of their studies and their conclusions to obtain the information they seek on the activities of the entity. Has provided researchers what these relics They then field study to test the validity and sincerity of the findings of the suggestions that have been upheld the need to study all financial ratios extracted in general, organized and used in decision-making processes necessary administrative.And that the financial management attention more financial analysis and extraction of financial ratios and compare them with industry standards taken from historical norms

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Observational Study of the Multisciplinaryteam role (MDT) on Healthcare Management of Cancer Patients: Benefits and Barriers, AbuDhabi 2017
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Background: Multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTs) are designed to optimize patient outcomes. It appears intuitive that MDTs are essential to clinical decision - making and patient management; however, it is unclear whether that belief is supported by evidence. With regard to cancer patients, studies demonstrated that  treatment plans made by interacting health care professionals are more effective than those made by
individual practitioners.
Objectives: To assess the impact of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) on clinical decision - making and  patient outcomes.
Methods: We follow a descr
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Effects of liraglutide on weight control and blood pressure in type 2 diabetes mellitus Iraqi patients
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 Background: Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine illness, affecting an increasing number of people all over the world. It is caused by a lack, or inadequate synthesis of insulin by the pancreas leading to an increase in blood glucose concentrations. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most strongly linked disease to obesity of all disorders. The number of obesity-related diabetes is predicted to reach 300 million by 2025. The term 'diabesity' was coined as a result of this strong link, therefore, weight loss is seen as a key therapeutic goal in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Liraglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agon

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Non- Homogenous Poisson Processes with Queuing Theory in the Emergency Department in Al-Tifel Teaching Central Hospital (Al-Iskan)
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In this paper, the using of Non-Homogenous Poisson Processes, with one of the scientific and practical means in the Operations Research had been carried out, which is the Queuing Theory, as those operations are affected by time in their conduct by one function which has a cyclic behavior, called the (Sinusoidal Function). (Mt / M / S) The model was chosen, and it is Single Queue Length with multiple service Channels, and using the estimating scales (QLs, HOL, HOLr) was carried out in considering the delay occurring to the customer before his entrance to the service, with the comparison of the best of them in the cases of the overload.

Through the experiments

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use of information and communications technology to archive data: A suggested form in the Tax Audit and Examination Department of the General Tax Authority
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The current world is observing huge developments in presenting the opportunity for organizations and administrative units to use information and communication technology and their adoption by administrative work due to its importance in the achievement of work with higher efficiency, speed, and facility of communication with all individuals and companies using various means of communication Depending on the Internet networks. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of electronic systems designed and adopted in the creation or construction of a database for archiving data, which is the main method in organizations and administrative units in developed countries. Where this system works to convert documents, and manual processes and t

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