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Enhanced phot-respons of porous silicon photo- detectors by embedding Titanium -dioxide nano-particles
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: Porous silicon (n-PS) films can be prepared by photoelectochemical etching (PECE) Silicon chips n - types with 15 (mA /cm2), in15 minutes etching time on the fabrication nano-sized pore arrangement. By using X-ray diffraction measurement and atomic power microscopy characteristics (AFM), PS was investigated. It was also evaluated the crystallites size from (XRD) for the PS nanoscale. The atomic force microscopy confirmed the nano-metric size chemical fictionalization through the electrochemical etching that was shown on the PS surface chemical composition. The atomic power microscopy checks showed the roughness of the silicon surface. It is also notified (TiO2) preparation nano-particles that were prepared by pulse laser eradication in ethanol (PLAL) technique through irradiation with a Nd:YAG laser pulses TiO2 target that is sunk in methanol using 400 mJ of laser energy. It has been studied the structural, optical and morphological of TiO2NPs.It has been detected that through XRD measurement , (TiO2) NPs have been Tetragonal crystal structure. While with AFM measurements, it has been realized that the synthesized TiO2 particles are spherical with an average particle size in the (82 nm) range. It has been determined that the energy band gap of TiO2 NPs from optical properties and set to be in (5eV) range .The transmittance and reflectance spectra have determined the TiO2 NPs optical constants. It was reported the effectiveness of TiO2 NPs expansion on the PS Photodetector properties which exposes the benefits in (Al/PS/Si/Al). The built-in tension values depend on the etching time current density and laser flounce. Al/TiO2/PS/Si/Al photo-detector heterojunction have two response peaks that are situated at 350 nm and (700 -800nm) with max sensitivity ≈ 0.7 A/W. The maximum given detectivity is 9.38at ≈ 780 nm wavelength.

Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of green colour on glass quality
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The study of green colour in glass has a special importance on the glass quality, specially the effect of ferrous oxides content of the limestone. Results obtained that there was a reduction in green colour when different ferrous oxide contents in the limestone were added in glass production, limestone sources from two quarries, and the first contains 0.67% ferrous oxide and the second posses less ferrous oxide.

Reduction of green colour showed higher transmittance12% and it could be suggested that reduction of ferrous oxides content in the limestone is of special importance on the optical properties of glass.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Nurses` Practice Regarding Poisoning Children
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Objectives: Assess nurses` practices for children with chemical poisoning, and find out relationship between nurses` socio- demographic data and their practices for children with chemical poisoning.

Methodology: A descriptive correlational design used to achieve the purpose of the study, the study was conducted at Al-Basrah Hospital for Maternal and Children throughout the period 12th of September 2021 to 10th of October 2022. A non- probability sample of (30) nurse at emergency department was selected. The instrument of the study was constructed based on previous literatures that related to study project, which include nurses` socio-demographic data and questionnaire format

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Semantic Similarity Assessment of Volunteered Geographic Information
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The recent development in communication technologies between individuals allows for the establishment of more informal collaborative map data projects which are called volunteered geographic information (VGI). These projects, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) project, seek to create free alternative maps which let users add or input new materials to the data of others. The information of different VGI data sources is often not compliant to any standard and each organization is producing a dataset at various level of richness. In this research the assessment of semantic data quality provided by web sources, e.g. OSM will depend on a comparison with the information from standard sources. This will include the validity of semanti

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Components and Treatments of Oilfield Produced Water
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In this study, a review of variety of processes that are used in the treatment produced water prior to reuse or to responsible disposal are presented with their environmental issues and economical benefits. Samples of produced water from five locations in Rumaila oilfield/in south of Iraq were taken and analyzed for their contents of brine, some heavy metals, total suspended solids and oil and grease. Moreover, two samples of water were treated using reverse osmosis technique which showed its ability to treat such contaminated water. The results showed that the environmental impact of produced water arises from its chemical composition; i.e., its salt content, its heavy metals, and hydrocarbon contents.

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Vibrational Zero-Point Energies of Iodo Compounds
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   In this study, the contribution of the bond C–I has been derived and incorporated in empirical formula to calculate zero-point energies (ZPE) of Iodo compounds. The calculated ZPE for 38 molecules containing this bond correlate well with experimental values. The comparison of these results with semiempirical (AM1) ZPE appears very satisfactory

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Research And Review
Electrical Discharges Characterization of Planar Sputtering System
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Abstract: A home-made dc sputtering is characterized by cathode potential of 250-2500 V and sputtering gas pressures of (3.5×10-2 – 1.5) mbar. This paper studies in experiment the breakdown of argon, nitrogen, and oxygen in a uniform dc electric field at different discharge gaps and cathode potentials. Paschen curves for Argon, Nitrogen, and oxygen are obtained by measuring the breakdown voltage of gas within a stainless steel vacuum chamber with two planar, stainless steel electrodes. The Paschen curves in Ar, N2, and O2 gases show that the breakdown voltage between two electrodes is a function of pd (The product of the pressure inside the chamber and distance between the electrodes). Current-voltage characteristics visualization of the

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah J. Sci
Some Properties of 2-Coprobabilistic Normed Space
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The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce the, 2- coprobabilistic normed space, coprobabilistic dual space of 2- coprobabilistic normed space and give some facts that are related of them

Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Hospital Contamination
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The Present investigation includes the isolation and identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for different cases of hospital contamination from 1/ 6/2003 to 30/9/2004, the identification of bacteria depended on morphological , cultural and biochemical characters, 37 of isolates were diagnosed from 70 smears from wounds and burns beside 25 isolates were identified from 200 smears taken from operation theater and hospital wards including the floors , walls , sources of light and operation equipment the sensitivity of all isolates to antibiotic were done , which exhibited complete sensitivity to Ciprofloxacin , Ceftraixon, Tobromycin and Gentamysin ,while they were complete resist to Amoxcillin , Tetracyclin , Nitrofurantion , Clindamycin C

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Energy alternatives and the possibility of substitution)
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Many of the signs that the global energy system indicate the start of a period of transition from total dependence on fossil energy sources, especially oil, into a new era in which alternative energy sources play an important role in meeting the growing needs of energy demand, so sought many of the developed countries through research the studies carried out to try to bring renewable energy sources and non-renewable (shale oil, oil sands, solar energy, wind energy .... etc) replace traditional fossil energy sources (oil, gas, coal) and despite the recent availability dramatically and spread throughout the the world, but they are going to dry up in the foreseeable future. So many countries, especially the developed sought to find

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reasons of Dust Storms Increase in Iraq
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Currently regions in the world are much affected with dust storms, rising and suspended dust, as Iraq is suffering of this state as well within an eye-catching manner, whereas the storms leave negative traces on environment and public health and many of the other vital utilities. This research aims to diagnosis of the reasons that resulted in increment of dust storms in Iraq basing on some recorded data and to be analyzed in conformity with the prevalent theories and concepts at the atmospheric science and environmental physics. Generally the study, has illustrated that the climate changes and increase of temperatures averages because of green house effect, that followed by clear changes at thermal wind and jet stream, that caused to ins

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