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Using spatial analysis techniques to Preparing maps for distribution of pollutant concentrations in Shatt al-Arab waters in November 2015
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Abstract<p>Water has a great self-generating capacity that can neutralize the polluting interventions carried out by humans. However, if human activities continue this uncontrolled and unsustainable exploitation of this resource, this regenerating capacity shall fail and it will be jeopardized definitively. Shatt Al-Arab River in South of Iraq. It has an active role in providing water for irrigation, industry, domestic use and a commercial gateway to Iraq. in the last five years Shatt Al-Arab suffered from a rise in pollutants due to the severe decline in sewage networks, irregular networks and pesticide products, as well as the outputs of factories and companies that find their way to water sources and lead to a widespread collapse of water quality. In present work, by using Data observation with the integration between remote sensing and GIS techniques to prepare maps of the distribution of concentration materials in Shatt al-Arab River south of the province of Basra in January 2015 to determine the level of pollution in the river. These include pH, dissolved oxygen (DO2), phosphates (PO4), nitrates (NO3), calcium, magnesium, potassium, Total soluble solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC) as well as alkaline salts (ALK.) The quality of polluted water has been observed at the sites of the study due to the increase in wastewater flowing into the river, especially river branches and the illegal discharges of industrial waste and sewage. In addition to the severe shortage of water levels in the last five years.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Spider Veins Treatment using 1064 nm Long-Pulse Nd:YAG Laser
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spider veins are clusters of Ectatic venules & are common finding on the lower limbs generally believed to be caused by multiple factors, including genetic predisposition, hormonal factors, gravity, occupation, pregnancy, becoming increasingly apparent with age, and trauma. Therapeutic options include sclerotherapy, surgical procedures, and treatment with different laser systems.

 Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of long pulsed (Nd:YAG) laser emitting at 1064nm in the treatment of spider veins.

Patients, Materials and Methods: This prospective study was done in the laser medicine research clinics of the Institute of las

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Improved Image Compression Technique Using EZW and SPHIT Algorithms
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 Uncompressed form of the digital images are needed a very large storage capacity amount, as a consequence requires large communication bandwidth for data transmission over the network. Image compression techniques not only minimize the image storage space but also preserve the quality of image. This paper reveal image compression technique which uses distinct image coding scheme based on wavelet transform that combined effective types of compression algorithms for further compression. EZW and SPIHT algorithms are types of significant compression techniques that obtainable for lossy image compression algorithms. The EZW coding is a worthwhile and simple efficient algorithm. SPIHT is an most powerful technique that utilize for image

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Two-Points Singular Boundary Value Problem Using Hermite Interpolation
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In this paper, we have been used the Hermite interpolation method to solve second order regular boundary value problems for singular ordinary differential equations. The suggest method applied after divided the domain into many subdomains then used Hermite interpolation on each subdomain, the solution of the equation is equal to summation of the solution in each subdomain. Finally, we gave many examples to illustrate the suggested method and its efficiency.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Permeability Estimation by Using the Modified and Conventional FZI Methods
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There many methods for estimation of permeability. In this Paper, permeability has been estimated by two methods. The conventional and modified methods are used to calculate flow zone indicator (FZI). The hydraulic flow unit (HU) was identified by FZI technique. This technique is effective in predicting the permeability in un-cored intervals/wells. HU is related with FZI and rock quality index (RQI). All available cores from 7 wells (Su -4, Su -5, Su -7, Su -8, Su -9, Su -12, and Su -14) were used to be database for HU classification. The plot of probability cumulative of FZI is used. The plot of core-derived probability FZI for both modified and conventional method which indicates 4 Hu (A, B, C and D) for Nahr Umr forma

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the Partial Linear Model Using Wavelet and Kernel Smoothers
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This article aims to estimate the partially linear model by using two methods, which are the Wavelet and Kernel Smoothers. Simulation experiments are used to study the small sample behavior depending on different functions, sample sizes, and variances. Results explained that the wavelet smoother is the best depending on the mean average squares error criterion for all cases that used.



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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Information And Documentation Studies
Improving students' cognitive abilities using modern technologies: an experimental study
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The importance of knowledge is represented in the use of various sources of information, the corresponding to the same level of importance is the use of modern means and technologies in the delivery and investment of these sources to the beneficiaries, among these means and technologies are the multimedia that deal with most of the human senses, but the most important of which is sight and hearing, if these are invested the means in the field of education will give many positive results, such as the speed of receiving information, its clarity, and its freedom from impurities and influences, as well as its stability in memory as it is based on nderstanding, not memorization. On this basis, the experience of supporting the education process

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2025
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Blue Laser Underwater Optical Visible Light Communication Using Recursive OFDM
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Water covers more than 75% of the earth's surface in the form of the ocean. The ocean investigation is far-fetched because the underwater environment has distinct phenomenal activities. The expansion of human activities inside underwater environments includes environmental monitoring, offshore field exploration, tactical surveillance, scientific data collection, and port security. This led to increased demand for underwater application communication systems. Therefore, the researcher develops many methods for underwater VLC Visible Light Communications. The new technology of blue laser is a type of VLC that has benefits in the application of underwater communications. This research article investigated the benefits of underwater blu

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 23 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dentistry
Predicting Canine and Premolar Mesiodistal Crown Diameters Using Regression Equations
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Objectives. The current study aimed to predict the combined mesiodistal crown widths of maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars from the combined mesiodistal crown widths of maxillary and mandibular incisors and first molars. Materials and Methods. This retrospective study utilized 120 dental models from Iraqi Arab young adult subjects with normal dental relationships. The mesiodistal crown widths of all teeth (except the second molars) were measured at the level of contact points using digital electronic calipers. The relation between the sum mesiodistal crown widths of the maxillary and mandibular incisors and first molars and the combined mesiodistal crown widths of the maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars was as

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 25 2021
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Pentacene Based Organic Field Effect Transistor Using Different Gate Dielectric
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This paper presents the electrical behavior of the top contact/ bottom gate of an organic field-effect transistor (OFET) utilizing Pentacene as a semiconductor layer with two distinctive gate dielectric materials Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) were chosen. The influence of the monolayer and bilayer gates insulator on OFET performance was investigated. MATLAB software was used to simulate and determine the electrical characteristics of a device. The output and transfer characteristics were studied for ZrO2, PVP and ZrO2/PVP as an organic gate insulator layer. Both characteristics show a high drain current at the gate dielectric ZrO2/PVP equal to -0.0031A and -0.0015A for output and transfer characteristics respectively

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Fusion: Practice And Applications
Enhanced EEG Signal Classification Using Machine Learning and Optimization Algorithm
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This paper proposes a better solution for EEG-based brain language signals classification, it is using machine learning and optimization algorithms. This project aims to replace the brain signal classification for language processing tasks by achieving the higher accuracy and speed process. Features extraction is performed using a modified Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in this study which increases the capability of capturing signal characteristics appropriately by decomposing EEG signals into significant frequency components. A Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm method is applied to improve the results and select the optimal features which achieves more accurate results by selecting impactful features with maximum relevance

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