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Wellbore Trajectory Optimization Using Rate of Penetration and Wellbore Stability Analysis
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Drilling deviated wells is a frequently used approach in the oil and gas industry to increase the productivity of wells in reservoirs with a small thickness. Drilling these wells has been a challenge due to the low rate of penetration (ROP) and severe wellbore instability issues. The objective of this research is to reach a better drilling performance by reducing drilling time and increasing wellbore stability.

In this work, the first step was to develop a model that predicts the ROP for deviated wells by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In the modeling, azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) of the wellbore trajectory, controllable drilling parameters, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), formation pore pressure, and in-situ stresses of the studied area were included as inputs. The second step was by optimizing the process using a genetic algorithm (GA), as a class of optimizing methods for complex functions, to obtain the maximum ROP along with the related wellbore trajectory (AZI and INC). Finally, the suggested azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) are premeditated by considering the results of wellbore stability analysis using wireline logging measurements, core and drilling data from the offset wells.

The results showed that the optimized wellbore trajectory based on wellbore stability analysis was compatible with the results of the genetic algorithm (GA) that used to reach higher ROP. The recommended orientation that leads to maximum ROP and maintains the stability of drilling deviated wells (i.e., inclination ranged between 40°—50°) is parallel to (140°—150°) direction. The present study emphasizes that the proposed methodology can be applied as a cost-effective tool to optimize the wellbore trajectory and to calculate approximately the drilling time for future highly deviated wells.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 07 2022
Journal Name
في مجلة الدراسات الللغوية والترجمية
Semantic and cultural analysis of phraseological units with the names of wild animals in Russian and Arabic
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Summary:This article discusses the topic of phraseological units with the names of wild animals in the Russian and Arabic languages in the aspect of their comparative semantic and cultural analysis, since a comparative analysis of the meanings of phraseological units of the Arabic and Russian languages, detection of coincidences and differences in the compared languages, is an important method for studying linguoculturology, since phraseological units represent a reflection of culture in the language

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation, Error Analysis and Application of Joint Quadrature Scheme in Physical Sciences
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In this work, a joint quadrature for numerical solution of the double integral is presented. This method is based on combining two rules of the same precision level to form a higher level of precision. Numerical results of the present method with a lower level of precision are presented and compared with those performed by the existing high-precision Gauss-Legendre five-point rule in two variables, which has the same functional evaluation. The efficiency of the proposed method is justified with numerical examples. From an application point of view, the determination of the center of gravity is a special consideration for the present scheme. Convergence analysis is demonstrated to validate the current method.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
tourism planning and its impact in reducing the unemployment rate in Iraq for the period (1985 – 2015) An analytical study
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     The problem of the study is the main question (Can tourism planning address the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq ?) , And the importance of the study in the fact that the tourism sector can become an effective development alternative in many countries, especially Iraq, as tourism contributes to diversify sources of income and stimulate other economic sectors , We know how important Iraq's qualifications are in the field of tourism and what it can generate on the public treasury, To confirm the current study on the need to pay attention to tourism planning for its role in providing employment opportunities that reduce the unemployment rate in the future.


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Publication Date
Mon Apr 08 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
Bifurcation analysis of the role of good and bad bacteria in the decomposing toxins in the intestine with the impact of antibiotic and probiotics supplement
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This study presents a mathematical model describing the interaction of gut bacteria in the participation of probiotics and antibiotics, assuming that some good bacteria become harmful through mutations due to antibiotic exposure. The qualitative analysis exposes twelve equilibrium points, such as a good-bacteria equilibrium, a bad-bacteria equilibrium, and a coexisting endemic equilibrium in which both bacteria exist while being exposed to antibiotics. The theory of the Sotomayor theorem is applied to study the local bifurcation around all possible equilibrium points. It’s noticed that the transcritical and saddle-node bifurcation could occur near some of the system’s equilibrium points, while pitchfork bifurcation cannot be accrued at

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Scopus (5)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analysis of Demand Function on Oil derivatives of A Selected countries the Period 1985- 2008
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The subject of demand on oil derivative has occupied an important position at present time in the daily life context. The fuel of benzene and gas oil and kerosene is one of basic elements of that concern, and on local , regional and international levels. The oil derivatives have played a leading role in determining the course and nature of development since early 1970 to the present time whether in the productive Arab countries or the importing. The researcher set out from the hypothesis that the increase of the local consumer demand on some of the oil derivatives is because of the internal and external factors accompanied by the inability of the productive capability and local production to confront this increase, and the resort

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Economic Design of Diversion Structures during Construction of a Dam by Particle Swarm Optimization
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Adsorption Optimization of Congo Red Dye onto Electrospun Nanofibers of Polyacrylonitrile functionalized with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
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Ferric oxide nanoparticles Fe3O4NPs have been prepared by the coprecipitation method, which were used to functionalize the surface of electrospun nanofibers of polyacrylonitrile to increase their effectiveness in adsorption of Congo red (CR) dye from their aqueous solutions. The effect factors of adsorption were systematically investigated such as adsorbent mass, initial concentration, contact time, temperature, ionic strength and pH. The maximum adsorbed amount of the dye was at 0.003g of adsorbent. The adsorption of dye increased with increasing initial dye concentration and the system reaches to the equilibrium state at 150 min. The adsorbed dye capacity decreases with increasing temperature which indicates to the exothermic nature of ad

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 09 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Stylistic Analysis of Bisson’s Bears Discover Fire
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This paper aims at analyzing Terry Bisson’s short story Bears Discover Fire stylistically by following both Gerard Genette’s theory of narratology (1980) and Short and Leech (1981) strategy for analyzing fictional works. Also trying to examine to what extent these models are applicable in analyzing the selected story. Stylistic analysis procedures help the readers/researchers to identify specific linguistic features in order to support literary interpretation and appreciation of literary texts. Style in fiction concentrates not on what is written, but on how a text is written. Each writer has his own style and techniques which distinguish him from other writers

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Преподаватель Xxi век
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Metaphor is one of the most important linguistic phenomena of the artistic text, as it is the expression of the author’s emotions and evaluations, the result of a deep inner transformation of the semantic words and visual means of reflecting the national culture of each people. This paper examines the concept of linguistic metaphors and analyzes its types in the Russian and Arabic linguistics, provides a comparative analysis of metaphors in Russian and Arabic — all this allows to conclude that metaphorization is characteris- tic of different parts of speech. In the Russian language stylistic differentiation of the metaphors expressed more than in Arabic, so translation of many “sty- listic” metaphors from Russian into Arabic due to

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimization and Validation of RP-HPLC-UV/VIS Method for Determination Some Antioxidants in Dry Calyces of Iraqi Hibiscus Sabdraffia Linn
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A new (Reversed Phase- High Performance Liquid chromatography) RP-HPLC method with Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry has been optimized and validated for the simultaneous extraction and determination of antioxidants present in Iraqi calyces of Hibiscus Sabdraffia Linn. The method is based on using ultrasonic bath for extracting antioxidants. Limit of detection in μg/ml of Vitamin C, Sabdaretine, Gossypetine, Hibiscetine, Anthocyanins, Dephinidin-3-glucoside were113.8294×10-6,123.0453×10-6,70.3681×10-6,59.6730×10-6,148.1710×10-6,and125.3481×10-6 respectively. The concentration of antioxidants found in dry spacemen of calyces of Iraqi Hibiscus Sabdraffia Linn. under study: Vitamin C, Sabdaretine, Gossypetine, Hibiscetine, Anthoc

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