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Wellbore Trajectory Optimization Using Rate of Penetration and Wellbore Stability Analysis
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Drilling deviated wells is a frequently used approach in the oil and gas industry to increase the productivity of wells in reservoirs with a small thickness. Drilling these wells has been a challenge due to the low rate of penetration (ROP) and severe wellbore instability issues. The objective of this research is to reach a better drilling performance by reducing drilling time and increasing wellbore stability.

In this work, the first step was to develop a model that predicts the ROP for deviated wells by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In the modeling, azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) of the wellbore trajectory, controllable drilling parameters, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), formation pore pressure, and in-situ stresses of the studied area were included as inputs. The second step was by optimizing the process using a genetic algorithm (GA), as a class of optimizing methods for complex functions, to obtain the maximum ROP along with the related wellbore trajectory (AZI and INC). Finally, the suggested azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) are premeditated by considering the results of wellbore stability analysis using wireline logging measurements, core and drilling data from the offset wells.

The results showed that the optimized wellbore trajectory based on wellbore stability analysis was compatible with the results of the genetic algorithm (GA) that used to reach higher ROP. The recommended orientation that leads to maximum ROP and maintains the stability of drilling deviated wells (i.e., inclination ranged between 40°—50°) is parallel to (140°—150°) direction. The present study emphasizes that the proposed methodology can be applied as a cost-effective tool to optimize the wellbore trajectory and to calculate approximately the drilling time for future highly deviated wells.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 23 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Microbiology And Biotechnology Research
Optimization of flocculation conditions of exopolysaccharide biofloculant from Azotobacter chrococcum and its potential for river water treatment
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Bacteria strain H8, which produces high amount of exopolysaccharide (EPS), was isolated from soil, and identified as strain of Azotobacter chrococcum by its biochemical /physiological characteristics, EPS was extracted, partially purified and used as bioflocculant. The biochemical analysis of the partially purified EPS revealed that it was an alginate. analysis of EPS by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) show that the -OH groups present in bioflocculant are clearly seen at 3433.06 cm-1, the peaks attributed to the -CH3 groups present at 2916.17 cm-1 , and some distinct peaks such as carboxyl group showed strong absorption bands at 1604.66 cm-1, 1411.80 cm-1 and 1303.79 cm-1 indicate the chemical structure of alginate. The effe

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Analysis of New Prosthetic Foot.
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There is a variety of artificial foot designs variable for use with prosthetic legs . Most of the design can be divided into two classes, articulated and non-articulated feet. one common non-articulated foot is the SACH . The solid ankle cushion heel foot referred to as the SACH foot has a rigid keel .

One key or the key factor in designing a new prosthesis is in the analysis of a patients response .

 This view is the most important because if the foot does not provide functional , practical or cosmetically acceptable characteristics the patient will not feel comfortable with the prosthesis , therefore design and manufacturing a new foot is essential, this foot made from polyethylene, its different shape and characte

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 08 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Analysis of a Spraying Robot
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An indoor spraying robot is built in this research to solve numerous challenges associated with manual spraying. The mechanical, hardware and essential technologies used are all detailed and designed. The proposed spraying robot's conceptual design is split into two parts: hardware and software. The mechanical design, manufacturing, electrical, and electronics systems are described in the hardware part, while the control of the robot is described in the software section. This robot's kinematic and dynamic models were developed using three links that move in the x, y, and z directions. The robot was then designed using SolidWorks software to compute each connection's deflection and maximum stresses. The characteristics of the stepper moto

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques for Solving Multi-Objectives on Single Machine Scheduling Problem
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In this paper, two of the local search algorithms are used (genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization), in scheduling number of products (n jobs) on a single machine to minimize a multi-objective function which is denoted as  (total completion time, total tardiness, total earliness and the total late work). A branch and bound (BAB) method is used for comparing the results for (n) jobs starting from (5-18). The results show that the two algorithms have found the optimal and near optimal solutions in an appropriate times.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
2nd International Conference Of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information And Communication Technology
Spatial and temporal analysis of the spread of Covid-19 in Iraq
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Hybrid Method of Linguistic and Statistical Features for Arabic Sentiment Analysis
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          Sentiment analysis refers to the task of identifying polarity of positive and negative for particular text that yield an opinion. Arabic language has been expanded dramatically in the last decade especially with the emergence of social websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Several studies addressed sentiment analysis for Arabic language using various techniques. The most efficient techniques according to the literature were the machine learning due to their capabilities to build a training model. Yet, there is still issues facing the Arabic sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques. Such issues are related to employing robust features that have the ability to discrimina

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Scopus (18)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of systemic administration of Simvastatin on dental implant stability: A random clinical study
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Background: the primary objective for many researches carried out in dental implantology was to reduce the period needed for functional implant loading, simvastatin (cholesterol lowering medication) had many pleiotropic effects, one of which was increasing bone density around titanium implants (1) and subsequently establishing faster osseointegrated dental implants (2,3). This study aims to reduce the period of time needed to establish secondary stability of dental implant measured in ISQ (Implant Stability Quotient) by investigating the effect of orally administered simvastatin on bone. Materials and methods: simvastatin tablets (40mg/day for three months) were administered orally for 11 healthy women aged (40-51) years old who received 1

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Asphaltene on the Stability of Iraqi Water in Crude Oil Emulsions
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In the present work, asphaltenes and resins separated from emulsion samples collected from two Iraqi oil wells, Nafut Kana (Nk) and Basrah were used to study the emulsion stability. The effect of oil resins to asphaltene (R/A) ratio, pH of the aqueous phase, addition of paraffinic solvent (n-heptane), aromatic solvent (toluene), and blend of both (heptol) in various proportions on the stability of emulsions had been investigated. The conditions of experiments were specified as an agitation speed of 1000 rpm for 30 minutes, heating at 50 °C, and water content of 30%.  The results showed that as the R/A ratio increases, the emulsion will be unstable and the amount of water separated from emulsion increases. It was noticed that the em

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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 The objectives of this research are to determine and find out the reality of crops structure of greenhouses in association of Al-Watan  in order to stand on the optimal use of economic resources available for the purpose of reaching a crop structure optimization of the farm that achieves maximize profit and gross and net farm incomes , using the method of linear programming to choose the farm optimal plan with the highest net income , as well as identifying production plans farm efficient with (income - deviation) optimal (E-A) of the Association and derived, which takes into account the margin risk wich derived from each plan using the model( MOTAD), as a model of models of linear programming alternative programming m

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculate of the Rate Constant of Electron Transfer in TiO2 – Safranine Dye System
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         A theoretical calculations of the rate constant of electron transfer (ET) in a dye – semiconductor system with variety solvent are applied on system contains safranineT dye with TiO2 in many solvents like water, 1-propanol, Formamide, Acetonitrile and Ethanol.

    A matlap program has been written to evaluate many parameters such that, the solvent reorganization energy, effective free energy, activation free energy, coupling matrix element and the rate constant of electron transfer.

    The results of the rate constant of electron transfer calculated theoretically are in a good agreement with experimental and theoretical value

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