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Wellbore Trajectory Optimization Using Rate of Penetration and Wellbore Stability Analysis
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Drilling deviated wells is a frequently used approach in the oil and gas industry to increase the productivity of wells in reservoirs with a small thickness. Drilling these wells has been a challenge due to the low rate of penetration (ROP) and severe wellbore instability issues. The objective of this research is to reach a better drilling performance by reducing drilling time and increasing wellbore stability.

In this work, the first step was to develop a model that predicts the ROP for deviated wells by applying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In the modeling, azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) of the wellbore trajectory, controllable drilling parameters, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), formation pore pressure, and in-situ stresses of the studied area were included as inputs. The second step was by optimizing the process using a genetic algorithm (GA), as a class of optimizing methods for complex functions, to obtain the maximum ROP along with the related wellbore trajectory (AZI and INC). Finally, the suggested azimuth (AZI) and inclination (INC) are premeditated by considering the results of wellbore stability analysis using wireline logging measurements, core and drilling data from the offset wells.

The results showed that the optimized wellbore trajectory based on wellbore stability analysis was compatible with the results of the genetic algorithm (GA) that used to reach higher ROP. The recommended orientation that leads to maximum ROP and maintains the stability of drilling deviated wells (i.e., inclination ranged between 40°—50°) is parallel to (140°—150°) direction. The present study emphasizes that the proposed methodology can be applied as a cost-effective tool to optimize the wellbore trajectory and to calculate approximately the drilling time for future highly deviated wells.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Chaotic behaviour of the Rossler model and its analysis by using bifurcations of limit cycles and chaotic attractors
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The behaviour of certain dynamical nonlinear systems are described in term as chaos, i.e., systems' variables change with the time, displaying very sensitivity to initial conditions of chaotic dynamics. In this paper, we study archetype systems of ordinary differential equations in two-dimensional phase spaces of the Rössler model. A system displays continuous time chaos and is explained by three coupled nonlinear differential equations. We study its characteristics and determine the control parameters that lead to different behavior of the system output, periodic, quasi-periodic and chaos. The time series, attractor, Fast Fourier Transformation and bifurcation diagram for different values have been described.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stability constant measurements of thorivm (lv) and uranyle ions with some amino acids
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ne,؛Stability constants were determined for complexes of amino acids : L-leuc tryptophane and Aspartic acid with thorium (IV ) and uranyle ( U02++) ions at ؛ serine

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhancement of thermal stability and wettability for epoxy/Cu coated carbon fiber composites
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    This research study the effect of surface modification and copper (Cu) plating carbon fiber (CF) surface on the thermal stability and wettability of carbon fiber (CF)/epoxy (EP) composites. The TGA result indicates that the thermal-stability of carbon fiber may be enhanced after Cu coating CF. TGA curve showed that the treatment temperature was enhanced thermal stability of Ep/CF, this is due to the oxidation during heating. The Cu plating increased the thermal conductivity, this increase might be due to reduce in contact resistance at the interface due to chemical modification and copper plating and tunneling resistance.

   The increase of surface polarity after coating cause decreas

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Effect of Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Bone Morphogenetic Protein on Dental Implant Stability
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Abstract: Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) bioactive materials have been used to enhance healing and improve dental implant stability. This study aimed to compare the effect of rhBMP-2 and PRF bioactive materials on dental implant stability at different intervals and to evaluate the correlation of implant length and diameter with implant stability. Two bioactive materials were compared to evaluate their effect on dental implant stability. A total of 32 patients (102 dental implants) were divided into 3 groups: 24 dental implants with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), 27 dental implants with PRF, and 51 dental implants without BMP or PRF (control group). Data were statistically analyzed

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Peaceful coexistence between social components and its impact on political stability in the province of Nineveh
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The issue of peaceful coexistence between societies is the topic of the hour, as it is one of the important issues in this era, especially in days when conflicts and conflicts abound, and even wars in the name of religion, gender, race, language, and the like. The world, so that single-mindedness and adherence to one opinion and intolerance to it became the method of dialogue in our world today, as writing in the field of peaceful coexistence, peace-building, tolerance, pluralism, and acceptance of the other is one of the new fields of knowledge in Iraq in general and in Nineveh Governorate in particular, as peaceful coexistence is one of the basic needs And necessary for the presence of individuals in societies, and it requires the achi

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
International Journal Of Data And Network Science
Multi-objective of wind-driven optimization as feature selection and clustering to enhance text clustering
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Text Clustering consists of grouping objects of similar categories. The initial centroids influence operation of the system with the potential to become trapped in local optima. The second issue pertains to the impact of a huge number of features on the determination of optimal initial centroids. The problem of dimensionality may be reduced by feature selection. Therefore, Wind Driven Optimization (WDO) was employed as Feature Selection to reduce the unimportant words from the text. In addition, the current study has integrated a novel clustering optimization technique called the WDO (Wasp Swarm Optimization) to effectively determine the most suitable initial centroids. The result showed the new meta-heuristic which is WDO was employed as t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Molasse medium containing different concentrations of (NH4)2 SO4, (NH4)3 PO4, urea, KCI, and P2O5 were compared with the medium used for commercial production of C. utilis in a factory south of Iraq. An efficient medium, which produced 19. 16% dry wt. and 5. 78% protein, was developed. The effect of adding various concentrations of micronutrients (FeSO4, 7T20, MnSO4. 7H20, ZnSO4. 7E20) was also studied. Results showed that FeSo4. 7H20 caused a noticeable increase in both dry wt. and protein content of the yeast.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Response Surface Methodology for Development and Optimization of Theophylline Pulmonary Delivery System
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The aim of the present study was to develop theophylline (TP) inhalable sustained delivery system by preparing solid lipid microparticles using glyceryl behenate (GB) and poloxamer 188 (PX) as a lipid carrier and a surfactant respectively. The method involves loading TP nanoparticles into the lipid using high shear homogenization – ultrasonication technique followed by lyophilization. The compositional variations and interactions were evaluated using response surface methodology, a Box – Behnken design of experiment (DOE). The DOE constructed using TP (X1), GB (X2) and PX (X3) levels as independent factors. Responses measured were the entrapment efficiency (% EE) (Y1), mass median

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modelling and Optimization of Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Phosphoric Acid by Red Pomegranate Peels Aqueous Extract
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Taguchi experimental design (TED) is applied to find the optimum effectiveness of aqueous Red Pomegranate Peel (RPP) extract as a green inhibitor for the corrosion of mild steel in 2M H3PO4 solution. The Taguchi methodology has been used to study the effects of changing, temperature, RPP concentration and contact period, at three levels. Weight-loss measurements were designed by construction a L9 orthogonal arrangement of experiments.   Results of the efficiencies of inhibition were embraced for the signal to noise proportion & investigation of variance (ANOVA).  The results were further processed with a MINITAB-17 software package to find the optimal condition

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical Analysis of Non-parametric Tests Using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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أن الطرق اللامعلمية هي نوع من الطرق الاحصائية الاستدلالية التي يمكن استخدامها للتوصل إلى أستنتاجات لذا كان حرص المؤلف على أصدار هذا الكتاب والذي يعمل على توضيح ( لماذا ؟ ومتى ؟ وكيف ؟ ) تستخدم كل طريقة إحصائية . وبإمكان القاريء سواء أكان أستاذا ً جامعيا ً أو باحثا ً أو طالبا ً في الدراسات العليا ( الماجستير والدكتوراه ) أو طالبا ً في الدراسات الأولية أن يتتبع جميع الخطوات لحساب كل قانون إحصائي وبدءا ً من عملية إدخ

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