شيد الفكر العربي المعاصر تحولات عدة فرضتها بعض التيارات الفكرية والفلسفية الغربية، وأثرت في تكوينه وتحديد اتجاهاته، فضلا عن التحديات التي بات لزاما عليه ان يتعامل معها ويمكن رد هذه التحديات الى عدة عوامل داخلية وخارجية أنتجت عدة تيارات تناولت موضوع العقلانية في الفكر العربي المعاصر، لعل أبرزها التيار الاصلاحي، التيار الليبرالي، والتيار العقلي النقدي
The role of philosophy and philosophers would be pioneer in the Arabic Islamic civilization because it contained abilities data and establishments hidden in the core of philosophers and if not prominence the brain of them in the last era, the humanity would be too late but the philosophy tried to appreciate the freedom value and enhance people on thinking in addition to courage thinking freedom against state authority that lead to say that civilization did not depend on group of heritage, sciences and literature but deal with the creation of thinking ,freedom of discussing and it would be
ٕ ضٞظ٤ق جالْطٌٞز ك٢ جالوخ هى ظٍٜ ً٘ٓ ظٌٜٞ جالوخ جٗٞ٤ُح٢ٗ جُوىْ٣ ، جي ضؼى ٌجكىج ٜٔٓح ُالوخ ذحؾحٚٓٗ جُٔهطِلس ؛ قط٠ أٚركص جُ٘ٞٛ٘ جٍُٓو٣س جُكى٣ػس ٝ جُٔؼحٍٚز ، ال ٌٜ٘ٔ٣ح ضكو٤ن ٖؼ٣ٍطٜح ٝ ٓطؼطٜح وٕٝ جالْطِٜحّ ٖٓ جألْطٌٞز ذ٘حت٤ح أٝ ك٣ٌٍح ، ًُج كوى ض٘حٍٝ جُركع ذىٌٙٝ ضٞظ٤ق جْطٌٞز ٕٖٞٗٔ جُطٌٞجض٤س ، ٢ٛٝ ٖٓ جالْحٍ٤٠ جُط٢ ٝؾىش قٌٟٞج ك٢ جالوخ جُؼح٢ُٔ ٝجُؼر١ٍ .جي ئٕ ضٞظ٤لٜح ك٢ جالوخ ٣ؼطٜ٤ح ذؼىج ٤ٓطحك٣ُ٤وح ٝجنٍ جٓٗح٢ٗ ٣ؿٔغ ك٢
... Show MoreBasically, media studies focused on the important role of the blogs in boosting the democratic process in the Arab States. Blogs also worked on creating an alternative media for the public that maintained freedom of expression. However, media studies ignored the status of the blogs in the social and cultural fields.
The current study tries to tackle the socio-cultural dimensions of the blogs by means of showing how the blogs construct the self. The researcher is going to conduct interviews with the bloggers. He will also carry out a semiotic analysis that may reveal the strategies used by the bloggers. Besides, he tries to identify the realistic and traditional frames in which the social relationships are buil
The ammeter is art form from folklore of the Arab perform many character so he is actor several from place to another, you able to use your tools (body) and (voice), he is genus ammeter that the character
The National trend and employment of Islamic heritage.
This stydy is an attempt to concept The employment of national Trend of Islamic heritage to serve ideological goals .
The research indicates to Arabic sights of heritage and the heritage through the curriculum of the first hational association , especially the first national trend , Arab mobile associate and also Almuthana , Al_Haritha Al_sho clubs .
The research depends on more origin documents and more Iraqi journals.
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is the only one in the Arab system, which has been able to formulate a strategic vision with its dimensions and objectives, and that for its great achievements have contributed significantly to the development of the external and internal economic relations of the Gulf Cooperation Council six through the consolidation of economic policies, projects and joint institutions . There is no doubt that the establishment of the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States six, has made security expensive as long as the aspiration to them the leaders and peoples of the region is the adoption of the GCC countries on itself in order to build a self strength ensures cut off the road to all interference in the affai
... Show MoreArabian Political Regimes: Problems of Policies and Rule; An Introduction to Interpreting (The Arabian Spring) The Arab Region witnessed, since 2011, critical changes overthrew a group of Arab regimes in some of its countries, and the reaction of these changes are still going on up to now. These changes were given lots of justifications and interpretations. The current study tries to concentrate on the most important problems which were due to what was known as (The Arab Spring). The study proposes that the crisis which the countries of the area are exposed to is not spontaneous in many of its aspects. It is totally a crisis of rule and policies. Because it is a reflection of the nature of authority in the Arabian regimes on the one hand
... Show MoreThis research attempts to dust briefly the concept of deliberativeness in Arabic rhetoric, which was only understood in light of modern Western linguistics, starting with its definition (conformity of speech to the necessity of the case with its eloquence) which contains the elements of the entire creative process as shown by this brief study, in the first chapter that He was labeled (deliberative in Western and Arab thought), and we had started it with deliberation in western thought in the first topic in an attempt to highlight the western concepts of this term so that we could discern its originality in the Arab rhetorical heritage that came next in the second topic (deliberative in Arab thought), explaining the appropriate Th
... Show MoreSocial reform is the main pillar of the organization of societies. Therefore, all religions and theories were directed to focus on this aspect as the most important element for the development of economic and cultural development. In addition to the analysis and application of the Islamic Sharia, he did not present a theory, but offered real solutions and remedies to the crises in our Arab and Islamic societies alike, despite the criticism directed at him. Z his opinions.
This research has been devoted to the study narratines of the metaphysical concepts in Egypt during the Mamluk era ( 648-923 AD/1250-1517 AH). The study consists of three sections and an introductionwhich highlights the study at that time for its great impaction public life in Egypt.