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أثر فروقات الضرائب المؤجلة على القوائم المالية
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نتيجة للتطور و انفتاح الاسواق الاقتصادية عالميا ظهرت اهمية الافصاح في القوائم المالية و اعدادهايكونمبني على ( العدالة و الشفافية ) في اظهار البنود الواردة فيها ، و لان هذه القوائم تعد لا كثر من جهة مستفيدة ( اصحاب المصلحة ) سواء كانوا مستثمرين او مقرضين او هيئات حكومية حيث يجب اعدادها بطريقة اكثر شفافية و بدون تحيز لجهة دون اخرى ،هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على اهم الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة التي تنشأ في الوحدات الاقتصادية وقياس مدى تأثيرها على القوائم المالية ، واثبتت الفرضية القائمة على " مدى تأثير الفارق الزمني في تسجيل المعاملات المالية في توليد الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة " من خلال استخدام منهج البحث الاستنباطي و التحليلي وتم التوصل الى مجموعة النتائج ابرزها ،اهمية الافصاح المحاسبي عن فروقات الضرائب المؤجلة ، من اجل جذب المستثمرين المرتقبين و اثر الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة على قائمة الدخل من خلال الضريبة المؤجلة والحالية يجب أن يعترف بها كإيراد أو مصروف وأن تتضمن في الربح المحاسبي.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis The Consistency Between The Tariff And The Exchange Rate And Their Reflection On The Trade Balance In Iraq
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       The trade balance is considered as a way to join the national economy with the world, So it is the mirror that reflect the economic center of the country and it is point to competitive ability of it, The tariff and the exchange rate perform a great role to motivate the domestic production and improve the trade balance if we direct them to achieve the same purpose. The Iraqi economic has trade balance which achieve overabundant during the years of studying because of the oil exports, while the other exports represent a small percentage it is hardly remember, and expansion in imports from other side causes exhaustion in oil revenues, and this make the trade balance in permanent

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Financial Reporting of Liabilities and Assets of Deferred Income Tax in the quality of Accounting Information
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The research problem Focused about extent adoption of the financial reporting obligations and assets of the deferred income tax attributable to the concepts of accounting theory and whether the tax laws or accounting principles as well as local accounting rules to recognize the obligations and assets of deferred income tax in the financial statements, and what is the impact of the financial reporting of liabilities and assets Deferred tax in the quality of accounting information, and research aims to the statement of the accounting concepts of the theory of financial reporting obligations and assets of deferred income tax, view and analyze the differences in reporting, resulting from a discrepanc

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using of concepts "conservatism & accrual" and their reflection in enhancing of quality of financial reporting
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The use of Conservatism  significant impacts on the financial statements and thus on financial reporting which is produced by these lists so Rate Some of the professionals that the principle of accounting while Rate of others as a constraint, and brought this category based on the uses of this restriction sometimes used the accountant this restriction and especially with the uncertainties in the Sometimes it may collide with some of the cases in which the accountant may be forced to leave in custody as a result of emergence of economic events that gave rise to rights or future commitments should be disclosed.

The emergence in custody mainly was due to the uncertainty and its essence is to report on a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of Electronic commerce In Imposition of taxes
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That the possibility of imposing a tax on electronic commerce is increasing interest in it by governments in developed and developing countries alike, and there is interest in a logical by governments and bodies of taxation, in particular in developing countries erosion potential tax in the tax base resulting from the adoption of e-commerce if not mutation rules and tax legislation, local and international to take into account this important economic developments and how to keep up, said the combination of the taxation system is the only way to increase revenue needed to finance government spending on goods and services needed by society.

The most important conclusions reached by the rese

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Contribution of Privatization in Tax Revenues: an applied research on a sample of filling stations
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The tax revenues achieved through projects of transition to private sector are regarded as an important source for using in achieving political, economic and social objectives. Since Iraq is heading towards free market economy, new strategies should be adopted to reform the taxation system from by a qualified taxation management office and to activate the taxation policy and to reconsider legislation in relation to the aware of the legible to the importance of disclosure of their taxable real income in order to arrive at contribution of privatization in the taxation revenues for the important role effect on economic activities. In the light of the above, the research is based upon a hypothesis which stipulates that privatization contribu

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of promotion means in the developing the activity of financial markets: A case study of Iraqi stock Exchange
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The promotion by its means lead a vital and important role at the level of all organizations, whether (industrial or service) in general, and financial markets in particular. The promotion is earns delved to be as one of the main operations which  market uses it through various means of financial markets and companies which its shares listed in the aim of (finance or investment), with a view to the implementation and financing of public and private projects the one hand, or with a view to achieving profits through investment of speculative or... For other purposes, on the other hand.Accordingly, we find that the set of public and private goals joint between the financial markets and listed companies respectively, will serve the stra

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Non Iraqi shares trading on financial investment: An Applied in Iraq stock Exchange
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 The research aims to identify the extent of the impact of non-Iraqi trading of shares in the Iraq Stock Exchange on the overall financial investment in the market size. And it imposes a search and no statistically significant relationship between variable trading non-Iraqis, the size and the total volume of the market and took the search Iraq Stock Exchange sample to search being the only private place to trade securities in Iraq for the period of 2009- 2015 in order to see if there is a positive impact on the size of trading non-Iraqis or not. Search and adopted the annual reports issued by the Iraq Stock Exchange the main conclusion are:

Having a positive effect on the size of the trading of non-Iraqis in the financial vo

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of deficiencies in the standards and tools used for the management of the banking system in the emergence of the financial crisis by focusing on the Basel 1and 2
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The banking industry, as a result of the great challenges it faced, required continuous development of the principles of management, control and mechanisms used. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has played a leading role in legalizing many of these developments and has been able to contribute significantly to establishing a common framework for banking supervision, The central role in the various countries of the world is based on coordination between the various regulatory authorities and thinking about finding mechanisms to confront the risks faced by banks, recognizing the importance of the banking sector in the stability of domestic and international banking systems or the danger of this sector in the emergence of F

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.: The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.
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The research aims to identify the concept of green taxes and their role in reducing environmental pollution through the poll of Abnh of taxpayers and employees of the General Authority for taxes totaling 200 individual .autam adoption of the resolution as a tool head for the collection of data and information from the sample and analyzed their responses using a statistical program (spss - 10), and calculating the percentages and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and research found to a number of conclusions, notably the lack of legislation with the challenges and the difficulty of the existence of a measure or a standard lack of planning for the application of environmental taxes that the state taxation application between the Gene

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the independence of the auditor to practice accounting conservatism Applied research in the financial sector companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The study aims to verify the independence of auditors working in companies and offices of the Iraqi audit, and measure the level of accounting conservatism in the financial statements of banks and insurance companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, as well as a statement after the independence of the auditor on accounting conservatism in the financial statements of banks and insurance companies listed on the market Iraq Stock Exchange, as it has been measuring the independence of the auditor using the survey form was auditors working in the Iraqi audit firms were measured the level of accounting conservatism for companies sample using a form( Basu) was a statement after variables through the use of statistical models in a mann

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