نتيجة للتطور و انفتاح الاسواق الاقتصادية عالميا ظهرت اهمية الافصاح في القوائم المالية و اعدادهايكونمبني على ( العدالة و الشفافية ) في اظهار البنود الواردة فيها ، و لان هذه القوائم تعد لا كثر من جهة مستفيدة ( اصحاب المصلحة ) سواء كانوا مستثمرين او مقرضين او هيئات حكومية حيث يجب اعدادها بطريقة اكثر شفافية و بدون تحيز لجهة دون اخرى ،هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على اهم الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة التي تنشأ في الوحدات الاقتصادية وقياس مدى تأثيرها على القوائم المالية ، واثبتت الفرضية القائمة على " مدى تأثير الفارق الزمني في تسجيل المعاملات المالية في توليد الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة " من خلال استخدام منهج البحث الاستنباطي و التحليلي وتم التوصل الى مجموعة النتائج ابرزها ،اهمية الافصاح المحاسبي عن فروقات الضرائب المؤجلة ، من اجل جذب المستثمرين المرتقبين و اثر الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة على قائمة الدخل من خلال الضريبة المؤجلة والحالية يجب أن يعترف بها كإيراد أو مصروف وأن تتضمن في الربح المحاسبي.
The study aimed to show the concept and importance of accounting Conservatism, Persistence and volatility of earnings of companies listed in the Iraqi market for securities have been selected 35 companies for the period between 2013 to 2107 used the scale of book value to market value to measure the Conservatism while the current profit regression model was used to measure future profits Eviews 9 was used for the purpose of testing the two hypotheses. The results of the study found that there is a statistically significant relationship between accounting Conservatism and Persistence of earnings. The relationship is inverse with no statistically significant relationship between Conservatism and earnings volatility.
The research aims to identify the extent to which Iraqi private banks practice profit management motivated by reducing the taxable base by increasing the provision for loan losses by relying on the LLP it model, which consists of a main independent variable (net profit before tax) and independent sub-variables (bank size, total debts to total equity, loans granted to total obligations) under the name of the variables governing the banking business. (Colmgrove-Smirnov) was used to test the normal distribution of data for all banks during the period 2017-2020, and then find the correlation between the main independent variable sub and the dependent variable by means of the correlation coefficient person, and then using the multiple
... Show MoreNowadays, university education stands in front of both students who feel they are weak and teachers who are addicted to using traditional and dependent teaching. This has led to have negative repercussions on the learner from different aspects, including the mental aspect and the academic achievement process. Therefore, the present research is concerned with finding a new teaching method that adopts the motivation by the fear of failure technique. Thus, the study aims to examine the effect of adopting this method on students’ academic achievement. To achieve this aim, an experimental method was used, and an achievement test was built for the curriculum material of level two students. The pretest test was applied on 17 male and female s
... Show MoreFinancial Institutions are central to all most all Macroeconomic debates. They explain the market for money creation and Exchange the financial assets such as money stock and bonds play a central role in organizing and coordinating our economy. Financial Institutions’ position in economy is urgent position especially in the economic crises, they want to realize their profit target but this target conflicts with the target of monetary policy or fiscal policy or economic policy some time.
Financial Institution assets affect in technological factors and political factor. Those factors cause increasing or decreasing in wealth of the countries. The old classical crises was form real s
... Show Moreإن الاستخدام الفعال للأموال العامة يشكل احد الدعامات الأساسية من اجل حسن إدارة تلك الأموال و فعالية القرارات الصادرة عن السلطات المختصة ، و أن هذا الهدف لا يتحقق ما لم تكون الرقابة المالية ذات فعالية لكبح جماح حالات الفساد الإداري النظمي و تفشي ذلك في جهاز الدولة الإداري. لان ظاهرة الفساد الإداري تؤدي بجهاز الدولة الإداري إلى فقدان كيانه الموحد لصالح المنظومات الفاسدة رغم احتفاظه بكيانه الموحد شكليا، كما ت
... Show MoreWith occurrence of any financial crises, regardless at global or regional levels such as the great economic crises during 1929 – 1933 and the Asian financial crises at the end of twentieth century as well as the current global financial crises that started during second half 2008, we acknowledge that there are some critics loudly articulated accusing accountants and auditors for disparences, and they are numerical partner of financial manipulation as well as corrupted administrators with the company's administrators that they are difficulty. At this point, many suggestions and recommendation for upgrading the accounting system has been made.  
... Show MoreThis research aims to study and analyze the reality of monetary policy and financial sustainability in Iraq through either a descriptive or analytical approach by trying to link and coordinate between monetary policy and fiscal policy to enhance economic sustainability. The research is based on the hypothesis that the monetary policy of Iraq contributes to achieving financial stability, which improves economic sustainability by providing aid and assistance to the state to reduce the budget deficit and exacerbate indebtedness. The author used the monetary policy indicators, the re-deduction of Treasury transfers by the central bank and the money supply, and financial sustainability indicators, including the public debt indicators and the
... Show MoreThe research aims to reveal the role of financial analysis in rationalizing the investor decision on the Iraqi stock Exchange market, by studying the relationship and impact techniques and methods of financial analysis on the decisions of investors in the market. The most important techniques and methods discussed in this study were: analysis (financial ratios analysis, comparison of financial statements analysis, cash flow statement analysis) for companies listed in the Iraqi stock Exchange market. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive method which depends on the collection of data on the phenomenon and its interpretation. The questionnaire wa
... Show Moreتعد حوكمة الشركات Governance من المواضيع التي تهم العديد من الباحثين والمنظمات المهنية والدولية في فروع عديدة من المعرفة ، حيث يتضمن مفهوم حوكمة الشركات الاطار الذي يتم من خلاله وضع أهداف الشركات والمتمثله في حماية مصالح حملة الاسهم والاخرين من أصحاب المصلحه ، وتعظيم أداء الشركات وتقليل المخاطر وتحسين فرص الوصول الى أسواق رأس المال. وان احد اسباب ظهور حوكمة الشركات هو وجود عدد من الاختلالات الهيكلية في ا
... Show MoreThe importance of economic and technical feasibility studies include all of the investor, the society, the banks, the project and the government. As it will assist in achieving the optimal use of the available economic incomes on the national level and arranging the projects in priority which participates in achieving the government benefit without wasting the amounts .This is the research goal So, the research covered its theoretical aspect, of SAIs and the economic and technical feasibility studies then the role of the auditors in auditing those studies Then a mechanism was proposed includes a guidebook that provides guidelines for organizing the process of preparing and auditi
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