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Minimizing the Principle Stresses of Powerhoused Rock-Fill Dams Using Control Turbine Running Units: Application of Finite Element Method
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This study focuses on improving the safety of embankment dams by considering the effects of vibration due to powerhouse operation on the dam body. The study contains two main parts. In the first part, ANSYS-CFX is used to create the three-dimensional (3D) Finite Volume (FV) model of one vertical Francis turbine unit. The 3D model is run by considering various reservoir conditions and the dimensions of units. The Re-Normalization Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model is employed, and the physical properties of water and the flow characteristics are defined in the turbine model. In the second phases, a 3D finite element (FE) numerical model for a rock-fill dam is created by using ANSYS®, considering the dam connection with its powerhouse represented by four vertical Francis turbines, foundation, and the upstream reservoir. Changing the upstream water table minimum and maximum water levels, standers earth gravity, fluid-solid interface, hydrostatic pressure, and the soil properties are considered. The dam model runs to cover all possibilities for turbines operating in accordance with the reservoir discharge ranges. In order to minimize stresses in the dam body and increase dam safety, this study optimizes the turbine operating system by integrating turbine and dam models.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Molding and simulation sedimentation process using finite difference method
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Abstract<p>The goal of this research is to develop a numerical model that can be used to simulate the sedimentation process under two scenarios: first, the flocculation unit is on duty, and second, the flocculation unit is out of commission. The general equation of flow and sediment transport were solved using the finite difference method, then coded using Matlab software. The result of this study was: the difference in removal efficiency between the coded model and operational model for each particle size dataset was very close, with a difference value of +3.01%, indicating that the model can be used to predict the removal efficiency of a rectangular sedimentation basin. The study also revealed</p> ... Show More
Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Verification and Parametric Analysis of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Non-linear Finite Element Analysis
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Many researchers have tackled the shear behavior of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams by using different kinds of strengthening in the shear regions and steel fibers. In the current paper, the effect of multiple parameters, such as using one percentage of Steel Fibers (SF) with and without stirrups, without stirrups and steel fibers, on the shear behavior of RC beams, has been studied and compared by using Finite Element analysis (FE). Three-dimensional (3D) models of (RC) beams are developed and analyzed using ABAQUS commercial software. The models were validated by comparing their results with the experimental test. The total number of beams that were modeled for validation purposes was four. Extensive pa

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient text in image hiding method based on LSB method principle
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The steganography (text in image hiding) methods still considered important issues to the researchers at the present time. The steganography methods were varied in its hiding styles from a simple to complex techniques that are resistant to potential attacks. In current research the attack on the host's secret text problem didn’t considered, but an improved text hiding within the image have highly confidential was proposed and implemented companied with a strong password method, so as to ensure no change will be made in the pixel values of the host image after text hiding. The phrase “highly confidential” denoted to the low suspicious it has been performed may be found in the covered image. The Experimental results show that the covere

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2010
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Finite element modeling and simulation of proposed design magneto-rheological valve
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Magneto-rheological (MR) valve is one of the devices generally used to control the speed of Hydraulic actuator of MR fluid. The performance of valve depends on the magnetic circuit design. Present study deals with a new design of MR valve. A mathematical model for the MR valve is developed and the simulation is carried out to evaluate the newly developed MR valve. The design of the magnetic circuit is accomplished by magnetic finite element software such as Finite Element Method Magnetic (FEMMR). The model dimensions of MR valve, material properties are taken into account. The results of analysis are presented in terms of magnetic strength H and magnetic flux density B. The simulation results based on the proposed model indicate that the ef

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Techniques
Finite Element Modeling Of Saint-Venant Equations For Shatt-Al Hilla
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Shatt Al-Hilla was considered one of the important branches of Euphrates River that supplies irrigation water to millions of dunams of planted areas. It is important to control the velocity and water level along the river to maintain the required level for easily diverting water to the branches located along the river. So, in this research, a numerical model was developed to simulate the gradually varied unsteady flow in Shatt AL-Hilla. The present study aims to solve the continuity and momentum (Saint-Venant) equations numerically to predict the hydraulic characteristics in the river using Galerkin finite element method. A computer program was designed and built using the programming language FORTRAN-77. Fifty kilometers was consid

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Variable Selection Using aModified Gibbs Sampler Algorithm with Application on Rock Strength Dataset
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Variable selection is an essential and necessary task in the statistical modeling field. Several studies have triedto develop and standardize the process of variable selection, but it isdifficultto do so. The first question a researcher needs to ask himself/herself what are the most significant variables that should be used to describe a given dataset’s response. In thispaper, a new method for variable selection using Gibbs sampler techniqueshas beendeveloped.First, the model is defined, and the posterior distributions for all the parameters are derived.The new variable selection methodis tested usingfour simulation datasets. The new approachiscompared with some existingtechniques: Ordinary Least Squared (OLS), Least Absolute Shrinkage

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of the Buried Pipe Problem in Geogrid Reinforced Soil
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Buried pipeline systems are commonly used to transport water, sewage, natural oil/gas and other materials. The beneficial of using geogrid reinforcement is to increase the bearing capacity of the soil and decrease the load transfer to the underground structures.

This paper deals with simulation of the buried pipe problem numerically by finite elements method using the newest version of PLAXIS-3D software. Rajkumar and Ilamaruthi's study, 2008 has been selected to be reanalyzed as 3D problem because it is containing all the properties needed by the program such as the modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, angle of internal friction. It was found that the results

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Finite Element Based Solution of Laplace's Equation Applied to Electrical Activity of the Human Body
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Computer models are used in the study of electrocardiography to provide insight into physiological phenomena that are difficult to measure in the lab or in a clinical environment.

The electrocardiogram is an important tool for the clinician in that it changes characteristically in a number of pathological conditions. Many illnesses can be detected by this measurement. By simulating the electrical activity of the heart one obtains a quantitative relationship between the electrocardiogram and different anomalies.

Because of the inhomogeneous fibrous structure of the heart and the irregular geometries of the body, finite element method is used for studying the electrical properties of the heart.

This work describes t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement under Dynamic Loading
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The analysis of rigid pavements is a complex mission for many reasons. First, the loading conditions include the repetition of parts of the applied loads (cyclic loads), which produce fatigue in the pavement materials. Additionally, the climatic conditions reveal an important role in the performance of the pavement since the expansion or contraction induced by temperature differences may significantly change the supporting conditions of the pavement. There is an extra difficulty because the pavement structure is made of completely different materials, such as concrete, steel, and soil, with problems related to their interfaces like contact or friction. Because of the problem's difficulty, the finite element simulation is

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Finite Element Neural Network And Its Applications To Forward And Inverse Problems
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In this paper, first we   refom1Ulated   the finite   element  model

(FEM)   into   a   neural   network   structure   using   a   simple   two   - dimensional problem. The structure of this neural network is described

, followed  by its   application   to   solving  the forward    and  inverse problems. This model is then extended to the general case and the advantages and  di sadvantages  of  this  approach  are  descri bed  along with an analysis  of  the sensi tivity   of

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