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Resolve partially the inner disk for Epsilon Eridani
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Abstract<p>We present mid-infrared imaging observations of the debris disk around one of the main sequence star Epsilon Eridani in the Q-band at (20.5 µm) and (17.6 µm). The dust that produces emission in debris disk is spatially resolved in the inner region of the debris disk of Epsilon Eridani at distance approximately between 1.4 - 4 AU.</p><p> <bold>Method:</bold> The target has been observed Epsilon Eridani using the GTC (Gran Telescope Canaria) with CanariaCam instrument, which performs imaging in mid-IR (Q-band). To detect the disk around Epsilon Eridani star, we observed a standard star and the target star, consequently. We then measured the PSF (Point Spread Function) of our standard star to limit the radial flux profile of our target star. The images were centred to the center images before subtracted the radial flux of the standard star from the radial profile of science target to get the residual flux which is produced by the debris disk. The first important step is removing the background effect from images with contribution flux of star. For this, we calculated the standard deviation of background as well as the seeing variation during the observation to estimate the value of stellar flux residuals.</p><p> <bold>Result:</bold> The dust emission around the debris disk is spatially resolved and the size of the emission is determined. The dust detected around Epsilon Eridani is located in the same distance from the star where a giant planet has confirmed. The photometry measurements are achieved for emission 0.268 Jy and the flux of the star is 2.18 Jy.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Haemoglobin Epsilon as a Biomarker for the Molecular Detection of Canine ‎Lymphoma
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Lymphoma is a cancer arising from B or T lymphocytes that are central immune system ‎components. It is one of the three most common cancers encountered in the canine; ‎lymphoma affects middle-aged to older dogs and usually stems from lymphatic tissues, ‎such as lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue, or spleen. Despite the advance in the management of ‎canine lymphoma, a better understanding of the subtype and tumor aggressiveness is still ‎crucial for improved clinical diagnosis to differentiate malignancy from hyperplastic ‎conditions and to improve decision-making around treating and what treatment type to use. ‎This study aimed to evaluate a potential novel biomarker related to iron metabolism,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Statistics Applications & Probability
Analyzing Skewed Data with the Epsilon Skew Gamma distribution
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A new distribution, the Epsilon Skew Gamma (ESΓ ) distribution, which was first introduced by Abdulah [1], is used on a near Gamma data. We first redefine the ESΓ distribution, its properties, and characteristics, and then we estimate its parameters using the maximum likelihood and moment estimators. We finally use these estimators to fit the data with the ESΓ distribution

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Opcion- Universidad Del Zulia
Sample for the inner control on the quality in accordance with standard
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
About the construction of fuzzy inner product
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In this research for each positive integer integer and is accompanied by connecting that number with the number of Bashz Attabq result any two functions midwives to derive a positive integer so that there is a point

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Completion of Generalized 2-Inner Product Spaces
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A complete metric space is a well-known concept. Kreyszig shows that every non-complete metric space  can be developed into a complete metric space , referred to as completion of .

We use the b-Cauchy sequence to form  which “is the set of all b-Cauchy sequences equivalence classes”. After that, we prove  to be a 2-normed space. Then, we construct an isometric by defining the function from  to ; thus  and  are isometric, where  is the subset of  composed of the equivalence classes that contains constant b-Cauchy sequences. Finally, we prove that  is dense in ,  is complete and the uniqueness of  is up to isometrics


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Inner Wasteland in Selected Later Plays of Samuel Beckett
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The inner wasteland can be observed in Samuel Beckett’s early and later plays. His characters suffer from loss of identity, emotions, and sense of time. They lead a life of failure, repetition, inaction, loneliness, doubt, suffering, and nothingness. The inner wasteland includes many aspects, such as the multi and split identity, the habitual repetitive element of life, the dark sorrowful life the characters lead, lack of communication and relations among them, their unfree, inactive condition, their foggy terrible recollections, loneliness, dryness of love, and uncertainty. The analysis and the illustration of each aspect will show how the inner wasteland is intensified in the selected later plays of Beckett.


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrochemical Science And Technology
Mass Transfer to Amalgamated Copper Rotating Disk Electrode
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of the Physical Properties of the Protoplanetary Disk Around WW Cha Stars
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     The main goal of this work is to put a simple model of the spectral energy distribution of binary stars called WW Cha. This model is built up on the extracted data from various telescopes and archives for the target WW Cha stars and then analyzing them using a python environment. The result of the fitting proposes that there are two protoplanetary disks around the WW Cha star, with different physical properties for each disk, such as the size of the inner disk being 10 AU, while the size of the outer disk being 300 AU. The shape of the outer disk is a flaring disk not a flat disk according to the value of the power law for the surface density (1.5). The emission in the disk is caused by small amorphous olivine grains rangin

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Equivalent between the Criterion and the Three Open Set's Conditions in Disk-Cyclicity
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A vector in a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space is called disk-cyclic for bounded operator if the orbit α : 0, α∈;|∝| 1is dense in. The useful tool used to discover codisk-cyclic operation is called the disk-cyclic Criterion. In this paper we will show that some equivalent conditions of the

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Study of the Lasing Output for a Quasi-Three-Level Operation in Nd 3+:YAG Thin- Disk Laser
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In this research, the effect of each of the concentrations ( Nd+3) was studied (N) the thickness of the thin disk (d) the number of times that the pumping beam passes through the effective medium of this laser (Mp) the reflectivity of the laser output mirror (R 2) The losses of the effective medium (L) and the pumping power used in achieving the reverse qualification (PP) on each of the pumping threshold capacities ( and the output power of the laser (Pout) and the efficiency (ŋ) in Nd3+ thin-disk lasers (TDLs) pumping quasi-three-level With continuous operation (cw), at room temperature, and in the Gaussian mode (TEM00),

We found under these opera

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