With the spread of global markets for modern technical education and the diversity of programs for the requirements of the local and global market for information and communication technology, the universities began to race among themselves to earn their academic reputation. In addition, they want to enhance their technological development by developing IMT systems with integrated technology as the security and fastest response with the speed of providing the required service and sure information and linking it The network and using social networking programs with wireless networks which in turn is a driver of the emerging economies of technical education. All of these facilities opened the way to expand the number of students and solve the problem of accumulation, collection and analysis of data by storing it with large, expanded and automatically interconnected databases between university places and departments to provide services adapted to the desire of demand. This research dealt with a sample from of the academic’s opinions and students. The sample is 319 questionnaires. It concluded that each of the infrastructure, devices, Internet of things, smart classrooms, and administrative database, with the presence of the fifth-generation network and its equipment, have a statistically significant correlation with technical education technology.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ISOPEN ACCESS Estimate the Rate of Contamination in Baghdad Soils By Using Numerical Method Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq1, Nadia H Al-Noor2 and Taghreed H Al-Noor1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1294, Issue 3 Citation Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1294 032020 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1294/3/032020 DownloadArticle PDF References Download PDF 135 Total downloads 88 total citations on Dimensions. Turn on MathJax Share this article Share this content via email Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Mendeley (opens new window) Hide article and author
... Show MoreIn this work, a large part of Baghdad University campus has been selected. The determination of Geoidal height for the local area requires Ground Control Points which both Ellipsoidal and Orthometric heights are known to compute the difference between them. The first step of the leveling process began by selected the Ground Control Points (GCPs) around the area of the work, and then divided them into two groups of the network traverse stations. They were leveled and adjusted depend on the number of the Bench Marks (B.M.s). Total Station TS (Nikon Nivo 5C) and Global Positioning System (GPS-Garmin 78 map) are used to do this application. The aim of the proposed work was to determine the height of the Geoid surface in the study area. The Geoi
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... Show MoreThe aim of this paper is to design suitable neural network (ANN) as an alternative accurate tool to evaluate concentration of Copper in contaminated soils. First, sixteen (4x4) soil samples were harvested from a phytoremediated contaminated site located in Baghdad city in Iraq. Second, a series of measurements were performed on the soil samples. Third, design an ANN and its performance was evaluated using a test data set and then applied to estimate the concentration of Copper. The performance of the ANN technique was compared with the traditional laboratory inspecting using the training and test data sets. The results of this study show that the ANN technique trained on experimental measurements can be successfully applied to the rapid est
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... Show MoreThe railways network is one of the huge infrastructure projects. Therefore, dealing with these projects such as analyzing and developing should be done using appropriate tools, i.e. GIS tools. Because, traditional methods will consume resources, time, money and the results maybe not accurate. In this research, the train stations in all of Iraq’s provinces were studied and analyzed using network analysis, which is one of the most powerful techniques within GIS. A free trial copy of ArcGIS®10.2 software was used in this research in order to achieve the aim of this study. The analysis of current train stations has been done depending on the road network, because people used roads to reach those train stations. The data layers for this st
... Show MoreThe statistical distributions study aimed to obtain on best descriptions of variable sets phenomena, which each of them got one behavior of that distributions . The estimation operations study for that distributions considered of important things which could n't canceled in variable behavior study, as result this research came as trial for reaching to best method for information distribution estimation which is generalized linear failure rate distribution, throughout studying the theoretical sides by depending on statistical posteriori methods like greatest ability, minimum squares method and Mixing method (suggested method).
The research
... Show MoreDecision-making in Operations Research is the main point in various studies in our real-life applications. However, these different studies focus on this topic. One drawback some of their studies are restricted and have not addressed the nature of values in terms of imprecise data (ID). This paper thus deals with two contributions. First, decreasing the total costs by classifying subsets of costs. Second, improving the optimality solution by the Hungarian assignment approach. This newly proposed method is called fuzzy sub-Triangular form (FS-TF) under ID. The results obtained are exquisite as compared with previous methods including, robust ranking technique, arithmetic operations, magnitude ranking method and centroid ranking method. This
... Show MoreIn this study, we investigate the run length properties for the EWMA charts with time - varying control limits, and fast initial Response (FIR), for monitoring the mean of a normal process with a known standard deviation , by using non - homogeneous markov chain approach.