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Investigation of Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithms in WSNs: A Review
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In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are attracting more attention in many fields as they are extensively used in a wide range of applications, such as environment monitoring, the Internet of Things, industrial operation control, electric distribution, and the oil industry. One of the major concerns in these networks is the limited energy sources. Clustering and routing algorithms represent one of the critical issues that directly contribute to power consumption in WSNs. Therefore, optimization techniques and routing protocols for such networks have to be studied and developed. This paper focuses on the most recent studies and algorithms that handle energy-efficiency clustering and routing in WSNs. In addition, the prime issues in these networks are discussed and summarized using comparison tables, including the main features, limitations, and the kind of simulation toolbox. Energy efficiency is compared between some techniques and showed that according to clustering mode “Distributed” and CH distribution “Uniform”, HEED and EECS are best, while in the non-uniform clustering, both DDAR and THC are efficient. According to clustering mode “Centralized” and CH distribution “Uniform”, the LEACH-C protocol is more effective.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality
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Stereo lithography (SLA) three-dimensional (3D) printing process is a type of additive manufacturing techniques that uses digital models from computer-aided design to automatically produce customized 3D objects. Around 30 years, it has been widely utilized in the manufacturing, design, engineering, industrial sectors and its applications in dentistry for manufacturing prosthodontics are very important. The stereo lithography technology is highly regarded because it can produce items with excellent precision especially when selecting the best process parameters. This review article offers a useful and scientific summary of SLA three-dimensional printing technology and its brief history. The specific type of 3D printers which is SLA type b

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality
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Stereo lithography (SLA) three-dimensional (3D) printing process is a type of additive manufacturing techniques that uses digital models from computer-aided design to automatically produce customized 3D objects. Around 30 years, it has been widely utilized in the manufacturing, design, engineering, industrial sectors and its applications in dentistry for manufacturing prosthodontics are very important. The stereo lithography technology is highly regarded because it can produce items with excellent precision especially when selecting the best process parameters. This review article offers a useful and scientific summary of SLA three-dimensional printing technology and its brief history. The specific type of 3D printers which is SLA t

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis, Characterizations, and Recent Applications of the Silica-based Mobil Composition of Mesoporous Material: A Review
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Silica-based mesoporous materials are a class of porous materials with unique characteristics such as ordered pore structure, large surface area, and large pore volume. This review covers the different types of porous material (zeolite and mesoporous) and the physical properties of mesoporous materials that make them valuable in industry. Mesoporous materials can be divided into two groups: silica-based mesoporous materials and non-silica-based mesoporous materials. The most well-known family of silica-based mesoporous materials is the Mesoporous Molecular Sieves family, which attracts attention because of its beneficial properties. The family includes three members that are differentiated based on their pore arrangement. In this review,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Future of Mathematical Modelling: A Review of COVID-19 Infected Cases Using S-I-R Model
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The spread of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in chaos around the globe. The infected cases are still increasing, with many countries still showing a trend of growing daily cases. To forecast the trend of active cases, a mathematical model, namely the SIR model was used, to visualize the spread of COVID-19. For this article, the forecast of the spread of the virus in Malaysia has been made, assuming that all Malaysian will eventually be susceptible. With no vaccine and antiviral drug currently developed, the visualization of how the peak of infection (namely flattening the curve) can be reduced to minimize the effect of COVID-19 disease. For Malaysians, let’s ensure to follow the rules and obey the SOP to lower the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Frontiers In Chemistry
Numerical analysis of the energy-storage performance of a PCM-based triplex-tube containment system equipped with arc-shaped fins
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This study numerically intends to evaluate the effects of arc-shaped fins on the melting capability of a triplex-tube confinement system filled with phase-change materials (PCMs). In contrast to situations with no fins, where PCM exhibits relatively poor heat response, in this study, the thermal performance is modified using novel arc-shaped fins with various circular angles and orientations compared with traditional rectangular fins. Several inline and staggered layouts are also assessed to maximize the fin’s efficacy. The effect of the nearby natural convection is further investigated by adding a fin to the bottom of the heat-storage domain. Additionally, the Reynolds number and temperature of the heat-transfer fluid (HTF) are e

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 20 2024
Journal Name
Engineering Reports
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Inverted Wings Modifications on the Stability and Aerodynamic Performance of a Sedan Car at Cornering
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ABSTRACT<p>This research examines the impact of cornering on the aerodynamic forces and stability of a Nissan Versa (Almera) passenger sedan car by introducing novel modifications. These modifications included single inverted wings with end plates as a front spoiler, double‐element inverted wings with end plates as a rear spoiler, and incorporating the ground as a diffuser under the car trunk. The goal is to enhance the performance and stability of conventional passenger cars. To ensure the accuracy of the numerical data, the study utilized multiple methodologies to model the turbulence model, ultimately selecting the most suitable option. This involved comparing numerical data with wind tunnel experimental d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-mamoon College
Subject Review: Toxic leadership in the workplace environment
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حضيت القيادة باهتمام كبير من قبل الباحثين ودورها الإيجابي في التأثير على الموظفين ونجاح المنظمات، في الآونة الأخير بدأت الدراسات تركز على الجانب المظلم للقيادة وتأثيرها على التابعين وبيئة العمل، وقد تم تحديد القيادة السامة بأنها أخطر الأساليب القيادية التي تتسبب بتكاليف مادية ومعنوية على المنظمات بمختلف جوانبها، ان القيادة السامة تأثر على دوافع المرؤوسين وقدرتهم على انجاز المهام، ورغبتهم في الاستمرار في

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application Artificial Forecasting Techniques in Cost Management (review)
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For the duration of the last few many years many improvement in computer technology, software program programming and application production had been followed with the aid of diverse engineering disciplines. Those trends are on the whole focusing on synthetic intelligence strategies. Therefore, a number of definitions are supplied, which recognition at the concept of artificial intelligence from exclusive viewpoints. This paper shows current applications of artificial intelligence (AI) that facilitate cost management in civil engineering tasks. An evaluation of the artificial intelligence in its precise partial branches is supplied. These branches or strategies contributed to the creation of a sizable group of fashions s

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 25 2021
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Medicine
Oxidative Stress in Multiple Sclerosis Disease (Review Article)
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Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, in which the myelin sheaths got injured. The prevalence of MS is on grow, as well as, it affects the young ages. Females are most common to have MS compared to males. Oxidative stress is the situation of imbalance between oxidants (free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS)) and antioxidants in a living system, in which either the oxidants are elevated or antioxidants are reduced, or sometimes both. ROS and oxidative stress have been implicated in the progression of many degenerative diseases, which is important in cracking the unrevealed mysteries of MS. In this review article, some of the proposed mechanisms that link oxidative stres

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
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2016 38th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc)
Selecting the optimal movement subset with different pattern recognition based EMG control algorithms
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