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Investigation of Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithms in WSNs: A Review
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In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are attracting more attention in many fields as they are extensively used in a wide range of applications, such as environment monitoring, the Internet of Things, industrial operation control, electric distribution, and the oil industry. One of the major concerns in these networks is the limited energy sources. Clustering and routing algorithms represent one of the critical issues that directly contribute to power consumption in WSNs. Therefore, optimization techniques and routing protocols for such networks have to be studied and developed. This paper focuses on the most recent studies and algorithms that handle energy-efficiency clustering and routing in WSNs. In addition, the prime issues in these networks are discussed and summarized using comparison tables, including the main features, limitations, and the kind of simulation toolbox. Energy efficiency is compared between some techniques and showed that according to clustering mode “Distributed” and CH distribution “Uniform”, HEED and EECS are best, while in the non-uniform clustering, both DDAR and THC are efficient. According to clustering mode “Centralized” and CH distribution “Uniform”, the LEACH-C protocol is more effective.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Aesthetic Composition Systems of Writings and Texts in Contemporary Arab Sculpture
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ملخص البحث: تناول البحث الحالي:(أنظمة التكوين الجمالي للكتابات والنصوص في النحت العربي المعاصر)، عددا من الأفكار الأساسية التي تمثل المادة النظرية لتفسير ظاهرة الكتابة في الفن بشكل عام وفي فن النحت بشكل خاص، ولكشف أنظمة التكوين الجمالي وأنواعها المتعددة من خلال فحص بعض النصوص البصرية للفنانين العرب المعاصرين، فقد جاء هذا البحث في أربعة فصول. خصص الفصل الأول: الإطار المنهجي للبحث لبيان مشكلة البحث، وأهم

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Groundwater Quality Evaluation in the Upper Part of the Mandali Basin
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Mandali Basin is located between latitudes (33◦ 39 '00 "- 33◦ 54' 55") to the north and longitudes (45◦ 11 '00 "- 45◦ 40' 00") to the east, eastern Diyala province. The research study attributes hydrochemical properties groundwater upper part of the Mandali basin for 20 wells through the data from the analysis of the hydrological information bank of the General Directorate for drilling water wells 2007, hydrochemical study of the water tube wells for two seasons showed water surplus season (February) and season the water deficit (August) It's water colorless, odorless dominated by sulfate ion and sodium, and through hydrochemical formula and the type of water was found that most of the water area of study is the sodium sulfate ty

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Solid Loading on Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Bubble Column
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In the present work experiments were conducted to study  the effect of solid loading (1,5 and 9 vol.%) on the enhancement of carbon dioxide absorption in bubble column at various volumetric gas flow rate (0.75, 1 and 1.5 m3/h) and absorbent concentration (caustic soda)( 0.1,0.5 and 1 M  ). Activated carbon and alumina oxide (Al2O3) are used as solid particles. The Danckwerts method was used to calculate interfacial area and individual mass transfer coefficients during absorption of carbon dioxide in a bubble column. The results show that the absorption rate was increased with increasing volumetric gas flow rate, caustic soda concentration and solid loading. Mass transfer coefficient and interfac

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Problems distorting the divine books in the light of revealing interpretation
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The research is presented according to an objective study on the ideological problems, especially the distortions that the divine scriptures have been subjected to under a false pretext that does not pertain to religion, namely that the heavenly books of the Torah and the Bible have been damaged or lost as a result of apostasy and persecution, and the writing of these books has been entrusted by people who have been bestowed Holiness, they have the testimony of the Church, so they distorted and omitted it in a manner suitable for securing their good and worldly gains, and the Holy Qur’an mentioned this explicitly, and they continued later, especially the Jews, in distorting the verses of the Holy Qur’an. This researc

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sufferings Of Afro-American Maids in Kathryn Stockett's The Help
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This research deals with the color bias and its effect on maids in Mississippi in Kathryn Stockett''s (2003) The Help. The ill-treatment and negligence of Afro-American maids received from the white women who employed them in Mississippi that must have affected directly or indirectly on their personality and may eventually lead to suffering. They live in an atmosphere of struggle to free themselves from the complicated relationships between black and white. Afro-American maids pledged to liberate themselves from social oppression by protesting through writing a book which chronicles their stories in slave masters’ homes to make their presence felt as human being equal to their white masters.

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Lactobacillus gasseri Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Mice.
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    The effect of local Lactobacillus gasseri filtrate against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice was studied . 0.25 ml of concentrated filtrate Lactobacillus gasseri was injected in intraperitoneally ( I.P.) 5 days before challenge with 0.2 ml  viable  P. aeruginosa ( 10 8  cell/ ml).       Animals were sacrificed after 12 h. from challenge by cutting the femoral artery . To follow bacterial growth in the peritoneal cavity , its contents were washed out with 5 ml of  PBS .The fluid was diluted, 0.1 ml from each dilution and was spread on culture media. The number of colonies in 5 ml of harvested fluid was expressed as Log 10 CFU ,and the percentage of Macrophage in t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Physico-chemical and Biological Variables of Hospitals Wastewater in Erbil City
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Three hospitals were chosen(Maternity hospital, Raperin hospital and Rhizgari hospital) for the present survey within Erbil city. Water samples were collected at regular monthly interval periods beginning in January 2012 to December 2012. pH of all the studied sites were found to be up 7. Electrical conductivity ranged from (1318-1790 μ in Maternity Hospital, 1770-2232 μ in Raperin Hospital, 1010-1615 μ in Rhizgari Hospital). BOD5 and COD values ranged from 22- 80 mg.L1 and 280- 1410 mg.L-1 respectively, this indicated a high pollution situation in the studied sites in respect to organic matter content. The quantitative analysis of counted microorganisms was more than that describe by WHO guidelines standard.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Perceiver And the imaginer in the texts of Yusuf Al _ sayegh
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This research deals with the perceived and the imagined in the texts of Yusef Al-Sayegh, considering language as the most important source in literature and theatrical criticism, and given the importance of the subject, the researcher monitored many philosophical and psychological opinions and theories related to (the perceived and the imagined), and they were discussed and their compatibility with the Iraqi theatrical t As for the second chapter, where (the theoretical framework), it included two topics, and the first topic was about the concept of the perceived and the imagined, and the second topic was about Youssef Al-Sayegh and the structure of the theatrical text.
In the third chapter, where (research procedures), the research

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Real-time control for the transmission of information in wireless networks
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Wireless  lietworking is·  constantly improving,  changing  and

though  ba ic  principle  is the same.  ['nstead of  using standard  cables  to transmit information fmm one point to another (qr more), it .uses  radio signals.  This paper  presents .a case  study considedng real-time remote

cqntroJ using Wireless UDP/JP-based networks,. The aim of-this werk is to

reduce  real-time· remote control  system  based upon a simulatio.n  model,

which can operate via general communication  l"]etworks, whieh on bodies. modern wireles  tcchnolqgy.

The  first  part includes· a  brief

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Creditor Protection in the pre-contractual period of the Company Contract
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          The pre-contractual period considered as the most important stages that the contract passes, if not the most important at all because of its impact on the implementation of the contract, and this stage is no longer just material works that do not have a legal effect, but has its own system, especially after the amendment that lasted long. For the French civil law of 2016, the existence of the previous stage is not limited to contracting in civil law, but for this stage is specific under the provisions of the private law in general such as commercial law and specifically the law of commercial companies, the commercial company is essentially a contract between the founders and this The

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