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A Comprehensive Review for Integrating Petrophysical Properties, Rock Typing, and Geological Modeling for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization
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Reservoir characterization is an important component of hydrocarbon exploration and production, which requires the integration of different disciplines for accurate subsurface modeling. This comprehensive research paper delves into the complex interplay of rock materials, rock formation techniques, and geological modeling techniques for improving reservoir quality. The research plays an important role dominated by petrophysical factors such as porosity, shale volume, water content, and permeability—as important indicators of reservoir properties, fluid behavior, and hydrocarbon potential. It examines various rock cataloging techniques, focusing on rock aggregation techniques and self-organizing maps (SOMs) to identify specific and anomalous rock faces. Furthermore, the paper explores the adoption of advanced methods, including hydraulic flow units (HFU), providing a fine-grained understanding of reservoir heterogeneity and contributing to the prediction of flow dynamics. The final section includes structural geological models, petrophysical data collected, rock type classification, and spatial data to better represent the reservoir bottom structure. It provides a valuable resource for researchers, geologists, and engineers seeking to characterize reservoirs and make optimal decisions on hydrocarbon exploration and production. It is an important component of hydrocarbon exploration and production, which requires the integration of different disciplines for accurate subsurface modeling.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A Suggested Conception to Employ Gamificatio in Teaching the General Education Curricula
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The study aimed to build a suggested conception for employing gamification in teaching the general education curricula. Using the analytical method of the previous analytical studies in Teaching, which agreed with the determinants of the analysis of 20 studies from 2014 to 2019, they come on order: points, badges, leaderboards, and then levels. The four most commonly used theories are the theory of self-determination, flow theory, the theory of planned behavior and social theory. In addition, the researcher identified the most commonly used models in gamification, respectively: the ARCS model and the user-based design model. Based on the results of the analysis and using the descriptive approach, the researcher presented a practical perc

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Satirical Language in Al-Hajjar's Caricatures
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The present study is a qualitative study that aims to investigate the way the Iraqi caricaturist,Dheaa Al-Hajjar uses caricatures to produce a satirical meaning humorously.Producing satire while at the same maintaining humor requires a creative thinking on the part of the caricaturist. Thus, the study examines the production of humorous satire in terms of creativity. The analysis is done from the cognitive linguistic point of view using Arthur Koestler's theory of bisociation as presented in his book The Act of Creation in 1964. The main principle on which the theory is based is that humor is created via linking (or bisociating in Koestler's terms) two habitually incompatible trains of thought in order to come up with a novel me

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Vibration Control Analysis of a Smart Flexible Cantilever Beam Using Smart Material
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This paper features the modeling and design of a pole placement and output Feedback control technique for the Active Vibration Control (AVC) of a smart flexible cantilever beam for a Single Input Single Output (SISO) case. Measurements and actuation actions done by using patches of piezoelectric layer, it is bonded to the master structure as sensor/actuator at a certain position of the cantilever beam.
The smart structure is modeled based on the concept of piezoelectric theory, Bernoulli -Euler beam theory, using Finite Element Method (FEM) and the state space techniques. The number of modes is reduced using the controllability and observability grammians retaining the first three
dominant vibratory modes, and for the reduced syste

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Publication Date
Fri May 28 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Chemical Content in Some Species of Tribe Apieae / Apiace
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In this study, the flavonoid and alkaloid content in the alcoholic extract of the shoots and flowers were identified in four species of the tribe Apieae / Apiacese : Ammi majus, Ammi visgana, Anethum graveolens and Foeniculum  vulgaris, and the flavonoids that were detected are (Apigenin, Coumarin, Kaempferol and Quercetin). The species Foeniculum vulgaris has recorded the highest concentration of total flavonoid content (Shoots and Flowers) among the studied species, reaching 4139.2 µg / ml. The total alkaloids are estimated for these species, and the Foeniculum vulgaris has recorded the highest concentration of the total alkaloid content as well.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 20 2020
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Study of Charge Flow Coefficient Au Metal with a - NPD Molecule Dye
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The coefficient of charge transfer at heterogeneous devices of Au metal with a well-known dyeis investigations using quantum model.Four different solvent are used to estimation the effective transition energy. The potential barrier at interface of Au and dye has been determined using effective transition energy and difference between the Fermi energy of Au metal and ionization energy of dye. A possible transfer mechanism cross the potential barrier dyeand coupling strength interaction between the electronic levels in systems of Au and is discussed.Differentdata of effective transition energy and potential barrier calculations suggest that solvent is more suitable to binds Au with dye.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicine And Lifethis Link Is Disabled.
Variations of blood viscosity in acute typhoid fever: A cross-sectional study
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Typhoid fever (TF) is a systemic infection caused by Salmonella Typhi (Salmonella Enterica) transmitted through contaminated water, food, or contact with infected individuals. In various infectious diseases, blood viscosity (BV) is affected by changes in hemoglobin concentrations and acute phase reactants. Inflammatory responses can lead to elevated plasma protein levels and further affect BV. This study aimed to investigate BV changes in patients with acute TF. A cross-sectional study was performed involving 55 patients with acute TF compared to 38 healthy controls. BV and inflammatory parameters were measured in both groups. TF patients showed reduced blood cells compared to healthy controls (p=0.001). Additionally, plasma total protein (

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Evaluating Expression of the STAG1 Gene as a Potential Breast Cancer Biomarker
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STAG proteins, which are part of the cohesin complex and encoded by the STAG genes, are known as Irr1/Scc3 in yeast and as SA/STAG/stromalin in mammals. There are more variants as there are alternate splice sites, maybe three open reading frames (ORFs) code for three main proteins, including: SA1 (STAG1), SA2 (STAG2) and SA3 (STAG3). The cohesin protein complex has various essential roles in eukaryotic cell biology. This study compared the expression of the STAG1 gene in four different breast cancer cell lines, including: MCF-7, T-47D, MDA-MB-468, and MDA-MB-231 and normal breast tissue. RNA was extracted from these cell lines and mRNA was converted to cDNA, and then expression of the STAG1 gene was quantified by three sets of specific prim

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Two-Step Catalytic Conversion of Ethanol to Butadiene in a Fixed Bed
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of the strategic culture variable in negotiations (Brexit a model)
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      Negotiations are distinguished in that they are an easy and simple means between the conflicting parties, and it is an effective means at the same time as the conflicting parties seek understanding on the most effective way to solve their dispute, but negotiations are not always appropriate to resolve international disputes, especially when there is a disparity in power between the negotiating countries, or when it is missing Goodwill, or even when one of the parties is absent or less flexible, and the internal circumstances of one of the conflicting countries may play a negative or positive role in the success of the negotiations, away from the influence of the role of external variables in that, a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
Evaluation of Photovoltaic Solar Power of a Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System
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In this research project, a tip-tilting angle of a photovoltaic solar cell was developed to increase generated electrical power output. An active, accurate, and simple dual-axis tracking system was designed by using an Arduino Uno microprocessor. The system consisted of two sections: software and apparatus (hardware). It was modified by using a group of light-dependent resistor sensors, and two DC servo motors were utilized to rotate the solar panel to a location with maximum sunlight. These components were arranged in a mechanical configuration with the gearbox. The three locations of the solar cell were chosen according to the tilt angle values, at zero angles, which included an optimal 33-degree angle for the Baghdad location and

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