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A Comprehensive Review for Integrating Petrophysical Properties, Rock Typing, and Geological Modeling for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization
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Reservoir characterization is an important component of hydrocarbon exploration and production, which requires the integration of different disciplines for accurate subsurface modeling. This comprehensive research paper delves into the complex interplay of rock materials, rock formation techniques, and geological modeling techniques for improving reservoir quality. The research plays an important role dominated by petrophysical factors such as porosity, shale volume, water content, and permeability—as important indicators of reservoir properties, fluid behavior, and hydrocarbon potential. It examines various rock cataloging techniques, focusing on rock aggregation techniques and self-organizing maps (SOMs) to identify specific and anomalous rock faces. Furthermore, the paper explores the adoption of advanced methods, including hydraulic flow units (HFU), providing a fine-grained understanding of reservoir heterogeneity and contributing to the prediction of flow dynamics. The final section includes structural geological models, petrophysical data collected, rock type classification, and spatial data to better represent the reservoir bottom structure. It provides a valuable resource for researchers, geologists, and engineers seeking to characterize reservoirs and make optimal decisions on hydrocarbon exploration and production. It is an important component of hydrocarbon exploration and production, which requires the integration of different disciplines for accurate subsurface modeling.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Rawal Medical Journal
Obesity in COVID-19 patients is a complex interaction
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Objective: To assess role of obesity in Covid-19 patients on antibodies production, diabetes development, and treatment of this disease. Methodology: This observational study included 200 Covid-19 patients in privet centers from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. All patients had fasting blood sugars and anti-Covid-19 antibodies. Anthropometric parameters were measured in all participants. Results: The patients were divided into two groups according to body weight; normal body weight (50) and excess body weight (150). There was a significant difference between them regarding age. Diabetes mellitus developed in 20% of normal weight patients while 80% of excess weight patients had diabetes (p=0.0001). Antibodies production (IgM and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 21 2023
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Enhancing Spatial Accuracy of OpenStreetMap Data: A Geometric Approach
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OpenStreetMap (OSM), recognised for its current and readily accessible spatial database, frequently serves regions lacking precise data at the necessary granularity. Global collaboration among OSM contributors presents challenges to data quality and uniformity, exacerbated by the sheer volume of input and indistinct data annotation protocols. This study presents a methodological improvement in the spatial accuracy of OSM datasets centred over Baghdad, Iraq, utilising data derived from OSM services and satellite imagery. An analytical focus was placed on two geometric correction methods: a two-dimensional polynomial affine transformation and a two-dimensional polynomial conformal transformation. The former involves twelve coefficients for ad

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences (iosr-jdms)
Diabetic Cheiroarthropathy in a Sample of Iraqi Diabetic Patients
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Background: Diabetic cheiroarthropathy is a term derived from the Greek word “cheiros” meaning “of the hand”, It is characterized by stiff hands with distinctively thick, tight, and waxy skin, especially on the dorsal aspects of the hands. It is part of long term complication of diabetes and many suggest it is associated with microvascular complication. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of diabetic cheiroarthropathy in Iraqi patients with diabetes, and to study its association with diabetic retinopathy and glycemic control. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in which 110 diabetic patients and 110 non-diabetic healthy people who accepted to take part in the study were ran

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 10 2020
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Journal Of Advances In Mathematics
A Study of The Density Property in Module Theory
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In this paper, there are two main objectives. The first objective is to study the relationship between the density property and some modules in detail, for instance; semisimple and divisible modules. The Addition complement has a good relationship with the density property of the modules as this importance is highlighted by any submodule N of M has an addition complement with Rad(M)=0. The second objective is to clarify the relationship between the density property and the essential submodules with some examples. As an example of this relationship, we studied the torsion-free module and its relationship with the essential submodules in module M.

Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Trends Technology In Computer Science
A survey of similarity measures in web image search
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
The Secret of Marriage in Christianity A Descriptive Study
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Marriage is a holly secret in Christian religion .So it id natural that its ceremonies acquired religious form .In general the marriage is contracted by minister of religion in presence of the two parties or by a proxy or presence of parents if it is necessary . And to make the condition of publicity for the marriage ,its procedures must be made before witnesses .Also the minister of religionhave to confirm the agreement of the two parties before beginning the procedures.The marriage ceremonies are made.These procedures are religious traditions that includes praying and make blessings and putting the rings in fingers by thepriest . The marriage is a holly secret performed by the crown pray according to the church religious traditions

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Publication Date
Wed May 04 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of New Theory
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet)
A Proposed Hybird Text Cryptographic Method Using Circular Queue
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The sensitive and important data are increased in the last decades rapidly, since the tremendous updating of networking infrastructure and communications. to secure this data becomes necessary with increasing volume of it, to satisfy securing for data, using different cipher techniques and methods to ensure goals of security that are integrity, confidentiality, and availability. This paper presented a proposed hybrid text cryptography method to encrypt a sensitive data by using different encryption algorithms such as: Caesar, Vigenère, Affine, and multiplicative. Using this hybrid text cryptography method aims to make the encryption process more secure and effective. The hybrid text cryptography method depends on circular queue. Using circ

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
A note on “separation axioms in fuzzy bitopological spaces”
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