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The Effect of SOLO and Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfectant on Some Properties of Different Types of Dental Stone
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Dental casts come into direct contact with impression materials and other items that are contaminated by saliva and blood from a patient's mouth, leaving the casts susceptible to cross-contamination. The disinfectant solutions of the impression materials cause various adverse reactions. Therefore, disinfection of dental casts may be effective in preventing cross infection. This study was carried out to evaluate the surface hardness, dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details and surface porosity of type III, type IV and type IV extra hard dental stone after immersion in and spray by using SOLO and Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant solutions. Materials and methods: 240 Stone samples were prepared in rubber rings, A total of 60 test block were prepared for each test (surface hardness, dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details and surface porosity).the samples were divided into three groups (20 for each type of stone) type (III, IV, IV extra hard); SOLO and Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant by 2 methods (immersion and spray) were used in each test. Results: the results of dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details, surface hardness and surface porosity revealed no significant difference for all types of tested stone samples after immersion or spraying in SOLO and NaOCl except the surface hardness of type IV extra hard showed significant difference after spray with SOLO and the surface porosity of type IV extra hard showed significant difference after immersed in both SOLO and NaOCl solutions. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study immersion in and spray by using SOLO and NaOCl disinfectant solutions produced no adverse effect on dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details, surface hardness and surface porosity for type III, type IV dental stone and for type IV extra hard dental stone except for the surface hardness for type IV extra hard when sprayed with SOLO and the surface porosity when type IV extra hard stone immersed in the SOLO and NaOCl solutions.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2022
Journal Name
Arterial Hypertension
Correlation between coronary artery calcium score and aorta diameter in population with long-standing hypertension using noncontrast CT scan
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Unplanned Urbanization and Agricultural Land Degradation in Baghdad City from 2003 to 2017: احمد عباس كاظم , ليث زيد عباس
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Several problems have emerged as a result of urban expansion or the connection of urban areas with rural areas. This process has led to the urbanization of rural areas, and to have overlapping edges and margins of areas, which were outside the basic design of the city. Accordingly, the present research assumes that the accelerating growth of Baghdad population has contributed significantly to the process of unplanned urbanization. Thus, the study aims to examine the factors that have led to an increase of urban sprawl at the expense of the agricultural land. The study has thus adopted the descriptive, analytical, and historical approaches relying on the simple linear regression method to predict the phenomenon of urban expansion and its

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solving Resource Allocation Model by Using Dynamic Optimization Technique for Al-Raji Group Companies for Soft Drinks and Juices
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In this paper, the problem of resource allocation at Al-Raji Company for soft drinks and juices was studied. The company produces several types of tasks to produce juices and soft drinks, which need machines to accomplish these tasks, as it has 6 machines that want to allocate to 4 different tasks to accomplish these tasks. The machines assigned to each task are subject to failure, as these machines are repaired to participate again in the production process. From past records of the company, the probability of failure machines at each task was calculated depending on company data information. Also, the time required for each machine to complete each task was recorded. The aim of this paper is to determine the minimum expected ti

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology And Medicine
Listeria innocua Dps as a nanoplatform for bioluminescence based photodynamic therapy utilizing Gaussia princeps luciferase and zinc protoporphyrin IX
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological contents As Deduced From Al Namel Surah, Dialogue between Suliman and Hodhod bird & Their Application In School Counseling
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The current research aimed at deducing the psychological contents of Suliman dialogue with the Hodhod and statement applications in school counseling. The researcher followed the Islamic approach in the search, which deals with the study of events, phenomena and practices through a broad understanding of Islamic principles and limitations associated with the general framework of Islam. In addition to the deductive approach is derived from a sub-rule is a general provision.
The research revealed many of the psychological contents, including: the importance of continuing care counselor psychological learners, and follow-up field to their problems, conditions, listen good horseshoe to defend himself, clarify the motives of his ac

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Local wheat peel as a solid surface to remove Azure B dye from aqueous solution:Equilibrium isotherms and thermodynamic study
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In this research local wheat peel was used as an adsorbent surface for removal of Azure B (AB) dye from the aqueous solution. The adsorption process was performed at different experimental parameters, equilibrium time, temperature, ionic strength and solution pH. The isotherms of adsorption are of H-type as compared with Giles curves and the adsorption data were coincide with Freundlich equation. The adsorption kinetic data were analyzed using pseudo- first and second order kinetic models. The effect of temperature was studied and the amount of dye adsorbed was found to increase with the increasing of temperature from 25 to 50 oC. The values of thermodynamic functions like enthalpy and entropy have been estimated. The quantity of adso

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Nitric Oxide, Peroxynitrite and Malondialdehyde Levels as Markers for Nitrosative/Oxidative Stress in Iraqi Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
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Systemic lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disease of unknown aetiology affecting multiple organ system. Reactive nitrogen and oxygen species are claimed to play a role in this disease. However, the potential of Nitrosative/Oxidative Stress to elicit an autoimmune, response remain till now largely unexplored in humans. This study was done to investigate the status and contribution of nitrosative/oxidative stress in Iraqi patients for systemic lupus erythematosus. Blood samples from 19 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and 19 age-and sex- matched apparently healthy controls were evaluated for serum levels of nitrosative/oxidative stress markers including nitric oxide, peroxynitrite and malondialdehyde. Nitric oxide levels were

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Blood Research
Relationship between liver iron concentration determined by R2-MRI, serum ferritin, and liver enzymes in patients with thalassemia intermedia
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4 Blood Res 2018;53:314-319. Received on August 11, 2018 Revised on August 30, 2018 Accepted on August 30, 2018 Background Iron overload is a risk factor affecting all patients with thalassemia intermedia (TI). We aimed to determine whether there is a relationship of serum ferritin (SF) and alanine ami- notransferase (ALT) with liver iron concentration (LIC) determined by R2 magnetic reso- nance imaging (R2-MRI), to estimate the most relevant degree of iron overload and best time to chelate in patients with TI. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 119 patients with TI (mean age years) were randomly se- lected and compared with 120 patients who had a diagnosis of thalassemia major (TM). Correlations of LIC, as determined by R2-MRI, with SF

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Monitoring dust storm using Normalized difference dust index (NDDI) and brightness temperature variation in Simi arid areas over Iraq
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Dust storms are a natural phenomenon occurring in most areas of Iraq. In recent years, the study of this phenomenon has become important because of the danger caused by increasing desertification at the expense of the green cover as well as its impact on human health. In this study  is important to devote the remote sensing of dust storms and its detection.Through this research, the dust storms can be detected in semi-arid areas, which are difficult to distinguish between these storms and desert areas. For the distinction between the dust storm pixels in the image with those that do not contain dust storm can be applied the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) and Brightness Temperature variation (BTV). MODIS sensors that carried

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
solving linear fractional programming problems (LFP) by Using denominator function restriction method and compare it with linear transformations method
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The use of modern scientific methods and techniques, is considered important topics to solve many of the problems which face some sector, including industrial, service and health. The researcher always intends to use modern methods characterized by accuracy, clarity and speed to reach the optimal solution and be easy at the same time in terms of understanding and application.

the research presented this comparison between the two methods of solution for linear fractional programming models which are linear transformation for Charnas & Cooper , and denominator function restriction method through applied on the oil heaters and gas cookers plant , where the show after reac

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