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Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection System Using Hierarchical Classification and Clustering Techniques
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With the rapid development of computers and network technologies, the security of information in the internet becomes compromise and many threats may affect the integrity of such information. Many researches are focused theirs works on providing solution to this threat. Machine learning and data mining are widely used in anomaly-detection schemes to decide whether or not a malicious activity is taking place on a network. In this paper a hierarchical classification for anomaly based intrusion detection system is proposed. Two levels of features selection and classification are used. In the first level, the global feature vector for detection the basic attacks (DoS, U2R, R2L and Probe) is selected. In the second level, four local feature vectors to determine the sub-class of each attack type are selected. Features are evaluated to measure its discrimination ability among classes. K-Means clustering algorithm is then used to cluster each class into two clusters. SFFS and ANN are used in hierarchical basis to select the relevant features and classify the query behavior to proper intrusion type. Experimental evaluation on NSL-KDD, a filtered version of the original KDD99 has shown that the proposed IDS can achieve good performance in terms of intrusions detection and recognition.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison of the Physical Trace of Global Luminosity Emission at Multiwavelength and Star Formation Rates of Luminous Infrared Galaxies Using Extragalactic Distance Scale Techniques
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This paper aims to study the rate of star formation (SFR) in luminous infrared galaxies at different wavelengths using distance measurement techniques (dl, dm) and to know which methods are the most accurate to determine the rate of star formation as we present through this research the results of the statistical analysis (descriptive statistics) for a sample of luminous infrared galaxies. The data used in this research were collected from the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) and HYPERLEDA, then used to calculate the star formation rate and indicate the accuracy of the distance methods used (dl, dm). Two methods were tested on Hα, OII, FIR, radio continuum at 1.4 GHz, FUV, NUV, and total (FUV + FIR). The results showed that the dl

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Mural Photography Techniques: منى حيدر علي
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The study aimed to study the role of technology in the production of the mural photography, and to develop its concept to the viewer, through the achievement of the aesthetic and functional vision. Through this study, some types of these techniques, which are organically related to architecture, were identified.

The mural photography includes a huge amount of techniques, and methods, and the researcher presented them through five techniques: (AlTamira, Alfresk, acrylic, mosaic, and glass art, which takes the architectural character.

The research consists of:

Methodological framework: research problem, research objectives, research limits, importance of research, and definition of terms.

Theoretical framewo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A Vision to development the Islamic banks that operating under the financial system based on interest: (Iraq Case Study)
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This paper aims to build a modern vision for Islamic banks to ensure sustainability and growth, as well it aims to highlight the positive Iraqi steps in the Islamic banking sector. In order to build this vision, several scientific research approaches were adopted (quantitative, descriptive analytical, descriptive). As for the research community, it was for all the Iraqi private commercial banks, including Islamic banks. The research samples varied according to a diversity of the methods and the data availability. A questionnaire was constructed and conducted, measuring internal and external honesty. 50 questionnaires were distributed to Iraqi academic specialized in Islamic banking. All distributed forms were subject to a thorough analys

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2016
Journal Name
European Journal Of Oral Sciences
Experimental polyethylene-hydroxyapatite carrier-based endodontic system: an in vitro study on dynamic thermomechanical properties, sealing ability, and measurements of micro-computed tomography voids
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The dynamic thermomechanical properties, sealing ability, and voids formation of an experimental obturation hydroxyapatite-reinforced polyethylene (HA/PE) composite/carrier system were investigated and compared with those of a commercial system [GuttaCore (GC)]. The HA/PE system was specifically designed using a melt-extrusion process. The viscoelastic properties of HA/PE were determined using a dynamic thermomechanical analyser. Human single-rooted teeth were endodontically instrumented and obturated using HA/PE or GC systems, and then sealing ability was assessed using a fluid filtration system. In addition, micro-computed tomography (μCT) was used to quantify apparent voids within the root-canal space. The data were statistically analys

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Organizational reputation: A descriptive study of concept development and measurement techniques
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The study aimed to monitor the concept of reputation in the previous literature, its relationship to mental image and identity, and to reveal recent trends in its measurement Techniques.

    The study relied on a descriptive approach using library survey and comparative analysis, and the study reached following conclusions:

     Despite the beginning of the first signs of reputation In the fifties of the last century, however, Defining and standardizing the concept with clear and specific dimensions began in the 1990s and the beginning of the third millennium. The concept of reputation refers to the stakeholders’ overall evaluation of organizations, which reflects their perceptions of

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 04 2021
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Nanotechnology and the Most Important Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterial's: A Review
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Due to the importance of nanotechnology because of its features and applications in various fields, it has become the focus of attention of the world and researchers. In this study, the concept of nanotechnology and nanomaterials was identified, the most important methods of preparing them, as well as the preparation techniques and the most important devices used in their characterization.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
A review of free piston engine control literature—Taxonomy and techniques
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Baltic Journal Of Law & Politics
The Geomorphological Aspects in Diyala Governorate and the Possibility of Investing Them for Tourism Activity According to the Perspective of Sustainable Development Using RS and GIS Techniques
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Diyala Governorate has many unique and diverse geomorphological features that the region enjoys, which are among the attractions for natural tourism, as the natural environment is considered a maker of tourism. The importance of geomorphological aspects as components of natural tourism is due to their association with tourism and entertainment, as a result of the enjoyment of many geomorphological aspects of the beauty of its natural landscape on the one hand, and on the other hand, the association of these manifestations with different types of tourism activity. Any tourist area as it is the main factor for tourist attractions, such as the presence of the Hamrin hills, and sand dunes. Planning for the development of tourism activity in the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
COVID-19 Diagnosis Using Spectral and Statistical Analysis of Cough Recordings Based on the Combination of SVD and DWT
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Healthcare professionals routinely use audio signals, generated by the human body, to help diagnose disease or assess its progression. With new technologies, it is now possible to collect human-generated sounds, such as coughing. Audio-based machine learning technologies can be adopted for automatic analysis of collected data. Valuable and rich information can be obtained from the cough signal and extracting effective characteristics from a finite duration time interval that changes as a function of time. This article presents a proposed approach to the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 through the processing of cough collected from patients suffering from the most common symptoms of this pandemic. The proposed method is based on adopt

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Scientific Visualization
Shadow Detection and Elimination for Robot and Machine Vision Applications
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Shadow removal is crucial for robot and machine vision as the accuracy of object detection is greatly influenced by the uncertainty and ambiguity of the visual scene. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for shadow detection and removal based on different shapes, orientations, and spatial extents of Gaussian equations. Here, the contrast information of the visual scene is utilized for shadow detection and removal through five consecutive processing stages. In the first stage, contrast filtering is performed to obtain the contrast information of the image. The second stage involves a normalization process that suppresses noise and generates a balanced intensity at a specific position compared to the neighboring intensit

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