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Development of Iraqi license plate recognition system based on Canny edge detection method
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In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the road in all the sections of the country. Vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the developing system is consist of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny Edge detection algorithm, Connect Component Analysis (CCA) have been exploited for segmenting characters. Finally, a Multi-Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLPANN) model is utilized to recognize and detect the vehicle license plate characters, and hence the results are displayed as a text on GUI. The proposed system successfully identified and recognized multi_style Iraqi license plates using different image situations and it was evaluated based on different metrics performance, achieving an overall system performance of 91.99%. This results shows the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with other existing methods, whose average recognition rate is 86% and the average processing time of one image is 0.242 s which proves the practicality of the proposed method

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
IEC 60909 and ANSI standards comparison with ASCC based fault calculations of Iraqi power system
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysis and Development of Customer Billing Telephony System
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The telecommunications industry has gone through series of development efforts to provide quality services to their consumers. Generally, telecommunication industry provides two main services such as telephony and internet which involved customer registration, billing and payment. However, the challenge confronting telecommunications industry is to meet the customer satisfaction in the billing system such as accuracy, easy to understand and unambiguous billing issue. In order to develop Customer Billing Telephony System,a user experience study is conducted to gather the user requirements. Hence, the CBTS was developed that takes into consideration user’s value experience that provides a support for managing and monitoring billing proce

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Control System Development of Cap-Seal Assembling Machine
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Indoor/Outdoor Deep Learning Based Image Classification for Object Recognition Applications
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With the rapid development of smart devices, people's lives have become easier, especially for visually disabled or special-needs people. The new achievements in the fields of machine learning and deep learning let people identify and recognise the surrounding environment. In this study, the efficiency and high performance of deep learning architecture are used to build an image classification system in both indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed methodology starts with collecting two datasets (indoor and outdoor) from different separate datasets. In the second step, the collected dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets. The pre-trained GoogleNet and MobileNet-V2 models are trained using the indoor and outdoor se

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
A Recognition System for Subjects' Signature Using the Spatial Distribution of Signature Body
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This investigation proposed an identification system of offline signature by utilizing rotation compensation depending on the features that were saved in the database. The proposed system contains five principle stages, they are: (1) data acquisition, (2) signature data file loading, (3) signature preprocessing, (4) feature extraction, and (5) feature matching. The feature extraction includes determination of the center point coordinates, and the angle for rotation compensation (θ), implementation of rotation compensation, determination of discriminating features and statistical condition. During this work seven essential collections of features are utilized to acquire the characteristics: (i) density (D), (ii) average (A), (iii) s

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Engineering Science
Design and implementation of a smart home automation system based on global system for mobile communications
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Recently, there has been an increasing advancement in the communications technology, and due to the increment in using the cellphone applications in the diverse aspects of life, it became possible to automate home appliances, which is the desired goal from residences worldwide, since that provides lots of comfort by knowing that their appliances are working in their highest effi ciency whenever it is required without their knowledge, and it also allows them to control the devices when they are away from home, including turning them on or off whenever required. The design and implementation of this system is carried out by using the Global System of Mobile communications (GSM) technique to control the home appliances – In this work, an ele

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Construction of Graduation Certificate Issuing System Based on Digital Signature Technique
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With the development of computer architecture and its technologies in recent years, applications like e-commerce, e-government, e-governance and e-finance are widely used, and they act as active research areas. In addition, in order to increase the quality and quantity of the ordinary everyday transactions, it is desired to migrate from the paper-based environment to a digital-based computerized environment. Such migration increases efficiency, saves time, eliminates paperwork, increases safety and reduces the cost in an organization. Digital signatures are playing an essential role in many electronic and automatic based systems and facilitate this migration. The digital signatures are used to provide many services and s

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advance Science And Technology
MR Images Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Deep Belief Network Method
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Background/Objectives: The purpose of this study was to classify Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients from Normal Control (NC) patients using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Methods/Statistical analysis: The performance evolution is carried out for 346 MR images from Alzheimer's Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. The classifier Deep Belief Network (DBN) is used for the function of classification. The network is trained using a sample training set, and the weights produced are then used to check the system's recognition capability. Findings: As a result, this paper presented a novel method of automated classification system for AD determination. The suggested method offers good performance of the experiments carried out show that the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications
Face Detection and Recognition Using Viola-Jones with PCA-LDA and Square Euclidean Distance
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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Steganography System Based on Huffman Coding and Fibonacci Decomposition
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   Hiding secret information in the image is a challenging and painstaking task in computer security and steganography system. Certainly, the absolute intricacy of attacks to security system makes it more this research on steganography system involving information hiding,Huffman codding used to compress the secret code before embedding which provide high capacity and some security. Fibonacci decomposition used to represent the pixels in the cover image, which increase the robustness of the system. One byte used for mapping all the pixels properties. This makes the PSNR of the system higher due to random distribution of embedded bits. Finally, three kinds of evaluation are applied such as PSNR, chi-square attack, a

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