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Development of Iraqi license plate recognition system based on Canny edge detection method

In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the road in all the sections of the country. Vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the developing system is consist of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny Edge detection algorithm, Connect Component Analysis (CCA) have been exploited for segmenting characters. Finally, a Multi-Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLPANN) model is utilized to recognize and detect the vehicle license plate characters, and hence the results are displayed as a text on GUI. The proposed system successfully identified and recognized multi_style Iraqi license plates using different image situations and it was evaluated based on different metrics performance, achieving an overall system performance of 91.99%. This results shows the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with other existing methods, whose average recognition rate is 86% and the average processing time of one image is 0.242 s which proves the practicality of the proposed method

Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics (ijp)
Study the Effect of Graphene on the Contact Angle, Water Absorption and Thermal Stability ( TGA ,DSC) for Blend (Epoxy & Repcoat ZR)

In this study, polymeric coating was developed by incorporating nano graphene in the polymer blend with applications to oil storage tanks. The oil storage tanks samples were brought from the oil Pipeline Company / Doura refinery in Baghdad. The coating polymer was formed with a blend (epoxy resin and repcoat ZR). The proportion of mixing the mixture was 3:1:1 epoxy resin 21.06 gm: repcoat ZR 10.53 gm: hardener 10.53 gm. The blend/graphene was prepared using in stui-polymerization method with different weight percentage 1, 3, 5, and 7 wt % added to blend. The resulting solution was put in a glass tube on a magnetic stirrer for one hour at a temperature of 40 °C. The result of contact angle and water absorption the best ratio of 3wt

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program For Early Intervention depending on Illustrative Pictures to Acquire some concepts For Children with Hearing impairment

“Child of today is a man of the future" this slogan is one of the most popular logos of international organizations and institutions that dealing with human beings needs in general and children needs in particular, whether these needs are educational, health, social, or economic. Children require special care and extra legal protection, since the child-raising is not the Child’s own issue, but it's the issue of the society in which he/she would integrate.

As the education and language skillsacquisition primarily associated with hearing, because human being receives most of the skills and knowledge through the hearing; that imitate sounds and learn how to speak isacquired only by hearing, so therefore the hearing - impairedchi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Theoretical Calculations of the Cross-sections for (n,α) and (n,xα) reactions on the Structural Material for Fusion Reactor 46-50Ti

The biggest problem of structural materials for fusion reactor is the damage caused by the fusion product neutrons to the structural material. If this problem is overcomed, an important milestone will be left behind in fusion energy. One of the important problems of the structural material is that nuclei forming the structural material interacting with fusion neutrons are transmuted to stable or radioactive nuclei via (n, x) (x; alpha, proton, gamma etc.) reactions. In particular, the concentration of helium gas in the structural material increases through deuteron- tritium (D-T) and (n, α) reactions, and this increase significantly changes the microstructure and the properties of the structural materials. T

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation, characterization and study of biological activity and laser effect on the new Cu(II) complexes containing mixed benziloxime and furfuraldehydeazine ligands

Abstract: New copper(II) complexes with mixed ligand benziloxime (BOxH) and furfural-dehydeazine (FA) using classical (with and without solvent) and microwave heating methods have been prepared. The resulting complexes have been characterized using physico-chemical techniques. The study suggested that the ligands formed neutral complexes had general formulas [Cu(FA)(BOXH)(Ac)2] and [Cu(FA)(BOX)(OH)] in neutral (or acidic) and basic medium, respectively. Accordingly, hexa-coordinated mono-nuclear complexes have been investigated by this study and having distorted octahedral geometry. The effect of laser have been studied on solid ligands and solid complexes, no effect have been observed on most compounds through the results of melting poin

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
Effects of Avena sativa and Glycyrrhiza glabra Leaves Extracts on Immune Responses in Serum Cytokine and Liver Enzyme Levels in NIH Mice

In addition to their high quantities of active chemicals, medicinal plants are well-known for their pharmacological qualities, which include immunological modulation. T Consequently, this study aimed to examine the effects of Avena sativa and Glycyrrhiza glabra leaf extracts on immunological responses as measured by blood cytokine and liver enzyme levels. The phytochemical analysis of Avena sativa crude leaf extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids,flavonoids, tannins, phenolic compounds, and saponins but the absence of resins and violet oils. On the other hand, violet oils, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and glycosides were detected in significant concentration in Glycyrrhiza glabra ethanolic extract, although resins and phenolic compou

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Strategic direction in Strategic Reputation and its impact on Competitive Compressions Survey study in mobile communications companies in Iraq

Obstruct:                                                                                                                           &nbsp

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The Impact of an Educational Curriculum according to the Five-year Learning Cycle on Some Offensive Skills in Basketball for Female Students

Modern trends have appeared recently in educational thought that call for the achievement of the outcomes of the educational process. Some of these trends are the development of individual thinking skills, considering the individual differences, and learning basic skills. The five-year learning cycle is one of these models. It is called as five-year learning cycle because it passes through five stages. These five stages are: (operate - discover - clarify - expand – Evaluate), which make the learner as the main axis for activating thinking processes. This can be done by organizing study materials through research, investigation, and identifying concepts by himself, as in learning sports skills that depend on motor performance and teamwork,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 03 2024
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Dental Research
The Impact of Passive Smoking on Salivary Glutathione Peroxidase and Selenium in Relation to Dental Caries Severity among Five Years Old Children

Background: It had been found that passive smoking may have the same harmful effect as tobacco cigarettes smoking. Aims: This study was conducted to determine the effect of passive smoking on salivary glutathione peroxidase and selenium in relation to dental caries severity. Settings and Design: The sample consisted of 120 children aged 5 years old, classified into four groups according to the number of cigarettes smoked by their fathers daily: Passive smoking children of 5-10 cigarettes, those of 10–15 cigarettes daily, those of 15–20 cigarettes daily and non-passive smoking children of no smokers indoor (the control group). The sample was further classified according to dental caries severity into three groups: mild (DMFS values <4

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Varying Temperature and Concentration on Magnetohydrodynamics Peristaltic Transport for Jeffrey Fluid with a Nanoparticles Phenomenon through a Rectangular Porous Duct

A mathematical model constructed to study the combined effects of the concentration and the thermodiffusion on the nanoparticles of a Jeffrey fluid with a magnetic field effect the process of containing waves in a three-dimensional rectangular porous medium canal. Using the HPM to solve the nonlinear and coupled partial differential equations. Numerical results were obtained for temperature distribution, nanoparticles concentration, velocity, pressure rise, pressure gradient, friction force and stream function. Through the graphs, it was found that the velocity of fluid rises with the increase of a mean rate of volume flow and a magnetic parameter, while the velocity goes down with the increasing a Darcy number and lateral walls. Also, t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of Crestal Bone Resorption around Dental Implants in Flapped and Flapless Surgical Techniques Depending on Cone Beam CT Scan (Comparative Study)

Background: The long term survival of dental implants is evaluated by the amount of crestal bone loss around the implants. Some initial loss of bone around dental implants is generally expected. There is reason to believe that reflecting a mucoperiosteal flap promotes crestal bone loss in the initial phase after an implant has been inserted. The surgical placement of a dental implant fixture is constantly changing and in recent years, there has been some interest in developing techniques that minimize the invasive nature of the procedure, with flapless implant surgery being advocated. The purpose of this study was to compare the radiographic level of the peri- implant bone after implant placement between traditional flapped surgery and f

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