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Formulating Inhibited Fluids for Stable Drilling Operations into Tanuma and Zubair Shales, Zubair Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Tanuma and Zubair formations are known as the most problematic intervals in Zubair Oilfield, and they cause wellbore instability due to possible shale-fluid interaction. It causes a vast loss of time dealing with various downhole problems (e.g., stuck pipe) which leads to an increase in overall well cost for the consequences (e.g., fishing and sidetrack). This paper aims to test shale samples with various laboratory tests for shale evaluation and drilling muds development. Shale's physical properties are described by using a stereomicroscope and the structures are observed with Scanning Electron Microscope. The shale reactivity and behavior are analyzed by using the cation exchange capacity testing and the capillary suction test is utilized for selecting shale inhibitor base. As a result, four drillings muds are formulated with different additives and approved by using the Linear Swelling Meter and the Hot Rolling experiments. Tanuma’s shale is at higher reactivity level, where it is moderate to high active shale than Zubair’s shale, which is at a low to moderately reactive formation. Microfractures and micropores are excited in both formations and potentially in Tanuma’s shale. The shale stability can be achieved by adding 8 % of KCl for Tanuma’s mud and 4% of KCl for Zubair’s mud. The filtration controls are contributed to seal the shale open structures and adding the Poly amino acid hydration suppressant reduced the risk of shale swelling significantly. The results can be used for designing drilling mud to reduce shale instability issues and the cost.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Large Benthonic Foraminifera Biozonation of Mishrif Formation at Tuba and Zubair Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Mishrif Formation was deposited during The Cenomanian-Early Turonian, which has been studied in selected Tuba and Zubair OilFields, these wells (TU-5, TU-24, TU-40, ZB-41, ZB-42, and ZB-46) are located within Mesopotamian basin at southern Iraq and considered as a major carbonate reservoir in Iraq and the Arabian Gulf. The palaeontological investigations mainly depending on benthonic foraminifera of the studied wells of Tuba and Zubair Oilfields in Mishrif Formation, twenty-four species belonging to fourteen genera are recognized of benthonic foraminifera, which has been recognized through this study, especially benthonic foraminiferal, indicating four zones as follows:

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Comparative Reservoir Study of Zubair and Nahr Umr Formations in Subba Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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The lower Cretaceous sandstones of Zubair and Nahr Umr formations are the main producing reservoirs in Subba oilfield in southern Iraq. Key differences in their petrophysical and depositional attributes exist affecting their reservoir characteristics. The evaluation of well logs and core porosity-permeability data show better reservoir properties in Nahr Formation. The Litho-saturation logs indicate greater thickness of oil-saturated reservoir units for Nahr Unr Formation associated with lower values of shale volume, and higher values of effective porosity. In addition, higher values of permeability for Nahr Umr Formation is suggested by applying porosity-irreducible water saturation cross plot. The reducing reservoir quality of Zub

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Building 1D Mechanical Earth Model for Zubair Oilfield in Iraq
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Many problems were encountered during the drilling operations in Zubair oilfield. Stuckpipe, wellbore instability, breakouts and washouts, which increased the critical limits problems, were observed in many wells in this field, therefore an extra non-productive time added to the total drilling time, which will lead to an extra cost spent. A 1D Mechanical Earth Model (1D MEM) was built to suggest many solutions to such types of problems. An overpressured zone is noticed and an alternative mud weigh window is predicted depending on the results of the 1D MEM. Results of this study are diagnosed and wellbore instability problems are predicted in an efficient way using the 1D MEM. Suitable alternative solutions are presented

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 07 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Wellbore instability management using geomechanical modeling and wellbore stability analysis for Zubair shale formation in Southern Iraq
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Abstract<p>Wellbore instability problems cause nonproductive time, especially during drilling operations in the shale formations. These problems include stuck pipe, caving, lost circulation, and the tight hole, requiring more time to treat and therefore additional costs. The extensive hole collapse problem is considered one of the main challenges experienced when drilling in the Zubair shale formation. In turn, it is caused by nonproductive time and increasing well drilling expenditure. In this study, geomechanical modeling was used to determine a suitable mud weight window to overpass these problems and improve drilling performance for well development. Three failure criteria, including Mohr–Coulomb, modifie</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Chemical and Thermal Investigation on Stability of Tanuma Formation Using Different Additives with Drilling Fluids
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Wellbore stability is considered as one of the most challenges during drilling wells due to the
reactivity of shale with drilling fluids. During drilling wells in North Rumaila, Tanuma shale is
represented as one of the most abnormal formations. Sloughing, caving, and cementing problems
as a result of the drilling fluid interaction with the formation are considered as the most important
problem during drilling wells. In this study, an attempt to solve this problem was done, by
improving the shale stability by adding additives to the drilling fluid. Water-based mud (WBM)
and polymer mud were used with different additives. Three concentrations 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 wt. %
for five types of additives (CaCl2, NaCl, Na2S

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Facies architecture and stratigraphic sequence of Zubair Formation in Majnoon and Suba oil fields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Water Science
Hydrochemistry as a tool for interpreting brine origin and chemical equilibrium in oilfields: Zubair reservoir southern Iraq case study
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Zubair Formation in Rumaila Oilfields, Southern Iraq: Microfacies and Geochemistry
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In the Rumaila oilfields in southern Iraq, the Zubair Formation was deposited in a shallow environment as three main facies, delta plain, backshore, and delta front depositional conditions indicating a transition from delta front and delta plain to a highstand level due to the finning upward mode. The facies of the Zubair clasts show well-sorted quartz arenite sandstone, poorly sorted quartz arenite sandstone, clayey sandstone that has not been properly sorted, sandy shale, and shale lithofacies. The minor lithofacies were identified using well-logging methods (gamma ray, spontaneous potential and sonic logs) and petrography. The Zubair clasts are of transition environment that appears to be transported from freshwater and deposited

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Laboratory Testing and Evaluating of Shale Interaction with Mud for Tanuma Shale formation in Southern Iraq
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   Rock failure during drilling is an important problem to be solved in petroleum technology. one of the most causes of rock failure is shale chemical interaction with drilling fluids. This interaction is changing the shale strength as well as its pore pressure relatively near the wellbore wall. In several oilfields in southern Iraq, drilling through the Tanuma formation is known as the most challenging operation due to its unstable behavior. Understanding the chemical reactions between shale and drilling fluid is determined by examining the features of shale and its behavior with drilling mud. Chemical interactions must be mitigated by the selection of suitable drilling mud with effective chemical additives. This study is describing t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Vertical Stress Prediction for Zubair Oil Field/ Case Study
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Predicting vertical stress was indeed useful for controlling geomechanical issues since it allowed for the computation of pore pressure for the formation and the classification of fault regimes. This study provides an in-depth observation of vertical stress prediction utilizing numerous approaches using the Techlog 2015 software. Gardner's method results in incorrect vertical stress values with a problem that this method doesn't start from the surface and instead relies only on sound log data. Whereas the Amoco, Wendt non-acoustic, Traugott, average technique simply needed density log as input and used a straight line as the observed density, this was incorrect for vertical computing stress. The results of these methods

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