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Non-Polar Gallium Nitride for Photodetection Applications: A Systematic Review
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Ultraviolet photodetectors have been widely utilized in several applications, such as advanced communication, ozone sensing, air purification, flame detection, etc. Gallium nitride and its compound semiconductors have been promising candidates in photodetection applications. Unlike polar gallium nitride-based optoelectronics, non-polar gallium nitride-based optoelectronics have gained huge attention due to the piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization effect–induced quantum confined-stark effect being eliminated. In turn, non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors portray higher efficiency and faster response compared to the polar growth direction. To date, however, a systematic literature review of non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors has yet to be demonstrated. Hence, the objective of this systematic literature review is to critically analyze the data related to non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors. Based on the pool of literature, three categories are introduced, namely, growth and fabrication, electrical properties, and structural, morphological, and optical properties. In addition, bibliometric analysis, a precise open-source tool, was used to conduct a comprehensive science mapping analysis of non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors. Finally, challenges, motivations, and future opportunities of non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors are presented. The future opportunities of non-polar GaN-based photodetectors in terms of growth conditions, fabrication, and characterization are also presented. This systematic literature review can provide initial reading material for researchers and industries working on non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 24 2015
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Multi-level control of zero-moment point-based humanoid biped robots: a review
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SUMMARY<p>Researchers dream of developing autonomous humanoid robots which behave/walk like a human being. Biped robots, although complex, have the greatest potential for use in human-centred environments such as the home or office. Studying biped robots is also important for understanding human locomotion and improving control strategies for prosthetic and orthotic limbs. Control systems of humans walking in cluttered environments are complex, however, and may involve multiple local controllers and commands from the cerebellum. Although biped robots have been of interest over the last four decades, no unified stability/balance criterion adopted for stabilization of miscellaneous walking/running modes of biped </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Acute and Chronic Sinusitis – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment: A Review article
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Background: Sinusitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the mucous membrane lining the airways. Chronic rhinosinusitis and acute rhinosinusitis are the two types. Rhinosinusitis is characterized by facial pain, congestion, and headache. Due to the widespread prevalence of sinusitis, there must be an evaluation of the case because the diagnoses are more serious in the advanced stages of the disease and impact the outcome of care. Objectives: The objective of this study was to conduct a literature evaluation of chronic and acute rhinosinusitis, risk factors, symptoms and signs of sinusitis, diagnostic, sinusitis treatment, and antibiotic treatment, as well as new databases. Conclusion:

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 30 2021
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A Past, Present, and Prospective Review on Microwave Nondestructive Evaluation of Composite Coatings
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Recent years have witnessed an increase in the use of composite coatings for numerous applications, including aerospace, aircraft, and maritime vessels. These materials owe this popularity surge to the superior strength, weight, stiffness, and electrical insulation they exhibit over conventional substances, such as metals. The growing demand for such materials is accompanied by the inevitable need for fast, accurate, and affordable nondestructive testing techniques to reveal any possible defects within the coatings or any defects under coating. However, typical nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques such as ultrasonic testing (UT), infrared thermography (IRT), eddy current testing (ECT), and laser shearography (LS) have failed to p

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Heat Transfer
The indirect solar dryers with innovative solar air heaters designs: A review article
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Abstract<p>The drying process is considered an effective technique for preserving foods and agricultural products from spoilage. Moreover, the drying process lessens the products' weight, volume, and packaging, which prompts a reduction in the products' transportation costs. The drying technique with solar energy represents an ancient method, still alluring due to solar energy abundance and cost‐effectiveness. In this article, the previous manuscripts concerned with studying and analyzing indirect solar dryer systems that utilize innovative solar air heaters (SAHs) are reviewed. The results and conclusions are discussed intensively to clarify the significance of utilizing this type of drying technique. The ef</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed May 26 2021
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Rotational Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: A Comprehensive Review on Excitation Elements, Designs, and Performances
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Rotational Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting (RPZTEH) is widely used due to mechanical rotational input power availability in industrial and natural environments. This paper reviews the recent studies and research in RPZTEH based on its excitation elements and design and their influence on performance. It presents different groups for comparison according to their mechanical inputs and applications, such as fluid (air or water) movement, human motion, rotational vehicle tires, and other rotational operational principal including gears. The work emphasises the discussion of different types of excitations elements, such as mass weight, magnetic force, gravity force, centrifugal force, gears teeth, and impact force, to show their effect

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Implementation of a Clinical Pharmacy Training Program in Iraqi Teaching Hospitals : Review Article
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Pharmaceutical care is a patient-centered, outcomes oriented practice that requires the pharmacist to work in concert with the patient and the patient’s other healthcare providers to promote health, to prevent disease, and to assess, monitor, initiate, and modify medication use to assure that drug therapy regimens are safe and effective. In addition, the presence of clinical pharmacists has led to a higher quality of patient education and provision of complete detailed information for patients. In developed countries Pharm D has become the professional degree for practice of Pharmacy. The graduates will be enrolled in a pharmacy residency program; admission to the residency programs is available to Pharm D graduates of an accredit

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2023
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Journal Of Applied Engineering And Technological Science (jaets)
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing Heart Disease in Humans: A Review
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The electrical activity of the heart and the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal are fundamentally related. In the study that has been published, the ECG signal has been examined and used for a number of applications. The monitoring of heart rate and the analysis of heart rhythm patterns, the detection and diagnosis of cardiac diseases, the identification of emotional states, and the use of biometric identification methods are a few examples of applications in the field. Several various phases may be involved in the analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) data, depending on the type of study being done. Preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, feature modification, and classification are frequently included in these stages. Ever

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
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Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
A Review Article of Streptococcus Pyogenes Infection: Rick Factors, Prevention and Management Strategies
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الخلفية: العقدية المقيحة المعروفة أيضًا باسم ""(GAS) هي احدى مسببات الأمراض ذات الأهمية الصحية العامة، حيث تصيب 18.1 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم وتقتل 500000 شخص كل عام. الهدف: حددت هذه المراجعة المقالات المنشورة حول عوامل الخطر واستراتيجيات الوقاية والسيطرة لأمراض المكورات العقدية. المواد والأساليب: تم إجراء بحث منهجي لتحديد الأوراق المنشورة على قواعد البيانات الإلكترونية Web of Science و PubMed و Scopus و Google Scholar في مح

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison between Linear and Non-linear ANN Models for Predicting Water Quality Parameters at Tigris River
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In this research, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) technique was applied in an attempt to predict the water levels and some of the water quality parameters at Tigris River in Wasit Government for five different sites. These predictions are useful in the planning, management, evaluation of the water resources in the area. Spatial data along a river system or area at different locations in a catchment area usually have missing measurements, hence an accurate prediction. model to fill these missing values is essential.
The selected sites for water quality data prediction were Sewera, Numania , Kut u/s, Kut d/s, Garaf observation sites. In these five sites models were built for prediction of the water level and water quality parameters.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Arabization and its contemporary applications A jurisprudential study of the provisions and certifications of Arabization and migration
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The place in which the person lives and his geographical and social environment have a great impact on building his personality, belief and culture, Islam has alerted the importance of the Muslim to make sure to choose the appropriate place in which he resides and dwells in that it is compatible with his religion and belief in order to ensure communication with Islamic knowledge in a way that enhances his belief Arabization occurs when a person makes himself an Arab by living the life of the Bedouins, and creates the morals of the Bedouins from the inhabitants of the Badia with its harshness, cruelty, ignorance and lack of understanding in religion and far from the sources of knowledge of Islamic knowledge. Blasphemy and polytheism, and

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