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Non-Polar Gallium Nitride for Photodetection Applications: A Systematic Review
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Ultraviolet photodetectors have been widely utilized in several applications, such as advanced communication, ozone sensing, air purification, flame detection, etc. Gallium nitride and its compound semiconductors have been promising candidates in photodetection applications. Unlike polar gallium nitride-based optoelectronics, non-polar gallium nitride-based optoelectronics have gained huge attention due to the piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization effect–induced quantum confined-stark effect being eliminated. In turn, non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors portray higher efficiency and faster response compared to the polar growth direction. To date, however, a systematic literature review of non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors has yet to be demonstrated. Hence, the objective of this systematic literature review is to critically analyze the data related to non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors. Based on the pool of literature, three categories are introduced, namely, growth and fabrication, electrical properties, and structural, morphological, and optical properties. In addition, bibliometric analysis, a precise open-source tool, was used to conduct a comprehensive science mapping analysis of non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors. Finally, challenges, motivations, and future opportunities of non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors are presented. The future opportunities of non-polar GaN-based photodetectors in terms of growth conditions, fabrication, and characterization are also presented. This systematic literature review can provide initial reading material for researchers and industries working on non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Boubaker Wavelets Functions: Properties and Applications
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This paper is concerned with introducing an explicit expression for orthogonal Boubaker polynomial functions with some important properties. Taking advantage of the interesting properties of Boubaker polynomials, the definition of Boubaker wavelets on interval [0,1) is achieved. These basic functions are orthonormal and have compact support. Wavelets have many advantages and applications in the theoretical and applied fields, and they are applied with the orthogonal polynomials to propose a new method for treating several problems in sciences, and engineering that is wavelet method, which is computationally more attractive in the various fields. A novel property of Boubaker wavelet function derivative in terms of Boubaker wavelet themsel

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Correction of Non-Uniform illumination for Biological Images Using Morphological Operation Assessing with Statistical Features Quality.
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Non Uniform Illumination biological image often leads to diminish structures and inhomogeneous intensities of the image. Algorithm has been proposed using Morphological Operations different types of structuring elements including (dick, line, square and ball) with the same parameters of (15).To correct the non-uniform illumination and enhancement biological images, the non-uniform background illumination have been removed from image, using (contrast adjustment, histogram equalization and adaptive histogram equalization). The used basic approach to extract the statistical features values from gray level of co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) can show the typical values for features content of biological images that can be in form of shape or sp

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharm. Sci. & Res.
Review and Description for Theretra alecto Boisduval 1827, (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Iraq
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The current study included a review of the registration and description of the Theretra alecto Boi, 1827 (Levant hawk moth), samples were collected from various areas of the Baghdad belt and the provinces of the Middle Euphrates, confirmation in the description was on the most important parts of the body included the head and it's appendages, pronotum, wings as well as male and female genitalia. The morphological characteristics under study were enhanced by illustrations and images. Information on the locations and date of the collection was also confirmed. This study aims to identify the most important characteristics of the diagnosis of the species and the review of appearance variations, especially the analytical style of wings, coupling

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
American Journal Of Biodiversity
Importance of Conventional Pap Smear Application for Iraqi women health: scientific review
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A Pap test can identify the pre-cancerous and cancerous problem in the vagina and uterine cervix. Cervical tumour is the easiest gynecologic disease to be diagnosed, treated and prevented using regular screening tests and follow-up. This review aimed to explore the opinion of specialists about cytological changes and the precancerous lesions with Pap smear test and visual inspection of the cervices, also to determine the relationship of this malignancy with demographic characteristics of patients. Results showed that few cervical cancer and pre-cancer were with women in postmenopausal period, but more were with women in the premenopausal period. Visual inspection of the cervix can show erosion lesions by gross inspection. Upon cytology exam

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Technology And Engineering Exploration
Investigation of phase change characteristics for refrigerant R-134a flow in a double pipe heat exchanger with the use of thermal non-equilibrium model
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Almost all thermal systems utilize some type of heat exchanger. In a lot of cases, evaporators are important for systems like organic Rankine cycle systems. Evaporators give a share in a large portion of the capital cost, and their cost is significantly attached to their size or transfer area. Open-cell metal foams with high porosity are taken into consideration to enhance thermal performance without increase the size of heat exchangers. Numerous researchers have tried to find a representation of the temperature distribution closer to reality due to the different properties between the liquid and solid phases. Evaporation heat transfer in an annular pipe of double pipe heat exchanger (DPHEX) filled with cooper foam is investigated numerical

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Hip Osteonecrosis Treated By Non Vascularised Bone Graft Versus Core Decompression
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Background: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is defined as cellular death of bone components due to interruption of the blood supply; the bone structures then collapse, resulting in bone destruction, pain, and loss of joint function. AVN is associated with numerous conditions and usually involves the epiphysis of long bones, such as the femoral head. In clinical practice, AVN is most commonly encountered in the hip. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention can delay the need for joint replacement. However, most patients present late in the disease course. Without treatment, the process is almost always progressive, leading to joint destruction within 5 years.Treatment of a vascular necrosis depends mainly on early diagnosis which mainly base

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Impact of Heat Transfer and Inclined MHD on A Non-Uniform Inclined Asymmetrical Channel with Couple Stress Fluid Through A Porous Medium
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     The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of heat transfer on a non-uniform inclined asymmetrical channel with couple stress fluids via a porous medium using incline magnetohydrodynamics. The governing equation is studied while using low Reynolds approximations and long-wavelength assumptions. Mathematical expressions for (pressure gradient), (temperature), (axial velocity), (heat temperature coefficient), and (stream function). A precise set of values for the various parameters in the present model has been used. The mathematical expressions for axial velocity, stream function, pressure gradient, and pressure rise per wavelength have been derived analytically. "MATHEMATICA" is used to present the computational result

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Brown-Sequard syndrome associated with a spinal cord injury caused by a retained screwdriver: A case report and literature review
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Nonmissile penetrating spine injury (NMPSI) represents a small percent of spinal cord injuries (SCIs), estimated at 0.8% in Western countries. Regarding the causes, an NMPSI injury caused by a screwdriver is rare. This study reports a case of a retained double-headed screwdriver in a 37-year-old man who sustained a stab injury to the back of the neck, leaving the patient with a C4 Brown-Sequard syndrome (BSS). We discuss the intricacies of the surgical management of such cases with a literature review.


PubMed database was searched by the following combined formula of medical subjects headings,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Polymeric Membrane Sensors for the Selective Determination of Metoclopramide Hydrochloride and their Applications to Pharmaceutical Analysis
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Metoclopramide (MCP) ion selective electrodes based on metoclopramide-phosphotungstic acid (MCP-PT) ion pair complex in PVC matrix membrane were constructed. The plasticizers used were tri-butyl phosphate (TBP), di-octyl phenyl phosphonate (DOPP), di-butyl phthalate (DBPH), di-octyl phthalate (DOP), di-butyl phosphate (DBP), bis 2-ethyl hexyl phosphate (BEHP). The sensors based on TBP, DOPP, DBPH and DOP display a fast, stable and linear response with slopes 59.9, 57.7, 57.4, 55.3 mV/decade respectively at pH ranged 2-6. The linear concentration range between 1.0×10-5 – 1.0×10-2 M with detection limit 3.0×10-6 and 4.0×10-6 M for electrodes using TBP, DOPP and DBPH while e

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Novel N-Substituted Dimethylmaleimidyl Esters and Their Applications as Plasticizers for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
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Three N-(hydroxylphenyl) dimethylmaleimides were directly prepared in good yields (81-86)% from the reaction of dimethylmaleic anhydride with amino phenols. The prepared imides were esterified to the corresponding benzoates, methacrylates and cinnamates via their reaction with different acid chlorides in the presence of triethylamine. The prepared esters were tested as plasticizers for PVC via preparing of thirty six samples of PVC with the prepared esters in certain weight ratio followed by recording their softening points. Comparison the results with the universal plasticizers for PVC (DOP) and (DBP) indicated that the prepared esters in general have high plasticizing efficiency.

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