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Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement showed a reduction in the compressive and flexural strength with less density with age.

Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimating Lipoxygenase and Gamma-glutamyl Transferase Activities in Sera of Colon Cancer Patients with Partial Purification of Lipoxygenase
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            Colon cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that occurs in the large intestine. Sometimes growth remains restricted for a relatively long time before it becomes a malignant tumor and then spreads through the intestinal wall to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. The study aims to estimate the effectiveness and partial purification of lipoxygenase (LOX) enzyme and measure gamma-glutamyle transferase (GGT) activity in serum patients of colon cancer in Baghdad. The study included (80) case male patients with colon cancer with (50) samples of apparently healthy males (control) as comparison group. The result displayed a noteworthy increase in lipoxygenase effectivene

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax exemption in reducing environmental pollution: An applied study on brick factories in Iraq
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Air pollution is considered one of the major environmental problems that contain many challenges and difficulties facing most countries of the world, including Iraq. The problem has emerged widely with the emergence of the industrial revolution in the world and the tremendous increase in the population and the increase in the number of transportation and its development in addition to excavation, maintenance and work Construction and weather fluctuations, such as dust and sandstorms, pollution resulting from oil refining, extraction, diversion and other processes that cause pollution, and the start of the world using methods that limit the volume of environmental pollution. The most prominent of these methods is the imposition of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of superposed thin film (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS and Studying the Effect of Concentration on Some its Electrical Properties.
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Preparation of superposed thin film (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS) with concentration of (x= 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) at a temperature of substrate (Ts= 80 0C) by using Thermal Vacuum Evaporation System. The measurement of X-ray diffraction shows that the compounds CdTe, ZnS, (CdTe)1-xSex and (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS have a polycrystalline structure, the C-V characteristic shows that the capacitance degrease by increasing the concentration (x) in reverse bias, while the I-V characteristic shows the current dark (Id) increase in forward and reverse bias by increasing (x) and the photocurrent (Iph) increase in reverse bias by increasing the concentration (x), the values of photocurrent are greater than from the values of the dark current for all concentrations

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Influence of Sn Dopant on the Some Structural and Optical Properties of Pure Cadmium Oxide(CdO) Thin Films
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 In this research , pure Cadmium Oxide thin films were prepared by  thermal  evaporation Under  vacuum  method , where  pure cadmium  metal was  deposited on  glass  Substrate in Room temperature (300K) at thickness (400 ± 30) nm with Deposition rate(1.1 ± 0.1) nm/sec   And  then  we  oxidize a pure  cadmium  Film  in Temperature ( 350ºC ) for  one  hour  with existence air flow.       This  research  contained  study of   the  influence  of  doping  process  by  Tin metal (Sn) with two different  ratios (1,3) %  at  substrate temperature (473K ) on th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Some Physical Properties for Binary System of Cyclohexane with n-decane and 1-pentanol at Different Temperatures
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mixtures of cyclohexane + n-decane and cyclohexane + 1-pentanol have been measured at 298.15, 308.15, 318.15, and 328.15 K over the whole mole fraction range. From these results, excess molar volumes, VE , have been calculated and fitted to the Flory equations. The VE values are negative and positive over the whole mole fraction range and at all temperatures. The excess refractive indices nE and excess viscosities ?E have been calculated from experimental refractive indices and viscosity measurements at different temperature and fitted to the mixing rules equations and Heric – Coursey equation respectively to predict theoretical refractive indices, we found good agreement between them for binary mixtures in this study. The variation of th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
History Of Medicine
Study of the quality of attach algae to the concrete supports of some bridges within Baghdad city
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A study of taxonomic quality of algae attaching Three concert bridges built on the Tigris River within city of Baghdad including Al-Jadriyah Bridge in Al-Jadriyah area and the Bab Al-Mu'adam Bridge in Al-Shalajiya area, while the third site included Al-Muthanna Bridge in north of Baghdad city, for the period from Autumn 2021 and Winter 2022. The study identified 114 species of 32 Genus in which the predominance of Bacillariophceae (74 species, 14 Genus) Followed by Cyanophyceae (30species, 12 Genus) and 10 species (6 Genus) of Chlorophyceae. The study showed an increase in species of Bacillariophceae, Cyanophyceae which has the ability to secretion gelatinous substances that enable it to stick to solid stand, the number of the larges

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Development and in vitro Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablet using Econazole Nitrate as a Model Drug
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         In this study, a bioadhesive dosage form of eoconazole nitrate for vaginal delivery was designed using a combination of bioadhesive polymers: Carbopol 941 p and sodium carboxymethylcellulose or methylcellulose in different ratios. The bioadhesive strength was evaluated by measuring the force required to detach the tablet from sheep vaginal mucosal membrane. It was found that the bioadhesive force was directly proportional to Carbopol 941 p content in the different formulae. The formulae were tested for their swelling behavior using agar gel plate method. The results showed that formulae containing a combination of Carbopol 941 p and sodium carboxymethylcellulose had greater swelling index

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Direct Gene Injection Using of Egg Yolk Emulsion as Carrier and its Comparison with Liposomes.
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The efficiency of egg yolk emulsion in coating DNA and its delivery across cellular membranes was evaluated in comparison with liposomes DOPE . The murine leukemia viral oncogene v-abl , cloned on pBR322 was used as a DNA substrate for direct injection into mice tissue . the DNA complexes were prepared by mixing the DNA with egg yolk emulsion and liposome . Each was directly injected into mice peritoneal cavity with proper control. The gene delivery was examined phenotypically by blood analysis and cytogenetic analysis . Chromosomal changes were detected in the bone marrow as from the fourth day post inoculation through the eleventh day when chromosomal ring s could be seen . this was accompanied by decrease in the WBC count ,

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Batch and Flow-Injection Spectrophotometric Determination of Thymol Using Procaine Hydrochloride as a New Chromogenic Reagent
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New, simple and sensitive batch and Flow-injecton spectrophotometric methods for the determination of Thymol in pure form and in mouth wash preparations have been proposed in this study. These methods were based on a diazotization and coupling reaction between Thymol and diazotized procaine HCl in alkaline medium to form an intense orange-red water-soluble dye that is stable and has a maximum absorption at 474 nm. A graphs of absorbance versus concentration show that Beer’s law is obeyed over the concentration range of 0.4-4.8 and 4-80 µ of Thymol, with detection limits of 0.072 and 1.807 µ of Thymol for batch and FIA methods respectively. The FIA procedure sample throughput was 80 h-1. All different chemical and physical e

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Handling a problem of transport solid waste in Baghdad City to Healthy landfill sites using transportation Model
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 A problem of solid waste became in the present day common global problem among all countries, whether developing or developed countries, and can say that no country in the world today is immuning from this dilemma which must find appropriate solutions. The problem has reached a stage that can not ignore or delay, but has became a daily problem occupies the minds of ecologists, economists and politicians took occupies center front in the lists of  priorities for the countries in terms of finding solutions to the rapid scientific and radical them. and that transport costs constitute an important component of total costs borne by the municipal districts in the process of disposal of solid waste, so any improvement in the

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