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Geotechnical correlations of soil properties in Hilla City – Iraq
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Abstract<p>In this research, the geotechnical properties of the soil profile in Hilla city within Babylon Governorate in the middle parts of Iraq are described. The geotechnical data at the specific sites were collected from some geotechnical investigation reports performed at some selected locations. This article is devoted to studying the distribution of soil properties (the physical and mechanical) in the horizontal and vertical directions. Moreover, a correlation between different physical and mechanical properties is performed. The correlation is executed using statistical analysis by Microsoft Excel Software (2016). From the regression results, it was found that the nature of the soil is cohesive up to 15 m under the natural ground level, and the soil will change to noncohesive. The new line in the plasticity chart has been drawn parallel to A-line especially for the investigated region, the shear strength parameters depend on the consistency of the soil and the depth, and finally, there is a direct correlation between mechanical and physical parameters. Using these correlations with some available information help to predict the value of shear strength and consolidation parameters.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Aug 19 2022
Journal Name
Mathematical Statistician And Engineering Applications (msea)
Application of TOPSIS method for Multi-Criteria Decision Making for poultry fields By using GIS in Hilla district
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Statistical methods and statistical decisions making were used to arrange and analyze the primary data to get norms which are used with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis programs to identify the animals production and poultry units in strategic nutrition channels, also the priorities of food insecurity through the local production and import when there is no capacity for production. The poultry production is one of the most important commodities that satisfy human body protein requirements, also the most important criteria to measure the development and prosperity of nations. The poultry fields of Babylon Governorate are located in Abi Ghareg and Al_Kifil centers according to many criteria or factors such as the popu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Veterinary World
Bacterial isolation from internal organs of rats (Rattus rattus) captured in Baghdad city of Iraq
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Aim: Rats are accused in disseminating many zoonotic diseases. This study aimed to isolate and identify bacteria from internal organs of rats captured in Baghdad City, Iraq. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 black rats (R. rattus) were trapped from different areas in Baghdad city. Rats were kept in individual plastic cages for 3 h before euthanizing. Deep pharyngeal swab, intestinal content, urine, and pieces of the liver and spleen, lung, kidney, and brain were obtained aseptically. The specimens were inoculated into peptone water and incubated at 37°C for 24 h for enrichment. A loopful of each specimen was then subcultured onto MacConkey Agar, Blood Agar, and Mannitol Salt Agar. CHROMagar O157 H7 and CHROMagar Listeria were u

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Association of Cestoda Raillietina echinobothrida in Rock Pigeon Columba livia from Baghdad city of Iraq
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The parasite tapeworm (Raillietina echinobothrida) belonges to the class Cestoda, it is responsible for nodular tapeworm disease in poultry .The aim of this study was to determine tapeworm parasites infections in Columba livia from two markets in the province of Baghdad for the period from May to December 2014. From a total of thirty five sample of Columba livia were randomly selected and then examined the elementary canal of these samples. The present study showed that the collected rock pigeon were found six infected with the cestode Raillietina echinobothrida with infection rate (17.14%). The statistical analysis for the characters of the cestode showed significant differences in all recipes, but there were no significant difference

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Assessment of Water Quality in Tigris River of AL-Kut City, Iraq by Using GIS
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The concerns about water contaminants affect most developing countries bypassing rivers over them. The issue is challenging to introduce water quality within the allowed limits for drinking, industrial and agricultural purposes. In the present study, physical-chemical parameters measurements of water samples taken from eleven stations were collected during six months in 2020 through flow path along the whole length of Tigris River inside AL Kut city (center of Wassit government) were investigated for six parameters are total hardness TH, hydrogen ion pH, biological oxygen demand BOD5, total dissolved solids TDS, nitrate NO3, and sulfate SO4. The water quality analysis results were compared with the maximum allowable limit concentrat

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Change in the Land Cover of Mahmudiyah City in Iraq for the Last Three Decades
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The land cover of Mahmudiyah city, located south of the capital, Baghdad - Iraq, was studied for the period from 1986 to 2021 with five years between every two successive scenes, where Landsat scenes were used downloaded from the US Geological Survey (USGS ) website with low cloud cover for sensors TM and OLI. The land cover of the study area was classified. The total accuracy of the classification was calculated, as well as the analysis of the user accuracy and the classifier accuracy (maximum likelihood) and its impact on the overall classification accuracy. The lowest accuracy value in 2009 was (85.101% (and the highest accuracy value in 1995) was 95.654%). The constancy percentage of the class for the adopted years was calculated and

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Prevalence of Parasites in the Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Zakho City, Kurdistan-Iraq
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Pigeons have accompanied humans since ancient time because they are used as a source of food, pets, hobby, and religious symbols. Pigeons have shown high prevalence rate of infection with gastrointestinal helminths and protozoan. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infections in the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica) from October, 2017 to April, 2018, purchased from bird market of Zakho City, Kurdistan region. The samples were taken from 50 adult pigeons (28 males and 22 females). The birds were transferred to Parasitology Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Zakho University. In the laboratory, each bird was sacrificed and immediately the feather and skin of under wings, chest and the rest of the

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Examining the Seasonal Correlations Among Different Ionospheric Indices During Solar Cycle Twenty-Four
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     The present work aimed to examine the nature and degree of the cross-correlations among three different ionospheric indices: these are Optimum Working Frequency (OWF), Highest Probable Frequency (HPF), and Best Usable Frequency (BUF). VOCAP and ASASPS models were adopted to determine the datasets of the selected ionospheric indices. The determination was made for different transceiver stations that provide certain HF connection links during the minimum and maximum years of solar cycle 24, 2009 and 2014, respectively. Matlab program was implemented to produce the geodesic parameters for the selected transceiver stations. The determination was made for different path lengths (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000) Km and bearings (0o, 45

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Some Pro and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines in Children with Tonsillitis and their Correlations with Vitamin D Deficiency
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Inflammation of the tonsils could be described as acute tonsillitis, mainly due to infection. Recurrent tonsillitis could be defined as 3-7 episodes during the first 3 years of age. Vitamin D, which is a neuro-hormone with pleiotropic biological activities may modulate the immune response by alleviation, and stimulation of Th1 and Th2 cell proliferation, respectively, that influence the stimulation, synthesis, and secretion of both pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. In this study we aimed to shed light on the levels of vitamin D in children with different episodes of tonsillitis in association with levels of interleukins (TNFα, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10). Blood samples were collected from 48 participants in 3 groups: control, acute tonsilliti

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Top soil layer equi-electrical conductivity and pollution with salts mapping for a region located within Baghdad city
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This research deals with the study of top soil electrical conductive regions located within Baghdad City. The research included measuring the dissolved soil material extraction Electrical Conductivity (EC) with an aqueous solution for the top (0-30 cm) soil layer of the study area. As the electrical conductivity values increase by increasing the amount of dissolved salts in principle, we can consider that the aim of this research is to predict the amount and distribution of (soil contamination with salts) which is represented by the (Salt Index), this factor calculated for each soil representative sample taken from the region with a depth of (30 cm). Laboratory (EC) test values measured by the use of solutions (EC) digital meter for the ex

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Possibility of electronic data interchange to simplify work procedures (Case Study of Hilla Municipality Directorate)
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Purpose: to demonstrate the possibility of moving to electronic data exchange dimensions (regulatory requirements, technical requirements, human requirements, senior management support) to simplify the work procedures dimensions (modern procedures, clarity of procedures, short procedures, availability of information and means required. The simplicity of the models used because of its importance to keep abreast of recent developments in the service of municipal works through the application of electronic data interchange, which simplifies procedures and out of the routine in the performance of the work of municipal departments has developed. It was applied to Municipality (Hilla) so that the transformation

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