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The Effect of Immediate Dentin Sealing on the Marginal Adaptation of LithiumDisilicate Overlay Restorations using different types of luting agents
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Objective: This study evaluated the effect of immediate dentin sealing on the marginal adaptation of lithium disilicate overlays with three different types of resin-luting agents: preheated composite, dual-cure adhesive resin, and flowable composite. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight maxillary first premolars of similar size were prepared with a butt joint preparation design. The teeth were separated into two primary groups, each with twenty-four teeth: Group DDS: Delay dentin sealing (non-IDS) teeth were not treated. Group IDS: dentin sealing was applied immediately after teeth preparation. Each group was subsequently separated into three separate subgroups. Subgroups (DDS+Phc, IDS+Phc): cemented with preheated composite (Enamel plus HRi, Micerium, Italy), Subgroups (DDS+Dcrs, IDS+Dcrs): cemented with dual-cured resin cement (RelyX Ultimate, 3M ESPE, Germany) and Subgroups (DDS+Fc, IDS+Fc): Cemented with flowable composite (Filtek supreme flowable, 3M ESPE, USA). Using a digital microscope with a magnification of 230x, the marginal gap was measured before and after cementation at four different locations from each surface of the tooth, and the mean of measurements was calculated and analyzed statistically using the independent t-test, one-way ANOVA test, Bonferroni correction at a significance level of 0.05. Results: The samples that were immediately sealed with dentin bonding agent showed lower marginal gaps than delayed dentin sealing, both pre-and post-cementation for all subgroups, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.01). The marginal gap was significantly lower in the IDS+Fc (48.888 ± 5.5 micro m) followed by the IDS+Dcrs group (53.612 ±5.8 micro m) and IDS+Phc (79.19 9±6.9 micro m) respectively, while the largest marginal gaps were observed in the DDS+Phc group (86.505 ± 5.4 micro m). Conclusion: Generally, the teeth with IDS showed better marginal adaptation than teeth without IDS. The marginal gap was smaller with flowable composite and dual-cure resin cement than with preheated composite.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Deconstruction in the abstract drawings of the artist Shaker Hassan Al Said: مواهب عبد الحميد عبد الله الخفاجي
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Deconstruction is an intellectual stream that emerged as a result of the changes and requirements of the modern era. This stream extended from thought and literature to all arts, and the research included four chapters.
Chapter One: From the research, the research problem was identified in the form of a question: Have the ideas and deconstructive concepts represented in the abstract drawings of the artist Shaker Hassan Al Said?
The importance and limits of the research were reviewed and the goal of the research was to reveal the applications of ideas and deconstructive concepts in the abstract drawings of the artist Shaker Hassan Al Said, in addition to defining the most important terms contained in it.
Chapter Two: Previous

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A realistic vision of the ration card system in Iraq for the duration (1997-2003) and (2017-2003)
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The researcher shed light on a diet in Iraq before 2003 became in this period. And how the ration card has a variety of vocabulary and cover the need of the population of commodities and have a key role in saving Iraq from a real crisis in the period of economic siege, especially in light of the State's direction to support the agricultural sector, which in that period able to fill half of the market needs of food the basic. As well as providing strategic storage at the Ministry of Commerce enough for six months But after the events of 2003 and the crises that hit the country and the unstable security situation began to rise voices calling for reform of the ration card system as a system that is a burden on the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Contrastive- Acoustic Study of Jacqueline Kennedy and the Actress Natalie Portman’s Voice Qualities in the Film” Jacki”.
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As performers in a social world, we communicate with other people by sharing information on many different levels. Each utterance includes linguistic information and conveys much information about the speaker’s identity. Variation in voice quality indexes information about the speaker and marks the speaker’s identity as a unique individual. The present study aims to validate the belief that each individual has an inalienable voice print that can’t be imitated. The study verifies that, even the more similar personality between two individuals, or the close position in society the variance is voice quality. The acoustic analysis is performed via analysing the acoustic parameters namely: the fundamental frequency, amplitude, inten

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The correlation between micro-RNA 146a and IL-17 in the serum of Iraqi patients with cystic echinococcosis
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داء المشوكات الكيسي (CE) هو مرض وبائي يسبب مرضًا خطيرًا وخسائر اقتصادية في معظم بلدان العالم. MiRNAs هي عامل جيني ضروري لتنظيم الاستجابة المناعية من خلال قدرته على التدخل في التعبير الخلوي ؛ واحد هذه الحوامض النووية الدقيقة -146 أ. هدفت الدراسة الحالية تقييم إذا كان بإمكاننا استخدام microRNA 146a كمؤشر حيوي للكشف عن    CEو تحديد العلاقة بين التعبير الجيني microRNA 146a و IL-17 في مرضى CE.حيث اشتملت الدراسة على 50 مريضًا من CE تم إد

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impact of modeling strategy in deductive thinking and the attitvde towards mathematics among students in the highschool stage
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    The current research aims to identify the Impact of  strategy of modeling in the of deductive thinking and the attitvde towards mathematics among students in the high school stage

 through check the following hypotheses:       

1.There is no difference statistically significant at the level (0.05) between the scores  mean of the experimental group students who have studied according to the modeling strategy and scores of control group students who have studied according to ordinary method in deductive thinking. 


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The tragedy and grief in Hebrew poetry of the middle ages: הטרגידיה והצער בשירה העברית של ימי הביניים
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This paper tackles tragedy and grief in the Hebrew poetry of the Middle Ages, as being topics which was transferred to it from Arabic poetry at that time. This came as a result of Hebrew poets quoting images from, and adopting the form and content of the Arabic poem. So, this topic was a prominent feature in the Hebrew poetry of the middle ages. The Hebrew poets focused upon this topic along three trends: poems of lamentation, whether being what are called national lamentation where poets expressed their feelings and grieves because of their remoteness and longing to their homeland, which is Palestine or the sacred land, as they claim; here, Zionist trends were apparent in many poems lamenting Zion and other cities. The other type of poe

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the spectroscopic characteristics of Rhodamine B Dye in Ethanol and Methanol mixture and Calculation the Quantum Efficiency
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The effect of ethanol and methanol solvent, and their mixture has been studied on the absorption and fluorescence spectra of laser dye Rhodamine B at concentration of (10-4) Molar at room temperature. The molar absorption coefficient has been determined for mixture which was (3.223) at wave number (18181.8 cm-1), Also the Quantum Efficiency of the two solvents (ethanol and methanol) and their mixture have been calculated ,which was for mixture spectrum (38.94%) and it was larger comparing with other and solvents. The characteristics of spectrum has been determined by calculating (??) of absorption spectrum for the solvents and its mixture at maximum wave number ( ) cm-1 depending on solvent polarity and the transitions between molecular ene

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Infection And Immunity
The Periodontal Pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis Preferentially Interacts with Oral Epithelial Cells in S Phase of the Cell Cycle
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ABSTRACT<p> <named-content content-type="genus-species">Porphyromonas gingivalis</named-content> , a key periodontal pathogen, is capable of invading a variety of cells, including oral keratinocytes, by exploiting host cell receptors, including alpha-5 beta-1 (α5β1) integrin. Previous studies have shown that <named-content content-type="genus-species">P. gingivalis</named-content> accelerates the cell cycle and prevents apoptosis of host cells, but it is not known whether the cell cycle phases influence bacterium-cell interactions. The cell cycle distribution of oral keratinocytes was characterized by flow cytometry and BrdU (5-bro</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in achieving economic stability and growth in Iraq for the period (2004-2011)
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The objective of this research to analyze the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving economic stability and growth for the period 2004-2011 ،This period of time saw a fundamental shift in monetary policy after the issuing new law the Central Bank of the full independence of the monetary authority ،This is Prompt the monetary authority to bring about a change in the philosophy and objectives and the tools used to achieve the desired  goals ،Which give them the ability to control the size of the money supply and to achieve price stability Indeed، Monetary policy has been able to achieve the golden triangle of economic stability ،Consisted of staff، exchange rate stability and low and stable general level of prices

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 9th Computer Science And Electronic Engineering (ceec)
Modelling the power cost and trade-off of live migration the virtual machines in cloud-radio access networks
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