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Assessment of Serum Neopterin Levels in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19
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Background: COVID-19 has caused a considerable number of hospital admissions in China since December 2019. Many COVID-19 patients experience signs of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and some are even in danger of dying. Objective: to measure the serum levels of D-dimer, Neutrophil-Lymphocyte count ratio (NLR), and neopterin in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 in Baghdad, Iraq. And to determine the cut-off values (critical values) of these markers for the distinction between the severe patients diagnosed with COVID‐19 and the controls. Materials and methods: In this case-control study, we collect blood from 89 subjects, 45 were severe patients hospitalized in many Baghdad medical centers who were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection, and 44 were apparently healthy subjects as a control. The time of collection is from September 15 th to December 31 th, 2021. The optimal cut-off points (critical values) and prognostic relevance of D-dimer, Neutrophil-Lymphocyte count ratio (NLR), and neopterin were investigated using (ROC) curves analysis. Results: In severe patients hospitalized with COVID-19 the levels of D-dimer, NLR, and neopterin were statistically significantly higher than in control participants (P< 0.005). The D-dimer, NLR, and neopterin tests have areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of 0.920, 0.90, and 0.74 respectively, and their critical values for the differentiation between the severe patients and control were 0.22 μg/ml, 2.56, and 3.02 nmol/L. Conclusions: D-dimer, NLR, and neopterin levels in sever COVID-19 patients were higher than control, with values of greater than 0.22μg/ml, 2.56 and 3.02nmol/L respectively was linked to a severe COVID-19infection with good sensitivity and selectivity.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Implementation within strategic planning and its impact on banking service quality: (An applied research on a sample of Iraqi banks)
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In the midst of rapid changes and difficultiesand the tough competition faced by the Iraqi banks, it has become necessary to focus on a significant aspect of administrative work; that is strategic planning and the key role of implementation within this process in improving the banking service quality. It has emerged as a critical and main competitive weapon for distinguishing the services provided by banks from each other in an effort to participate in increasing market share of the bank in question in question; in its growth, continuation and profit increase.

The research has addressed the relation between the independent variable (implementation within strategic planning), and the dependent variable (banking service quality and

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Adsorption of 4-Chlorophenol from Aqueous Solution Onto Iraqi Bauxite and Surfactant–Modified Iraqi Bauxite: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Studies
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Archives Of Polish Fisheries
Meristic character variability among populations of Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843 from the Euphrates, Tigris, and Shatt al-Arab Rivers, Iraq
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Abstract<p>Variation in the numbers of pectoral fin spines and rays, pelvic fin rays, gill rakers on the first gill arch, anal fin rays, and the number of vertebrae of Silurus triostegus Heckel were examined in specimens from 16 localities that span its entire distribution range in the Tigris, Euphrates, and Shatt al-Arab rivers in Iraq. The mean number of the six meristic traits increases toward high latitudes with maximum and minimum values in the north and south of Iraq. Based on cluster analysis and PCA, the Mesopotamian river samples were clearly separated into three distinct groups. The upper Tigris populations were isolated from those of the middle and southern populations of this river and from those of</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 05 2017
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Adsorption of 4-Chlorophenol from Aqueous Solution onto Iraqi Bauxite and Surfactant–modified Iraqi Bauxite: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Studies
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Natural Bauxite (BXT) mineral clay was modified with a cationic surfactant (hexadecy ltrimethy lammonium bromide (BXT-HDTMA)) and characterized with different techniques: FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The modified and natural bauxite (BXT) were used as adsorbents for the adsorption of 4- Chlorophenol (4-CP) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption study was carried out at different conditions and parameters: contact time, pH value, adsorbent dosage and ionic strength. The adsorption kinetic (described by a pseudo-first order and a pseudo-second order), equilibrium experimental data (analyzed by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models) and thermodynamic parameters (change in s

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the Correlation Between Supermassive Black Holes and Star Formation Rate for Samples of Seyfert Galaxies (Type 1 and 2)
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An optical spectroscopic study is reported in this article to study the correlation between the supermassive black hole (SMBH) and the star formation rate (SFR) for a sample of Seyfert galaxies type (I and II). The study focused on 45 galaxy of Seyfert 1, in addition to 45 galaxy of Seyfert 2, where these samples have been selected form different survey of Salon Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The redshift (z) of these objects were between (0.02 – 0.26). The results of Seyfert 1 galaxies shows that there good correlation between the SMBH and the SFR depending on statistical analysis parameter named Spearman’s Rank Correlation in a factor of (ρ=0.609), as well as the Seyfert 2 galaxies results show a good correlation between the SMBH and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم والطب
Study of nuclear characters to some 164, 166, 168 68 Er isotopes by using the interacting boson model IBM-1
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The aim of this study is to show the concepts of nuclear shape and the geometrical picture to the even-even nuclei of 164,166,168E isotopes in the context of the Interacting boson Model IBM-1. The energy spectra were calculated and the effective charge values (eB) of the electromagnetic transition strength were obtained and used to calculate the B(E2) values of the electromagnetic transitions and the quadrupole moment Q of 2+ -states. The Hamiltonian parameters were calculated by taking in account the properties of these nuclei. Comparison were made with the available experimental data and included in tables. The geometrical picture of these nuclei were looked at by calculating the deformation which were represented by the potentia

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Food Process Engineering
Artificial intelligence‐based modeling of novel non‐thermal milk pasteurization to achieve desirable color and predict quality parameters during storage
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>This study proposed using color components as artificial intelligence (AI) input to predict milk moisture and fat contents. In this sense, an adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was applied to milk processed by moderate electrical field‐based non‐thermal (NP) and conventional pasteurization (CP). The differences between predicted and experimental data were not significant (<italic>p</italic> > 0.05) for lightness (<italic>L</italic>*), redness‐greenness (<italic>a</italic>*), yellowness‐blueness (<italic>b</italic>*), total color differences (∆<italic>E</italic>), hue angle (<italic>h</italic></p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Skills of Intended Meaning behind the Context when Reading Poetry among Fifth Grade Students- Literary Branch from Teachers’ Perspectives
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        The current research aims to investigate the skills of the intended meaning beyond the context when reading poetry among fifth literary students. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has followed the descriptive approach and used two tools: an open questionnaire that includes an inquiry about the skills of the intended meaning beyond the poetic context, and a closed questionnaire that were examined by the juries, and modified accordingly. Besides, its validity and stability were examined by applying the study on an exploratory sample of (15) teachers to reach its final version and determine the time required to answer it. Then, the researcher applied it on the research sample of (9

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation on the Emission Characteristics of a Dual – Fuel Micro Gas Turbine by Injecting Ethanol into Compressor Inlet Air
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Pollutants generation is strongly dependant on the firing temperature and reaction rates of the gaseous reactants in the gas turbine combustion chamber. An experimental study is conducted on a two-shaft T200D micro-gas turbine engine in order to evaluate the impact of injecting ethanol directly into the compressor inlet air on the exhaust emissions. The study is carried out in constant speed and constant load engine tests. Generally, the results showed that when ethanol was added in a concentration of 20% by volume of fuel flow; NOx emission was reduced by the half, while CO and UHC emissions were almost doubled with respect to their levels when burning conventional LPG fuel alone.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A Proposed Strategy to Develop Postgraduate Studies at King Khalid University to Support the Achievement of the Kingdom's 2030 Vision
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The aim of this research is to formulate a proposed strategy for developing graduate studies at King Khalid University to support the achievement of the Kingdom's vision (2030). The research used the descriptive survey approach. The research community consisted of all graduate students at King Khalid University. The research was conducted on a random sample included (623) Male and female students, this research relied on the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting its data. The results revealed that the research sample believes that all the proposals included in this research are very important for the development of postgraduate studies at King Khalid University to support the achievement of the K

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