Preferred Language
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The research in the linguistic structures of the historians Al-Yaqoubi is considered a model of the important topics in historical studies in general, given its importance in the lives of peoples due to its connotations and meanings that summarize interpretation, clarification, and prolonged speech, as it includes life meanings with many dimensions, these structures have been used in historical incidents Important, and throughout the different ages, as it can be used to support an opinion, solve problems, prove evidence, increase wisdom, and it needs rich life experiences, and a sound language, to use it, and needs a wide absorptive capacity for the recipient, the research included linguistic structures in the achievement of science , Linguistic structures in dealing with people, and linguistic structures with value connotations .

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 12 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Evaluating the Efficiency of Finance Methods in Residential Complex Projects in Iraq
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Financial funding of a construction firm plays an important role in all aspects of the process development. It has been noted that financial crises have a direct impact on the construction industry. The Iraqi government, whether locally or globally, has faced a severe shortage of financing which has resulted in incomplete projects. Due to the financial crisis that Iraq went through which led to the suspension of many residential complex projects and the difficulty of the use of public financing methods, we researched the private financing (public-private partnership) methods instead of public financing methods in residential complex projects implementation. This study verified the financial problems and the factors that relate to th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Radiation Effect on the Optical& Structural Properties of CdTe: Zn thin Films
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The Films of CdTe:Zn were prepared on a glass by using vacuum vapor deposition technique .The x-ray diffraction pattern revealed that the films have polycrystalline with FCC structure and the preferred orientation was along (111) plane.  The films were exposed to a low dose of gamma ray.(5µCi for 30 days) Transmission and absorptance spectra were recorded in the range of (400-1100) nm before and after irradiation. It was found that irradiation has a clear effect on the optical and structural properties which include the transmition and absorption spectra, extinction coefficient, refractive index, and the energy gap.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 13 2023
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Assessment of Soil and Water Properties in the Central Marshes Southern Iraq
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The Central Marshes are one of southern Iraq's most important wetlands and ecosystems. A study on evaluating soil quality and water quality in terms of chemical properties at certain sites in the southern Iraqi Central Marshes has been conducted to investigate their types and suitability for enhancing the agricultural reality of most field crops. Soil and water samples were collected from 15 sites and transferred to the laboratory. In the lab, the following parameters were determined: electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), organic materials (OM), pH, gypsum, and total sulfate content (SO3). The tests conducted on the samples indicated that it could be said that the soil of the Central Marshes

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Environmental References in the Drawings of Ismael Al-Shaikhli: محمد مشعل حبيب
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              The environmental references represented by the intellectual, social, economic, political and religious pressures are considered fundamental factors for the artistic achievement whose importance comes from their multiplicity and branching into natural and psychological pressures that affect the multiplicity, diversity and variability of the artistic and performative methods.  Thus they determine the artist's orientations and the creative artistic visions are summoned through symbols and semantic signs of the visual surface, because the societal thought  in   art in general and the fine art in specific occupies an influential position 

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Lithofacies Characterization of the Early – Middle Miocene Succession, Case-Study, South Iraq
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The Early – Middle Miocene Ghar and Lower Fars sedimentary succession at the representative oil-well Nu-18 of the Nahr Umr oil field south Iraq; is taken by this study to investigate the sedimentological to reservoir rock facies buildups and related reservoir zonation; as first rock-typing attempt for the both formations. The sedimentological characterization of the Early Miocene Ghar formation is mainly comprised by successive buildups of sands-gravels and sandstones, whereas; the Middle Miocene Lower Fars formation is started by limestone, limestone-marly/marl anhydritic, upgraded into interbedded-series of marl and anhydrite facies, with less-common occurrences of thin-sandstone interlayers, terminated by marl-sandy-secti

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Gentamicin Upregulates the Gene Expression of hla and nuc in Staphylococcus aureus
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The current study aimed to detect the effect of gentamicin stress on the expression of hla (encodes hemolysin) and nuc (encodes nuclease) genes of Staphylococcus aureus. Fifty-eight isolates identified as S. aureus were isolated locally from different clinical specimens. Disk diffusion method was used to detect the resistance to S. aureus. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of gentamicin was estimated by broth microdilution method. hla and nuc genes were determined by polymerase chain reaction technique. The biofilm was evaluated using the microtiter plate method in the presence and absence of gentamicin at sub-MIC. The results showed that 18 (31%) and 40 (69%) S. aureus isolates were sensitive and resistant to gentamicin, respectiv

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
كلية التربية-الجامعة المستنصرية
Study the drift velocity of electron in mixtures Cf4,O2 and Ar
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study for the Influence of Operating Parameters on Copper Electrorefining Process
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Copper electrodeposition by electrorefining process in acidic sulfate media contains 40 g/l of cupric ions and 160 g/l of sulfuric acid was achieved to study the influence of the operating parameters on cathode purity, surface morphology, deposition rate, current efficiency and power consumption. These operating parameters and there ranges are: current density 200, 300 and 400 A/m2, electrolyte temperature 35, 50 and 65 oC, electrodes spacing 15, 30 and 45 mm and electrolyte residence time 6, 4 and 2 h were utilized. XRF, SEM and EDX analyses were attained to clarify the properties of the produced cathode.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 03 2016
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
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In this work, a large part of Baghdad University campus has been selected. The determination of Geoidal height for the local area requires Ground Control Points which both Ellipsoidal and Orthometric heights are known to compute the difference between them. The first step of the leveling process began by selected the Ground Control Points (GCPs) around the area of the work, and then divided them into two groups of the network traverse stations. They were leveled and adjusted depend on the number of the Bench Marks (B.M.s). Total Station TS (Nikon Nivo 5C) and Global Positioning System (GPS-Garmin 78 map) are used to do this application. The aim of the proposed work was to determine the height of the Geoid surface in the study area. The Geoi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Journal Of Physics: Conf. Series
Estimate the Rate of Contamination in Baghdad Soils By Using Numerical Method
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the rate of contamination in soils by using accurate numerical method as a suitable tool to evaluate the concentration of heavy metals in soil. In particular, 2D –interpolation methods are applied in the models of the spread the metals in different direction.The paper illustrates the importance of the numerical method in different applications, especially nvironment contamination. Basically, there are many roles for approximating functions. Thus, the approximating of function namely the analytical expression may be expressed; the most common type being is polynomials, which are the easy implemented and simplest methods of approximation. In this paper the divided difference formula is used and extended

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