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Hybrid Anchors in Reinforced Concrete Slabs Strengthened with FRP Sheets
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Reinforced concrete (RC) slabs strengthened with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and subjected to flexural actions may experience many types of failure, including FRP debonding, FRP rupture and concrete crushing. Of these different types of failure modes, FRP debonding stands out as the most predominant type of failure because of its dependence on the relatively weak bond interface between the soffit of the RC member and the FRP sheet attached to it. Many anchorage systems have been developed to enhance the performance of strengthened systems, one of which is the hybrid anchor, which combines the effects of patch anchors and spike anchors. Hybrid anchors have shown significant enhancement when used with RC members subjected to shear forces. This study explores the effectiveness of hybrid anchors in slabs subjected to flexural actions. This study reports an experimental program in which four slabs were subjected to 6-point bending tests. The results show improvement in the maximum load at failure and a significant improvement in ductility.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Dynamic Response of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened by Using CFRP and Circularization Subjected to Seismic Excitation
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Experimental and numerical investigation on the behavior of reinforced reactive powder concrete two-way slabs under static load
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This paper studied the behaviour of reinforced reactive powder concrete (RPC) two-way slabs under static load. The experimental program included testing three simply supported slabs of 1000 mm length, 1000 mm width, and 70 mm thickness. Tested specimens were of identical properties except their steel fibers volume ratio (0.5 %, 1 %, and 1.5 %). Static test results revealed that, increasing steel fibers volume ratio from 0.5% to 1% and from 1% to 1.5%, led to an increase in: first crack load by (32.2 % and 52.3 %), ultimate load by (36.1 % and 17.0 %), ultimate deflection by (33.6 % and 3.4 %), absorbed energy by (128 % and 20.2 %), and the ultimate strain by (1.1 % and 6.73 %). The stiffness and ductility of the specimens also increased. A

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced with 3D-Textile Composite Fiber
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Normal concrete is weak against tensile strength, has low ductility, and also insignificant resistance to cracking. The addition of diverse types of fibers at specific proportions can enhance the mechanical properties as well as the durability of concrete. Discrete fiber commonly used, has many disadvantages such as balling the fiber, randomly distribution, and limitation of the Vf ratio used. Based on this vision, a new technic was discovered enhancing concrete by textile-fiber to avoid all the problems mentioned above. The main idea of this paper is the investigation of the mechanical properties of SCC, and SCM that cast with 3D AR-glass fabric having two different thicknesses (6, 10 mm), and different layers (1,2 laye

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
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Flexural Behavior of Pultruded GFRP–Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened with GFRP Stiffeners
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The utilization and incorporation of glass fiber-reinforced plastics (GFRP) in structural applications and architectural constructions are progressively gaining prominence. Therefore, this paper experimentally and numerically investigates the use of GFRP I-beams in conjunction with concrete slabs to form composite beams. The experimental design incorporated 2600 mm long GFRP I-beams which were connected compositely to concrete slabs with a 500 mm width and 80 mm thickness. The concrete slabs are categorized into two groups: concrete slabs cast using normal-strength concrete (NSC), and concrete slabs prepared using high-strength concrete (HSC). Various parameters like the type of concrete (normal and high-strength concrete), type of

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 05 2020
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Strength compensation of deep beams with large web openings using carbon fiber–reinforced polymer sheets
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This article presents the results of an experimental investigation of using carbon fiber–reinforced polymer sheets to enhance the behavior of reinforced concrete deep beams with large web openings in shear spans. A set of 18 specimens were fabricated and tested up to a failure to evaluate the structural performance in terms of cracking, deformation, and load-carrying capacity. All tested specimens were with 1500-mm length, 500-mm cross-sectional deep, and 150-mm wide. Parameters that studied were opening size, opening location, and the strengthening factor. Two deep beams were implemented as control specimens without opening and without strengthening. Eight deep beams were fabricated with openings but without strengthening, while

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 05 2020
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Strength compensation of deep beams with large web openings using carbon fiber–reinforced polymer sheets
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This article presents the results of an experimental investigation of using carbon fiber–reinforced polymer sheets to enhance the behavior of reinforced concrete deep beams with large web openings in shear spans. A set of 18 specimens were fabricated and tested up to a failure to evaluate the structural performance in terms of cracking, deformation, and load-carrying capacity. All tested specimens were with 1500-mm length, 500-mm cross-sectional deep, and 150-mm wide. Parameters that studied were opening size, opening location, and the strengthening factor. Two deep beams were implemented as control specimens without opening and without strengthening. Eight deep beams were fabricated with openings but without strengthening, while

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Scopus (15)
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Determining the Causes of Punching Shear in Reinforced Slabs Using Fishbone Diagram
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Risk identification and assessment can be analysed using many risk management tools. Fishbone diagram is one of these techniques which can be employed, for the identification of the causes behind the construction failure, which   has become a phenomenon that often gets repeated in several projects. If these failures are not understood and handled scientifically, it may lead to disputes between the project parties. Additionally, the construction failure also leads to an increase in the project budget, which in turn causes a delay in the completion of the projects. Punching shear in reinforcement slab may be one of the reasons for construction failures. However, there are many doubts about other causes that lead to this failure as w

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Engineering Journa
Flexural Moment Capacity Evaluation of Reinforced RPC Two-way Slabs
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The aim of this paper is to determine the flexural moment capacity of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) two-way slabs based on three models proposed by previous studies (Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3). The results obtained from these models were compared with those obtained from experimental work to check the accuracy and the applicability of the adopted theoretical models. The experimental program included the testing of three simply supported RPC two-way slabs (1000x1000x70) mm each. The tested specimens had identical properties except their steel fibres volume ratios (0.5 %, 1 %, and 1.5 %). The comparison with the experimental data showed that (Model 3) is the most suitable one among the three models. Model 1 was found to underestimate the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strength of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Transverse Openings
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The present work is concerned with the investigation of the behavior and ultimate capacity of axially loaded reinforced concrete columns in presence of transverse openings under axial load plus uniaxial bending. The experimental program includes testing of twenty reinforced concrete columns (150 × 150 × 700 mm) under concentric and eccentric load. Parameters considered include opening size, load eccentricity and influence of the direction of load eccentricity with respect to the longitudinal axis of the opening. Experimental results are discussed based on load – lateral mid height deflection curves, load – longitudinal shortening behavior, ultimate load and failure modes. It is found that when the direction of load

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Multiple Openings
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The present investigation focuses on the response of simply supported reinforced concrete rectangular-section beams with multiple openings of different sizes, numbers, and geometrical configurations. The advantages of the reinforcement concrete beams with multiple opening are mainly, practical benefit including decreasing the floor heights due to passage of the utilities through the beam rather than the passage beneath it, and constructional benefit that includes the reduction of the self-weight of structure resulting due to the reduction of the dead load that achieves economic design. To optimize beam self-weight with its ultimate resistance capacity, ten reinforced concrete beams having a length, width, and depth of 2700, 100, and

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