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Extended Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Meso-Scale Modeling
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Four simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams were test experimentaly and analyzed using the extended finite element method (XFEM). This method is used to treat the discontinuities resulting from the fracture process and crack propagation in that occur in concrete. The Meso-Scale Approach (MSA) used to model concrete as a heterogenous material consists of a three-phasic material (coarse aggregate, mortar, and air voids in the cement paste). The coarse aggregate that was used in the casting of these beams rounded and crashed aggregate shape with maximum size of 20 mm. The compressive strength used in these beams is equal to 17 MPa and 34 MPa, respectively. These RC beams are designed to fail due to flexure when subjected to load as a two-point loading. To model the coarse aggregate realistically, the aggregate must distributed randomly according to the gradient and amount actually used in the mix design. This property is not found in the ABAQUS program that resulted in the use of an alternate program to represent the aggregate randomly. Next, the random representation of the aggregate were transfered to the ABAQUS program by using commands and instructions that the program can understand, to draw as a sketch. The comparison between experimental and numerical results showed that the XFEM is a good method used to simulate the non-smooth behavior in RC beams such as discontinuitiy and singularity. While a mesoscale model can be simulated the non-homogeneity in the concrete.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics
Cascaded-Extended-State-Observer-Based Sliding-Mode Control for Underactuated Flexible Joint Robot
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This article presents a new cascaded extended state observer (CESO)-based sliding-mode control (SMC) for an underactuated flexible joint robot (FJR). The control of the FJR has many challenges, including coupling, underactuation, nonlinearity, uncertainties and external disturbances, and the noise amplification especially in the high-order systems. The proposed control integrates the CESO and SMC, in which the CESO estimates the states and disturbances, and the SMC provides the system robustness to the uncertainty and disturbance estimation errors. First, a dynamic model of the FJR is derived and converted from an underactuated form to a canonical form via the Olfati transformation and a flatness approach, which reduces the complexity of th

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical analysis of a concrete foundation under a combination of a dynamic and a seismic load
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Improving in assembling technology has provided machines of higher evaluation with better resistances and managed behavior. This machinery led to remarkably higher dynamic forces and therefore higher stresses. In this paper, a dynamic investigation of rectangular machine diesel and gas engines foundation at the top surface of one-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose, medium and dense) was carried out. The dynamic investigation is performed numerically by utilizing limited component programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is accepted as flexible totally plastic material submits to Mohr-Coulomb yield basis. A harmonic load is applied at the foundation with amplitude of 10 kPa at a frequency of (10, 15 and 20) HZ and se

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 10 2022
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Modeling and Analysis of the Influence of Fear on the Harvested Modified Leslie–Gower Model Involving Nonlinear Prey Refuge
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Understanding the effects of fear, quadratic fixed effort harvesting, and predator-dependent refuge are essential topics in ecology. Accordingly, a modified Leslie–Gower prey–predator model incorporating these biological factors is mathematically modeled using the Beddington–DeAngelis type of functional response to describe the predation processes. The model’s qualitative features are investigated, including local equilibria stability, permanence, and global stability. Bifurcation analysis is carried out on the temporal model to identify local bifurcations such as transcritical, saddle-node, and Hopf bifurcation. A comprehensive numerical inquiry is carried out using MATLAB to verify the obtained theoretical findings and und

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Producing low-cost self-consolidation concrete using sustainable material
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Abstract<p>The disposal of the waste material is the main goal of this investigation by transformation to high-fineness powder and producing self-consolidation concrete (SCC) with less cost and more eco-friendly by reducing the cement weight, taking into consideration the fresh and strength properties. The reference mix design was prepared by adopting the European guide. Five waste materials (clay brick, ceramic, granite tiles, marble tiles, and thermostone blocks) were converted to high-fine particle size distribution and then used as 5, 10, and 15% weight replacements of cement. The improvement in strength properties is more significant when using clay bricks compared to other activated waste </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Producing low-cost self-consolidation concrete using sustainable material
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Abstract<p>The disposal of the waste material is the main goal of this investigation by transformation to high-fineness powder and producing self-consolidation concrete (SCC) with less cost and more eco-friendly by reducing the cement weight, taking into consideration the fresh and strength properties. The reference mix design was prepared by adopting the European guide. Five waste materials (clay brick, ceramic, granite tiles, marble tiles, and thermostone blocks) were converted to high-fine particle size distribution and then used as 5, 10, and 15% weight replacements of cement. The improvement in strength properties is more significant when using clay bricks compared to other activated waste </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Surface Roughness Prediction for Steel 304 In Edm Using Response Graph Modeling
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Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-traditional cutting technique for metals removing which is relied upon the basic fact that negligible tool force is produced during the machining process. Also, electrical discharge machining is used in manufacturing very hard materials that are electrically conductive. Regarding the electrical discharge machining procedure, the most significant factor of the cutting parameter is the surface roughness (Ra). Conventional try and error method is time consuming as well as high cost. The purpose of the present research is to develop a mathematical model using response graph modeling (RGM). The impact of various parameters such as (current, pulsation on time and pulsation off time) are studied on

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 12 2021
Journal Name
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Facilitating claims settlement using building information modeling in the school building projects
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Proposed Background Modeling Algorithm for Moving Object Detection Using Statistical Measures
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Extracting moving object from video sequence is one of the most important steps
in the video-based analysis. Background subtraction is the most commonly used
moving object detection methods in video, in which the extracted object will be
feed to a higher-level process ( i.e. object localization, object tracking ).
The main requirement of background subtraction method is to construct a
stationary background model and then to compare every new coming frame with it
in order to detect the moving object.
Relied on the supposition that the background occurs with the higher appearance
frequency, a proposed background reconstruction algorithm has been presented
based on pixel intensity classification ( PIC ) approach.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design of Self-Assessment Scale to Accreditation Standards
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The process of self-assessment plays a key role in achieving quality educational institutions (college, department or program academic particular), because the assessment process provides reviews of the effectiveness of the criteria used in the enterprise, especially in the field of teaching and learning, and is result self-assessment providing self-assessment report. The self- assessment can be performed at different levels (college, academic department, Master, Ph.D. program, or courses). The importance of the research focused on to provide a measure of self-assessment helps profile officials in the implementation of the assessment process are clear and precise and fast, and to provide them to measure the availability requireme

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Wave Propagation in Detection of Aorta Dieses Using Lumps Analysis
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In this paper a theoretical attempt is made to determine whether changes in the aorta diameter at different location along the aorta can be detected by brachial artery measurement.  The aorta is divided into six main parts, each part with 4 lumps of 0.018m length. It is assumed that a desired section of the aorta has a radius change of 100,200, 500%. The results show that there is a significant change for part 2 (lumps 5-8) from the other parts. This indicates that the nearest position to the artery gives the significant change in the artery wave pressure while other parts of the aorta have a small effect.

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