The Central Marshes are one of southern Iraq's most important wetlands and ecosystems. A study on evaluating soil quality and water quality in terms of chemical properties at certain sites in the southern Iraqi Central Marshes has been conducted to investigate their types and suitability for enhancing the agricultural reality of most field crops. Soil and water samples were collected from 15 sites and transferred to the laboratory. In the lab, the following parameters were determined: electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), organic materials (OM), pH, gypsum, and total sulfate content (SO3). The tests conducted on the samples indicated that it could be said that the soil of the Central Marshes is dark blackish-gray silty clay or clayey silt soil and revealed that most of the southern marshlands are suitable for planting different crops. Analysis of the results may have a role in designing and planning upcoming projects such as construction and agriculture, which would have to enlighten the decision maker.
The study aims to assess some physical, chemical, and bacterial characteristics of two drinking water treatment plants of Al- Dora and Al-Qadisiya in the area of ​​Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq. The areas covered by each plants and these sites of areas selected as the nearest and the farthest point from plants, for winter and summer season. Some physicochemical parameters of water quality were taken in this study and these parameters were temperature water, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, free residual chlorine, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate and heavy metals (lead). In addition to four bacterial indicators of drinking water pollution (APC, Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform
... Show MoreIn the field of residential community planning, one of the appropriate places to study the mutual influences between man and the environment, away from the influences, concepts and mechanisms of contemporary planning theories are isolated environments in rural areas, and the marshlands in Iraq represent one of these models. These areas still retain the planning patterns of residential communities for thousands of years. This research attempts to conduct a descriptive study of traditional settlement patterns, which relied on the capabilities of the surrounding areas to provide planning and architectural solutions based on the environmental factor. Establishing such a clear framework for these impacts can help in any future interventi
... Show MoreThe physiochemical properties are considered to be as important guidelines for quality of water and their use for social, agricultural and different ecological applications. Fourteen properties were investigated in this study, including (PH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Salts(TDS), Turbidity,Total Hard ness(TH),Sodium(Na),Calcium(Ca),Magnesium(Mg),Carbonate(CO3),Chloride (Cl),Phosphate(PO4),Nitrite(NO2),Nitrate(NO3),and Sulphate(SO4) for the wells water at Albualwan region in Al - Anbar province east of Iraq . The results showed that the studied properties recorded values since were (7.3,2230.5Ms\Cm ,869.5ppm,0.32NTU,521.31ppm,3.6gr\L,111.5ppm,139.05ppm,296.86ppm, 116 .6ppm,0.42ppm,0,02ppm,4.7ppm and 4
... Show MoreIn this study, gamma-ray spectrometry with an HPGe detector was used to measure the specific activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in soil samples collected from IT1 oil reservoirs in Kirkuk city, northeast Iraq. The “spectral line Gp” gamma analysis software package was used to analyze the spectral data. 226Ra specific activity varies from 9 0.34 to 17 0.47 232Th specific activity varies from 6.2 0.08 to 18 0.2 40K specific activity varies from 25 0.19 to 118 0.41 The radiological hazard due to the radiation emitted from natural r
... Show MoreAbstract. Al-Abbawy DAH, Al-Thahaibawi BMH, Al-Mayaly IKA, Younis KH. 2021. Assessment of some heavy metals in various aquatic plants of Al-Hawizeh Marsh, southern of Iraq. Biodiversitas 22: 338-345. In order to describe the degree of contamination of aquatic environments in Iraq, heavy metals analysis (Fe, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Zn) was conducted for six aquatic macrophytes from different locations of Al-Hawizeh Marsh in southern Iraq. The six species were Azolla filiculoides (floating plant), Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton pectinatus, Najas marina (submerged plants), Phragmites australis, and Typha domingensis (emergent plants). The results indicate that cadmium, chromium, and iron concentrations in aquatic plants were above the
... Show MoreMonitoring water quality in hemodialysis systems is extremely important to maintain adequate quality services for patients suffering from kidney failure. This work aims to examine and evaluate bacteriological characteristics and endotoxin contamination levels in hemodialysis water produced in dialysis centers. Forty‐eight water samples were collected and analyzed from four major hospitals in Baghdad for one year to evaluate seasonal effects. The analysis included the determination of total heterotrophic bacteria using the pour plate method, identification of bacterial isolate using the Vitek2 compact instrument, and the determination of endotoxins levels using Limulus ameboc
Iraq is located near the northern tip of the Arabian plate, which is advancing northwards relative to the Eurasian plate, and is predictably, a tectonically active country. Seismic activity in Iraq increased significantly during the last decade. So structural and geotechnical engineers have been giving increasing attention to the design of buildings for earthquake resistance. Dynamic properties play a vital role in the design of structures subjected to seismic load. The main objective of this study is to prepare a data base for the dynamic properties of different soils in seismic active zones in Iraq using the results of cross hole and down hole tests. From the data base collected it has been observed that the average ve
... Show MoreMaximizing the water productivity for any agricultural system is considered an adaptation to the potential climate change crisis. It is required, especially in arid and semi-arid environments in Iraq. Therefore, this study assessed the potential impact of climate change on the different environments in the Qadissiya and Nineveh provinces. The ensemble of six GCM models employed for the regional climate model of the HCLIM-ALADIN in high-resolution 10*10 km2 and Aqua-Crop was used to examine the response of water productivity and yield of winter wheat. With and without CO2 concentration changing under different water regimes in the near term (2020-2040
The study aimed to analyze the effect of meteorological factors (rainfall rate and temperature) on the change in land use in the marshes of the Al‐Majar Al‐Kabir region in southern Iraq. Satellite images from Landsat 7 for 2012 and Landsat 8 for 2022 were used to monitor changes in the land coverings, the images taken from the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensors of the Landsat satellite. Geometric correction was used to convert images into a format with precise geographic coordinates using ArcMap 10.5. The maximum likelihood classification method was used to examine satellite image data using a supervised approach, and the data were analyzed statistically. We obtained clear images of the area,
... Show MoreIraq, home of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, has survived an extreme deficiency of surface water assets over the years. The gap is due to the decline of the Iraqi water share every year, as well as a high demand for water use from different sectors, particularly agriculture.
Dam development has long given significant economic benefits to Iraq in circulating low‐priced electricity and supporting low‐income farmers by supplying them with a free irrigation system (Zakaria et al, 2012). This encouraged domestic consumption and investment.
Despite the fact that numerous advantages are expected from dam construction, it should be painstakingly assessed, utilizing cost