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Use of Flavonoids and Green Tea Extracts as Antioxidants Induced by Oxidative Stress: A Review Article
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The aim of this work is to shed light on the importance of medicinal plants, especially those that have extracts that have a direct effect on human health. The study and identification of botany is necessary because human life has become closely linked to the life of plants as food . In addition to using plants as food, primitive man did not stop at this point, but rather developed their use to hunt prey and also used toxic plant materials in wars. With the passage of time, the ancient man was able to link the wild plants that cover the surface of the earth and the diseases that afflict him, so he used these plants or Parts of it are for treatment. A medicinal plant is defined as one or more of its parts that contain one or more chemicals in a small or large concentration and can treat one or more specific diseases or reduce the symptoms of infection if they depend on this plant part in its natural form or through chemicals effective extracted from it. green tea)Camellia Sinensis (is one of the most important natural herbs used in this field, because its chemical compounds contain beneficial effects for the body, such as its anti-inflammatory, anti-decay, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant effects . Flavonoids play a very important role in many extracts and medical preparations and their wide use in pharmacology. They are among the high-voltage compounds that can stimulate the activities of some enzymes and can change the behavior and function of a wide range of cellular systems due to their characteristics an antioxidant; it has the action of capturing free radicals, especially hydroxyl radical . It has a high ability against free radicals that cause many diseases, as it has a protective effect on blood vessels, arteriosclerosis and hepatocytes. It also shows anti-inflammatory, allergic, gastric ulcer activity and burning fat as it has significant anti-tumor activity. We conclude from this study that green tea and some plants that contain in their extracts phenolic compounds (flavonoids) play a major role in reducing the severity of common diseases, in addition to being a good antioxidant. Keywords: Green tea, Flavonoids, Antioxidants, Free Radicals.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Korean Journal Of Materials Research
Preparation and Structure Properties of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 Perovskites
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In this study we examine variations in the structure of perovskite compounds of LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 synthesized using the solid state reaction method. The samples’ compositions were assessed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The La: Ba: Ca: Cu ratios for samples LaBa2Cu2O9, LaBa2CaCu3O12 and LaBa2Ca2Cu5O15 were found by XRF analysis to be around 1:2:0:2, 1:2:1:3, and 1:2:2:5, respectively. The samples’ well-known structures were then analyzed using X-ray diffraction. The three samples largely consist of phases 1202, 1213, and 1225, with a trace quantity of an unknown secondary phase, based on the intensities and locations of the diffraction peaks. According to the measured parameters a, b, and c, every sa

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Prepare and Study Wear Rate of Single and Hybrid Composites
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   This research  studyies  wear  rate  of  composite  materials  by using Epoxy Resin and Polyurethane Rubber as a matrix  of weigt percentage (90:10) (Ep/Pu) and reinforced by PVC fibers and Aluminum fibers two dimension knitted mat with fractional volume(15 %), in different conditions like: lab conditions and after submerge the samples in water for different periods of time. . four kinds of materials were prepared: (Ep+pu), (Ep+Pu+PVC), (Ep+Pu+Al.F), (Ep+Pu+PVC+Al. F) .And the results have shown that the best wear resistance are for the hybrid composite material    (Ep + Pu+ PVC + Al. F) and wear rate of  all samples increased when it was submerged in water

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Simulation and Assessment of Groundwater for Domestic and Irrigation Uses
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The alluvial fan of Mandali located between latitude 30˚45’00” N longitude 45˚30’00” E in east of Diyala Governorate, Iraq. Thirty-five wells were identified in the study area with average depth of 84 m and estimated area of 21550 ha. A three-dimensional conceptual model was prepared by using GMS program. From wells cross sections, four geological layers have been identified. The hydraulic conductivity of these layers was calculated for steady state condition, where the water levels for nine wells distributed over the study area were observed at same time. Afterward, PEST facility in the GMS was used to estimate the aquifer hydraulic characteristics. Other characteristics such as storage coefficient and specific yield have

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Evidence for monotheism in Islam and the Qur’an and the meaning of the names and attributes and their unification
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This topic is considered to be of a high degree of importance to every Muslim, and its importance is due to the fact that monotheism is:

Prove that God Almighty is the God who created everything and everything opposite to monotheism is polytheism, and it is taking other than God Almighty as a deity.

Therefore, we have to know the concept of God. If he is known, then he knows the concept of monotheism and the concept of polytheism

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Different Percentages of Natural (Orange Peels and Date Seeds) and Industrial Materials (Carbon and Silica) on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polymeric Reinforced Composites
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Mechanical and thermal properties of composites, consisted of unsaturated polyester resin, reinforced by different kinds of natural materials (Orange peels and Date seeds) and industrial materials (carbon and silica) with particle size 98 µm were studied. Various weight ratios, 5, 10, and 15 wt. % of natural and industrial materials have been infused into polyester. Tensile, three-point bending and thermal conductivity tests were conducted for the unfilled polyester, natural and industrial composite to identify the weight ratio effect on the properties of materials. The results indicated that when the weight ratio for polyester with date seeds increased from 10% to 15%, the maximum Young’s modulus decreased by 54%. When the weight rat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The contribution of the tax authorities to increase the tax revenues: An applied research on a sample of the supporting bodies in the health sector for the period 1998-2008
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the research was exposed to a study the importance of the role of the supportive entities in providing the useful information to the tax administration and their ability to extend the level of the tax base of taxpayers, through the improvement of the tax payers determination and their tax settle for the purpose of increasing the tax revenue, and shed light on the legal evidence through which these entities become officially assigned to perform a supplementary task to the General Committee for Taxes GCT, to help it to perform its task efficiently, and to study the reasons of the weak cooperation of the supportive entities and their reluctance to provide useful information which leads to limiting the tax base.

The research data hav

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal (dasj)
(OLIGO-X) the effect of salinity of irrigation water and magnetisation and soaking Alalascorbek acid and extracted sea Your protected agriculture. DALIA in germination and growth of seedlings seeds of hybrid option
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation Adhesive Material Reinforced of Graphite Particles and Study Electrical and Mechanical and Thermal Properties
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The physical, mechanical, electrical and thermal properties containing (Viscosity, curing, adhesion force, Tensile strength, Lap shear strength, Resistively, Electrical conductivity and flammability) of adhesive material that prepared from Nitrocellulose reinforced with graphite particles and aluminum streat. A comparison is made between the properties of adhesive material with varying percentage of graphite powder (0%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%) to find out the effect of reinforcement on the adhesive material. The ability of property an electrical was studied through the measurement of conductivity a function of temperature varying. The results of comparison have clearly shown that the increasing of conten

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Hazards and Risk in Construction and the Impact of Incentives and Rewards on Safety Outcomes
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Pyridine and Pyrimidine Derivatives and Studying Their Biological Activities
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Heterocyclic systems, which are essential in medicinal chemistry due to their promising cytotoxic activity, are one of the most important families of organic molecules found in nature or produced in the laboratory. As a result of coupling N-(4-nitrophenyl)-3-oxo-butanamide (3) using thiourea, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, or piperonal, the pyrimidine derivatives (5a and 5b) were produced. Furthermore, pyrimidine 9 was synthesized by reacting thiophene-2-carboxaldehyde with ethyl cyanoacetate and urea with potassium carbonate as a catalyst. The chalcones 11a and 11b were synthesized by reacting equal molar quantities of 1-naphthaldehy

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