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Fractional Brownian motion inference of multivariate stochastic differential equations

Recently, the financial mathematics has been emerged to interpret and predict the underlying mechanism that generates an incident of concern. A system of differential equations can reveal a dynamical development of financial mechanism across time. Multivariate wiener process represents the stochastic term in a system of stochastic differential equations (SDE). The standard wiener process follows a Markov chain, and hence it is a martingale (kind of Markov chain), which is a good integrator. Though, the fractional Wiener process does not follow a Markov chain, hence it is not a good integrator. This problem will produce an Arbitrage (non-equilibrium in the market) in the predicted series. It is undesired property that leads to erroneous conclusion, as it is not possible to build a mathematical model, which represents the financial phenomenon. If there is Arbitrage (unbalance) in the market, this can be solved by Wick-Ito-Skorohod stochastic integral (renormalized integral). This paper considers the estimation of a system of fractional stochastic differential equations (FSDE) using maximum likelihood method, although it is time consuming. However, it provides estimates with desirable characteristic with the most important consistency. Langevin method can be used to find the mathematical form of the functions of stochastic differential equations. This includes drift and diffusion by estimating conditional mean and variance from the data and finding the suitable function achieves the least error, and then estimating the parameters of the model by numerical optimal solution search method. Data used in this paper consist of three banking sector stock prices including Baghdad Bank (BBOB), the Commercial Bank (BCOI), and the National Bank (BNOI). © 2020 International University of Sarajevo.

Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Development of the Suez Canal and Projects Competitors

The area around the Suez Canal has been chosen particularly  Sinai  to implement the new Suez Canal project parallel to the original 72-km-long channel due to the importance of the commercial site of the Arab Republic of Egypt, competing with shipping lanes, to accommodate the increasing maritime traffic  passing through the Suez canal, and to provide special services for trade world and reduce the economic cost of marine trip. The establishment of six tunnels for automobile and railway transport to Sinai The cost of the establishment of this new channel  and the establishment of the tunnels about (2.8) billion, of which 4 billion cost of the new channel. Project implementation period is one year. The new proj

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study on the Hardness of Mechroha Water Springs

The vacancy of natural resources is undoubtedly limited by time. The sustainable development principle recommends modern technology for its protection and renewal. This project conducted analyses on two underground water sources in the north of Algeria (Mechroha Province). Besides, the use of the hardness factor and the adoption of the titration method, which is  the determining the concentration of an unknown solution using a known solution concentration, have permitted the characterization of the examples taken and to verify their conformity to the standard required, the results found showed HT=6.66 French degrees (oF) ) for Ain Guilloume water spring in comparison to Ain Messai water spring H

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Solution of Min-Max Composition Fuzzy Relational Equation

In this paper, Min-Max composition fuzzy relation equation are studied. This study is a generalization of the works of Ohsato and Sekigushi. The conditions for the existence of solutions are studied, then the resolution of equations is discussed.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Nanowires Heterojunction Solar Cell

Silicon nanowire arrays (SiNWs) are created utilizing the metal-assisted chemical etching method with an Ag metal as a catalyst and different etching time of 15, 30, and 60 minutes using n-Si (100). Physical properties such as structural, surface morphology, and optical properties of the prepared SiNWs are studied. The diameter of prepared SiNWs ranged from 20 to 280 nm, and the reflectance in the visible part of the wavelength spectrum was less than 1% for all prepared samples. The obtained energy gap of prepared SiNWs was around 2 eV, which is higher than the energy gap of bulk silicon. X-ray diffraction (XRD) has diffraction peaks at 68.70o for all prepared samples. The heterojunction solar cell was fabricated based on the

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Interval Value Fuzzy k-Ideals of a KU-Semigroup

The notion of interval value fuzzy k-ideal of KU-semigroup was studied as a generalization of afuzzy k-ideal of KU-semigroup. Some results of this idea under homomorphism are discussed. Also, we presented some properties about the image (pre-image) for interval~ valued fuzzy~k-ideals of a KU-semigroup. Finally, the~ product of~ interval valued fuzzyk-ideals is established.


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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of insurance policy in facing banking risks

The concept of insurance policy is one of the concepts that expresses a way to face the risks that a person is exposed to in the field of his life. It is a system that involves a prior agreement between two parties through which the risk is transferred from the second party (the insured) to the first party (the insurer) in return for paying an amount Calculated was able to cover the potential loss according to certain percentages agreed upon between the two parties, and that the main goal of any scientific analysis of the risk is to choose the most appropriate policy or method to confront it, by identifying the risks and ways to address them, and the main goal is to reduce losses and limit the possibility of their occurrence.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Remorse in the poetry of the Dick gins hums


      Regret is a feeling that affects a person when he does something, realizing that his present situation would be better if he did not commit this act, or behaved differently in the past. It is also a look back. It makes a person feel dissatisfied, and hopes if he can change In the past, this research deals with the remorse of the hair of Dick Homs al-Jinn, who killed his sweetheart and his wife (Ward), after an alleged treason without being confirmed, and when he found out the truth he regretted killing her all his life. His poetry is studied carefully, and he has not received the attention of scholars like other poets of his time; and his unwillingness to keep up with

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Cross Dipole Antennas Solution for Angle of Arrival Estimation

The Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm is the most popular algorithm to estimate the Angle of Arrival (AOA) of the received signals. The analysis of this algorithm (MUSIC) with typical array antenna element ( ) shows that there are two false direction indication in the plan
aligned with the axis of the array. In this paper a suggested modification on array system is proposed by using two perpendiculars crossed dipole array antenna in spite of one array antenna. The suggested modification does not affect the AOA estimation algorithm. The simulation and results shows that the proposed solution overcomes the MUSIC problem without any effect on the performance of the system.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Serviceability Performance of Externally Prestressed steel-Concrete Composite Girders

Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Concrete Flexural Members Reinforced with Fibre Polymer