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The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect a mixture of threespecies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum, G. leptotichum andRhizophagus intraradices) double and triple mixture and organic matter by usingplastic pots in the greenhouse at some mycorrhiza and physiological limitationscharacteristics in tomato plant after four and eight weeks of cultivation. Theresults of the determinants mycorrhiza significant increase the percentage ofmycorrhizal frequency F% dry weight of roots mycorrhiza (g.plant-1) andorganic matter in all mycorrhiza single, double and triple mixture after four andeight weeks cultivation treatments. The highest percentage of mycorrhizalfrequency and increase the dry weight of the root in the treatment of the mixturemycorrhiza triple and organic matter compared with the other treatments aswell as the results after eight weeks cultivation higher than four weeks. Thestudy showed that the total shoot and root dry weight and organic matterpresence a significant increase in the total dry weight of shoot and root in singletreatments and double and triple mixture and organic matter after four andeight weeks cultivation compared with the control treatment, and appeared thehigher total dry weight of shoot of the plant in the treatment of the triplemycorrhiza mixture compared with other treatments and eight weeks afterplanting higher than four weeks Agriculture. Also caused all single, double andtriple treatments mycorrhiza mixture and organic matter after eight weeks ofAgriculture is also a significant increase in the elements nitrogen, phosphorusand potassium, as well as protein in the roots of tomato plants were treated triplemixture of all the elements and protein is higher than other treatments.

Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Turonian-Lower Campanian Succession at Majnoon Oil Field, Southern Iraq

The Turonian-Lower Companian succession at Majnoon Oil Field is represented by the Khasib, Tanuma, and Saadi formations. Four major paleoenvironments were recognized within the studied succession, there are: Shallow open marine environment, shoal environment, deep marine environment, and basinal environment. They reflect deposition on a carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp setting. The studied succession represents two second order supersequences (A) and (B). Supersequence (A) includes both the Khasib and Tanuma formations. The Saadi Formation represents cycle (B). These second order cycles can be divided each into two third order cycles, This subdivision may reflect the effect of eustacy being the major controlling factor of cycles dev

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation the efficiency of Trichomonas vaginalis depending on clinical sings , direct examination ,culturing and serological test

The adequacy of diagnostic tests, together with trichomoniasis associated clinical symptoms, were investigated in females suffering vaginitis, and they were referred to the Gynecology Department, Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital during the period December 2004 – June 2005. The total number of patients was 250 cases (age range: 18 - 52 years), and each patient was examined using a sterile speculum to obtain vaginal swabs for examination. The diagnosis with T. vaginalis was done in many methods. The direct methods included wet and stained (Leishman's stain) examinations and cultivation in different culture media (Kupferberg Trichomonas Broth Base;, Trichomonas Agar Base; TAB and Trichomonas Modified CPLM), while the indirect methods were serol

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Studying the responsivity and detectivity of GO/PSi/n-Si photo detector via drop casting technique

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geomorphological Phenomena of the Tigris River between Dojama and Sindia Villages, Al Khalis District, Diyala Province

Differences in transversal sections and activities of geomorphological operations led to forming geomorphological shapes as river turns and river isles in watercourse in the area of study. The study showed three river turns that are Sindia turn with length 4723m, turn wave 3599 average width 267.6, Zanbour turn length 11374m, turn wave 7110 average width 307.5m,and Dojama turn with length 5876m, turn wave 4982m average width 313.4m. This difference is caused by the activity of erosion and sedimentation that led to the appearance of the length rivers turn.
The study showed that the turn of Dojama is the only corresponding turn, whereas the phenomena of corresponding never appeared in other turns in the area of study. The study also sho

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Hexagonal structure impeded intellectual youth for the advancement of civilization duty and mechanisms to address them

Photos of the backwardness of the Muslims and their backwardness in creating
sustainable development policies have driven them to a state of civilization , which witnesses
Avckaddoha time ago and not disrupt the adversary is a phenomenon thought the youth to
exercise its role and duty in the construction and development of the state witnesses Mdanah
civilized nation.
The vigilance thought the youth of its slumber correct form could provide opportunities for
growth and development in the Arab and Islamic worlds, and both material and moral support
through the creation model youth Islamic social role models, but that the image of the model
, , - 1

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of the RLS and LMS Algorithms to Remove Power Line Interference Noise from ECG Signal

    Biomedical signal such as ECG is extremely important in the diagnosis of patients and is commonly recorded with a noise. Many different kinds of noise exist in biomedical environment such as Power Line Interference Noise (PLIN). Adaptive filtering is selected to contend with these defects, the adaptive filters can adjust the filter coefficient with the given filter order. The objectives of this paper are: first an application of the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm, Second is an application of the Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithm to remove the PLIN. The LMS and RLS algorithms of the adaptive filter were proposed to adapt the filter order and the filter coefficients simultaneously, the performance of existing LMS

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Dental Caries and Some Salivary Constituents among a Group of Ten Years Iraqi Passive Smokers

Background: Passive smoking and dental caries affect the integrity of the health of individuals and both of them affected by sociodemographic characteristics of those individuals. This research aimed to investigate the severity of dental caries in relation to salivary magnesium and zinc of stimulated whole saliva of a group of 10 years passive smokers in comparison with normal subjects. Materials and methods: the study group included 40 subjects (20boys and 20 girls), with an age of 10 years of passive smokers determined by a questionnaire. The control group included 40 normal subjects of the same gender and age of the study group. The diagnosis and recording of dental caries was measured by (D1-4MFS & d1-4mfs) index according to the criter

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Polymeric Membrane Sensors for the Selective Determination of Metoclopramide Hydrochloride and their Applications to Pharmaceutical Analysis

Metoclopramide (MCP) ion selective electrodes based on metoclopramide-phosphotungstic acid (MCP-PT) ion pair complex in PVC matrix membrane were constructed. The plasticizers used were tri-butyl phosphate (TBP), di-octyl phenyl phosphonate (DOPP), di-butyl phthalate (DBPH), di-octyl phthalate (DOP), di-butyl phosphate (DBP), bis 2-ethyl hexyl phosphate (BEHP). The sensors based on TBP, DOPP, DBPH and DOP display a fast, stable and linear response with slopes 59.9, 57.7, 57.4, 55.3 mV/decade respectively at pH ranged 2-6. The linear concentration range between 1.0×10-5 – 1.0×10-2 M with detection limit 3.0×10-6 and 4.0×10-6 M for electrodes using TBP, DOPP and DBPH while e

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
College Of Education Journal, Al-mustansiriyah University
The cyclic Decomposition of PSL(2,pk) where pk = 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19

Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Investigation of the Relationship between Writing Achievement and Writing Strategy Use by Secondary School Students

Basically, this study aims to identify the extent to which Iraqi secondary school students use writing strategies and how proficiency level and students gender could affect writing strategy use. The study also examines the relationship between writing achievement and writing strategy use among Iraqi secondary school students. For this purpose, 140 Iraqi secondary school students were selected randomly from six different schools. Petric and Czarl’s questionnaire (2003) was adopted in the study as an instrument to collect the needed data. A software of SPSS used to analyze the collected data. The findings revealed that secondary school students appeared as low users of writing strategies; low proficient students do not show a sta

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