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Performance Evaluation of Two Date Palm Frond Cutting Saws
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Abstract<p>Traditional tree management is laborious and costly, thus this work aimed to study the performance of two different types of frond cutting saws (reciprocating saw and vibrating saw) and examine the two saws on five date palm varieties. Four parameters were examined, including cutting time for a single frond, the power needed for cutting a single frond, frond cutting productivity expressed as tree/h, and vibration conveyed to the worker’s hand. A field experiment was designed according to the nested randomized complete block design, including five date palm varieties as the main plot and the type of saw as a sub-plot. Means were compared using the least significant differences (LSD 0.05). Results indicated that Bream variety required the least time for frond cutting. The reciprocating saw exhibited efficiency in saving the time required for frond cutting, while the vibrating saw took significantly longer time needed for cutting a single frond. The highest number of fronds cut in one hour was recorded in Bream variety, again significantly higher than the number of other studied varieties. Moreover, the reciprocating saw achieved significantly higher productivity than the vibrating one, indicating that the productivity of the reciprocating saw is almost three times more than the vibrating saw. Maximum productivity was recorded in Bream variety, while the least was recorded in Tebarzal using the vibrating saw. Moreover, results indicate that the variety and the type of saw have a vital role in productivity since as the thickness of a frond increases, the cutting takes more time and ultimately reduces the number of date palms to be pruned per hour. Results also exhibited that vibrating saw reduced the consumed energy during frond cutting. Additionally, results revealed that the minimum power consumed by a vibrating saw was in Bream variety, while Tebarzal consumed the upmost energy when a reciprocating saw was used. Maximum vibration on X-axis was reported in Bream variety when a vibrating saw was used. Additionally, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared with the vibrating saw. Moreover, the reciprocating saw caused the lowest vibration in Tebarzal variety. Results indicated that the vibration imposed by both saws reached the maximum value in Bream variety. The vibrating saw resulted in the higher vibration toward Z axis, while the Reciprocating saw resulted in higher vibration toward X axis, which was more than eight times that recorded by the vibrating saw. Results indicate that vibration toward the Y axis increased significantly in Bream variety compared with others. Again, as in the situation with X and Z axis, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared to that resulted from using a vibrating saw which was more than three times the vibration caused by the vibrating saw.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Phisco-Chemical analysis and sensory evaluation of Iraqi cake incorporated with grape and date (Zahidi) syrup
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Abstract<p>In this research, The effect of substituting sucrose with different level of DS and DG (0, 25, 30,50,70 and 100%) on the physiochemical, microbial and sensory properties of cake were studied. Cake models were as well construed for microbial content and organic structure during, before then next 35 days storing at experimental temperature. Results showed no significant variances (p < 0.01) in the chemo physical structure of the date and grape test cake for protein values while there were significant differences for Asch, fiber and fat content values, Sensory assessment results showed high significant variance (p < 0.01) among the cake trials with the exemption of texture (6.04-6.</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Investigation of the performance of integrated intelligent models to predict the roughness of Ti6Al4V end-milled surface with uncoated cutting tool
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Abstract<p>Titanium alloys are broadly used in the medical and aerospace sectors. However, they are categorized within the hard-to-machine alloys ascribed to their higher chemical reactivity and lower thermal conductivity. This aim of this research was to study the impact of the dry-end-milling process with an uncoated tool on the produced surface roughness of Ti6Al4V alloy. This research aims to study the impact of the dry-end milling process with an uncoated tool on the produced surface roughness of Ti6Al4V alloy. Also, it seeks to develop a new hybrid neural model based on the training back propagation neural network (BPNN) with swarm optimization-gravitation search hybrid algorithms (PSO-GS</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Performance quality of single and ?two stage solar concentrators
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The performance of single and two stage solar concentrator were studied ' " The ratio of the primary to the secondary mirrors diameter is taking to be 0.5, depending on the theoretical calculation for the accumulated energy by the concentrator with ratio between 0.0 to 0.9. The design of the systems were designed and examined by using a ray-tracing program. The efficiency of the single and the two stage concentrators are calculated and compared with and without cooling systems.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Evaluation of toxic effects of two weight reduction pills
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Abstract his study involved evaluation of side effects of two weight reduction pills that had been widely distributed in the last period. Two weight reduction compounds are studied, Reductil (containing chemical substances) and Chinese’s weight reduction herbs (containing natural substances). Two doses for each compound are used in this research; 5mg/ml and 0.5mg/ml for Reductil, while 30mg/ml and 10mg/ml for Chinese weight reduction herbs. To evaluate the toxic effects of these compounds, the following parameters were determined which include mitotic index (cytogenetic analysis), serum FSH and LH hormones level (follicles stimulation hormone/FSH and lutenising hormone/LH) and histological examination of female mice ovaries. Control group

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) is a devastating invasive pest of palm trees, invading the Iraqi date palm tree in 2015 for the first time in Safwan county, Basrah province. The Red Palm weevil has been categorized as a quarantine pest of date palm trees worldwide. In this study, a five years monitoring program has been achieved by scouting the invasive pest RPW population in Safwan county by using visual sampling and Pheromone baited traps.
The results indicated that the number of infested palms, increased from 12 trees in 2015 to 111 in 16 orchards in 2016. The number of the infested palms was minimized to 3 trees in the county in 2019 due to the management protocol of the Ministry of Agriculture

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Technology (ijmet)
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A new two-way nesting technique is presented for a multiple nested-grid ocean modelling system. The new technique uses explicit center finite difference and leapfrog schemes to exchange information between the different subcomponents of the nested-grid system. The performance of the different nesting techniques is compared, using two independent nested-grid modelling systems. In this paper, a new nesting algorithm is described and some preliminary results are demonstrated. The validity of the nesting method is shown in some problems for the depth averaged of 2D linear shallow water equation.

Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Engineering Journa
Flexural Moment Capacity Evaluation of Reinforced RPC Two-way Slabs
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The aim of this paper is to determine the flexural moment capacity of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) two-way slabs based on three models proposed by previous studies (Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3). The results obtained from these models were compared with those obtained from experimental work to check the accuracy and the applicability of the adopted theoretical models. The experimental program included the testing of three simply supported RPC two-way slabs (1000x1000x70) mm each. The tested specimens had identical properties except their steel fibres volume ratios (0.5 %, 1 %, and 1.5 %). The comparison with the experimental data showed that (Model 3) is the most suitable one among the three models. Model 1 was found to underestimate the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
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Development of Hybrid Intelligent Models for Prediction Machining Performance Measure in End Milling of Ti6Al4V Alloy with PVD Coated Tool under Dry Cutting Conditions
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Ti6Al4V alloy is widely used in aerospace and medical applications. It is classified as a difficult to machine material due to its low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity. In this study, hybrid intelligent models have been developed to predict surface roughness when end milling Ti6Al4V alloy with a Physical Vapor Deposition PVD coated tool under dry cutting conditions. Back propagation neural network (BPNN) has been hybridized with two heuristic optimization techniques, namely: gravitational search algorithm (GSA) and genetic algorithm (GA). Taguchi method was used with an L27 orthogonal array to generate 27 experiment runs. Design expert software was used to do analysis of variances (ANOVA). The experimental data were

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Cutting of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics by a CW CO2 Laser
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In this work, a CW CO2 laser was used for cutting samples of the fiber-reinforced
plastics (FRP) of three different types of reinforcing material; aramide, glass and carbon.
Cutting process was investigated throughout the variation of some parameters of cutting
process and their effects on cutting quality as well as the effect of an inert gas exist in the
interaction region and finally using a mechanical chopper in order to enhance the cutting
quality. Results obtained explained the possibility to perform laser cutting with high
quality in these materials by good control of the parameters and conditions of the process.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of Al-Rustamiya Wastewater Treatment Plant
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Al-Rustamiya sewage treatment plant (WWTP) serves the east side of Baghdad city (Rusafa) and is considered one of the largest projects.It consists of three parts (old project F0, first extension F1, and second extension F2) that treat wastewater and the
effluent is discharged into Diyala river and thus into the Tigris River. These plants are designed and constructed with an aim to manage wastewater to reachIraqi effluent standard for BOD5, COD, TSS and chloride concentrations of 40, 100, 60 and 600
mg/L respectively. The data recordedfrom March till December 2011 provided from Al-RustamiyaWWTP, were considered in this study to evaluate the performance of the plant. The results indicated that the strength of the wastewater enterin

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