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Performance Evaluation of Two Date Palm Frond Cutting Saws
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Abstract<p>Traditional tree management is laborious and costly, thus this work aimed to study the performance of two different types of frond cutting saws (reciprocating saw and vibrating saw) and examine the two saws on five date palm varieties. Four parameters were examined, including cutting time for a single frond, the power needed for cutting a single frond, frond cutting productivity expressed as tree/h, and vibration conveyed to the worker’s hand. A field experiment was designed according to the nested randomized complete block design, including five date palm varieties as the main plot and the type of saw as a sub-plot. Means were compared using the least significant differences (LSD 0.05). Results indicated that Bream variety required the least time for frond cutting. The reciprocating saw exhibited efficiency in saving the time required for frond cutting, while the vibrating saw took significantly longer time needed for cutting a single frond. The highest number of fronds cut in one hour was recorded in Bream variety, again significantly higher than the number of other studied varieties. Moreover, the reciprocating saw achieved significantly higher productivity than the vibrating one, indicating that the productivity of the reciprocating saw is almost three times more than the vibrating saw. Maximum productivity was recorded in Bream variety, while the least was recorded in Tebarzal using the vibrating saw. Moreover, results indicate that the variety and the type of saw have a vital role in productivity since as the thickness of a frond increases, the cutting takes more time and ultimately reduces the number of date palms to be pruned per hour. Results also exhibited that vibrating saw reduced the consumed energy during frond cutting. Additionally, results revealed that the minimum power consumed by a vibrating saw was in Bream variety, while Tebarzal consumed the upmost energy when a reciprocating saw was used. Maximum vibration on X-axis was reported in Bream variety when a vibrating saw was used. Additionally, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared with the vibrating saw. Moreover, the reciprocating saw caused the lowest vibration in Tebarzal variety. Results indicated that the vibration imposed by both saws reached the maximum value in Bream variety. The vibrating saw resulted in the higher vibration toward Z axis, while the Reciprocating saw resulted in higher vibration toward X axis, which was more than eight times that recorded by the vibrating saw. Results indicate that vibration toward the Y axis increased significantly in Bream variety compared with others. Again, as in the situation with X and Z axis, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared to that resulted from using a vibrating saw which was more than three times the vibration caused by the vibrating saw.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Extraction, Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Two Phenolic Acids from Aerial Parts of Celery and Coriander
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Celery and coriander are vastly applied in modern medicine and traditionally because various medicinal and nutritional benefits depend on their medicinal characteristics. The study aimed to detect, isolate and compare extracts contents of phenolic acids (caffeic and p-coumaric acids) in ethyl acetate fraction of fresh and dry aerial parts of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and celery (Apium graveolens L.) of the Apiaceae family. The extraction of these constituents was carried out by maceration method using 70% ethanol and fractionation was done by using petroleum ether, and ethyl acetate. The existence of caffeic and p-coumaric acids in aerial part extracts of two plants was identified by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research &amp; Development
Prevalence of Depression among Mothers of Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus attending two Diabetes Centers
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Detecting the effectiveness of two tools for detecting the talented from their teachers' points of view
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Education specialists have differed about determining the best ways to detect the
talented. Since the appearance of the mental and psychological measurement movement, some
scholars adopted intelligence ratios as a criterion to identify the talented and others went to
rely on the degree of academic achievement. Each of these two methods has its own flaws and
mistakes and a large number of talented children were victims of these two methods.
Therefore the need to use other scales for the purpose of detection of talented children
appeared because they provide valuable information which may not be obtained easily
through objective tests and these scales are derived from consecutive studies of gifted andtalented children

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Energy Flow of a Two Stages Four Generators Adsorption Chiller
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This work is concerned with a two stages four beds adsorption chiller utilizing activated carbon-methanol adsorption pair that operates on six separated processes. The four beds that act as thermal compressors are powered by a low grade thermal energy in the form of hot water at a temperature range of 65 to 83 °C.  As well as, the water pumps and control cycle consume insignificant electrical power. This adsorption chiller consists of three water cycles. The first water cycle is the driven hot water cycle. The second cycle is the cold water cycle to cool the carbon, which adsorbs the methanol. Finally, the chilled water cycle that is used to overcome the building load. The theoretical results showed that average cycle cooling power

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral Medicine And Oral Surgery
Reliability of two difficulty indexes in predicting the surgical extraction difficulty of impacted mandibular third molars
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the reliability and the agreement of the Pederson and Pernambuco difficulty indexes in predicting the surgical extraction difficulty of the impacted mandibular third molars. Materials and methods: A prospective observational cohort study was conducted on 83 patients who had undergone surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar. The difficulty of extraction was determined preoperatively according to the total scores obtained from the Pederson and Pernambuco difficulty indexes, the operative difficulty was determined by the surgical technique and the duration of extraction. The accuracy of prediction of the surgical difficulty and

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The local bifurcation analysis of two preys stage-structured predator model with anti-predator behavior
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Abstract<p>This paper deals with two preys and stage-structured predator model with anti-predator behavior. Sufficient conditions that ensure the appearance of local and Hopf bifurcation of the system have been achieved, and it’s observed that near the free predator, the free second prey and the free first prey equilibrium points there are transcritical or pitchfork and no saddle node. While near the coexistence equilibrium point there is transcritical, pitchfork and saddle node bifurcation. For the Hopf bifurcation near the coexistence equilibrium point have been studied. Further, numerical analysis has been used to validate the main results.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Cantilever Beam with Sliding Mode Observer Using Two Piezoelectric Patches
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This paper presents a vibration suppression control design of cantilever beam using two piezoelectric ‎patches. One patch was used as ‎an actuator element, while the other was used as a sensor. The controller design was designed via the balance realization reduction method to elect the reduced order model that is most controllable and observable. ‎the sliding mode observer was designed to estimate six states from the reduced order model but three states are only used in the control law. Estimating a number of states larger than that used is in order to increase the estimation accuracy. Moreover, the state ‎estimation error is proved bounded. An ‎optimal LQR controller is designed then using the ‎estimated states with the slid

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Estimation of Beta Two Microglobulins, Fetuin-A, Resistin Serum Level in Iraqi Multiple Myeloma Patients
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Multiple myeloma is hematological disease produces many complications in the bone, kidney, neural and other complications. The study aims to measure serum biomolecules like fetuin-A and resistin and determined the possibility to use these biomarkers as disease predictor. blood samples were isolated from 58 patients and 24 sex and age-matched control, serum then isolated, and proper ELISA kit then used to a determined level of B2 microglobulin, resistin, and fetuin-A. The result demonstrated significant increase in   B2 microglobulin, fetuin-A and resistin in patients compare to control (1.3470.714 vs. 0.9130.253), p = 0.000, (14.00310.352 vs. 9.2594.264), p= 0.005, (1.9673.595 vs. 0.6040.622), p = 0.009, respectively. &

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn: 1683 - 3597 , E-issn : 2521 - 3512)
Estimation of Beta Two Microglobulins, Fetuin-A, Resistin Serum Level in Iraqi Multiple Myeloma Patients
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Multiple myeloma is hematological disease produces many complications in the bone, kidney, neural and other complications. The study aims to measure serum biomolecules like fetuin-A and resistin and determined the possibility to use these biomarkers as disease predictor. blood samples were isolated from 58 patients and 24 sex and age-matched control, serum then isolated, and proper ELISA kit then used to a determined level of B2 microglobulin, resistin, and fetuin-A. The result demonstrated significant increase in   B2 microglobulin, fetuin-A and resistin in patients compare to control (1.3470.714 vs. 0.9130.253), p = 0.000, (14.00310.352 vs. 9.2594.264), p= 0.005, (1.9673.595 vs. 0.6040.622), p = 0.009, respectively.   These di

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Rise Velocity and Drag Coefficient of Collapsing Two-Phase Bubble Condensing in an Immiscible Liquid
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Collapse of the vapor  bubble condensing  in an immiscible  is investigated for  n-pentane and n-hexane vapors condensing in cold water and n-pentane in two different compositions of glycerin- water mixture. The rise velocity and the drag coefficient of the two-phase bubble are measured.

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