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Performance Evaluation of Two Date Palm Frond Cutting Saws
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Abstract<p>Traditional tree management is laborious and costly, thus this work aimed to study the performance of two different types of frond cutting saws (reciprocating saw and vibrating saw) and examine the two saws on five date palm varieties. Four parameters were examined, including cutting time for a single frond, the power needed for cutting a single frond, frond cutting productivity expressed as tree/h, and vibration conveyed to the worker’s hand. A field experiment was designed according to the nested randomized complete block design, including five date palm varieties as the main plot and the type of saw as a sub-plot. Means were compared using the least significant differences (LSD 0.05). Results indicated that Bream variety required the least time for frond cutting. The reciprocating saw exhibited efficiency in saving the time required for frond cutting, while the vibrating saw took significantly longer time needed for cutting a single frond. The highest number of fronds cut in one hour was recorded in Bream variety, again significantly higher than the number of other studied varieties. Moreover, the reciprocating saw achieved significantly higher productivity than the vibrating one, indicating that the productivity of the reciprocating saw is almost three times more than the vibrating saw. Maximum productivity was recorded in Bream variety, while the least was recorded in Tebarzal using the vibrating saw. Moreover, results indicate that the variety and the type of saw have a vital role in productivity since as the thickness of a frond increases, the cutting takes more time and ultimately reduces the number of date palms to be pruned per hour. Results also exhibited that vibrating saw reduced the consumed energy during frond cutting. Additionally, results revealed that the minimum power consumed by a vibrating saw was in Bream variety, while Tebarzal consumed the upmost energy when a reciprocating saw was used. Maximum vibration on X-axis was reported in Bream variety when a vibrating saw was used. Additionally, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared with the vibrating saw. Moreover, the reciprocating saw caused the lowest vibration in Tebarzal variety. Results indicated that the vibration imposed by both saws reached the maximum value in Bream variety. The vibrating saw resulted in the higher vibration toward Z axis, while the Reciprocating saw resulted in higher vibration toward X axis, which was more than eight times that recorded by the vibrating saw. Results indicate that vibration toward the Y axis increased significantly in Bream variety compared with others. Again, as in the situation with X and Z axis, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared to that resulted from using a vibrating saw which was more than three times the vibration caused by the vibrating saw.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Two Efficient Methods For Solving Non-linear Fourth-Order PDEs
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This paper studies a novel technique based on the use of two effective methods like modified Laplace- variational method (MLVIM) and a new Variational method (MVIM)to solve PDEs with variable coefficients. The current modification for the (MLVIM) is based on coupling of the Variational method (VIM) and Laplace- method (LT). In our proposal there is no need to calculate Lagrange multiplier. We applied Laplace method to the problem .Furthermore, the nonlinear terms for this problem is solved using homotopy method (HPM). Some examples are taken to compare results between two methods and to verify the reliability of our present methods.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Ions release from fixed orthodontic appliance in two different mouthwashes
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Background: Metal ions can be released from metallic orthodontic appliances due to corrosion in the oral cavity; prophylactic mouthwashes may have an effect on ion release from orthodontic wires. Materials and Methods: Thirty six orthodontic sets of half maxillary fixed appliance with 2 types of arch wires SS and NiTi(Morelli) were constructed and immersed in 2 types of mouthwashes; Claradone (non-fluoridated) and Silver Care (fluoridated) for 28 days at 37°C, then the released Ni and Cr ionswere measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer and compared statistically. Results: Ni ion release was higher from NiTi wire group than SS wire group for both mouthwashes and also was higher for Silver Care group than for Claradone group.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating Roads Network Connectivity for Two Municipalities in Baghdad-Iraq
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The road network serves as a hub for opportunities in production and consumption, resource extraction, and social cohabitation. In turn, this promotes a higher standard of living and the expansion of cities. This research explores the road network's spatial connectedness and its effects on travel and urban form in the Al-Kadhimiya and Al-Adhamiya municipalities. Satellite images and paper maps have been employed to extract information on the existing road network, including their kinds, conditions, density, and lengths. The spatial structure of the road network was then generated using the ArcGIS software environment. The road pattern connectivity was evaluated using graph theory indices. The study demands the abstractio

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating Roads Network Connectivity for Two Municipalities in Baghdad-Iraq
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The road network serves as a hub for opportunities in production and consumption, resource extraction, and social cohabitation. In turn, this promotes a higher standard of living and the expansion of cities. This research explores the road network's spatial connectedness and its effects on travel and urban form in the Al-Kadhimiya and Al-Adhamiya municipalities. Satellite images and paper maps have been employed to extract information on the existing road network, including their kinds, conditions, density, and lengths. The spatial structure of the road network was then generated using the ArcGIS software environment. The road pattern connectivity was evaluated using graph theory indices. The study demands the abstraction and examin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Peak Ground Acceleration Models Predictions Utilizing Two Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie Und Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Literary Texts from the Sippar Library I: Two Babylonian Classics
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Abstract<p>Publication and edition of two tablets from the library in the Ebabbar Temple of Sippar, a manuscript of the ‘Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer’ (<italic>Ludlul bēl nēmeqi</italic>) Tablet III, and a manuscript of the long prayer to Marduk ‘Furious Lord’ (also known as ‘Marduk 1’).</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison study between two different Environment areas regarding diarrhea causes.
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This study Achieved to search form the infections by Cholera and Diarrhea in two different areas from the side of Cultural, Social, Economical and Environmental field in Baghdad governorate, during a period from 3/10 – 3/12/2007.these were in Obiady city and Palestine street. This study included groups of patients who went to the Kindy Hospital lab. The researcher use a sample of (300) persons of different ages with range (150) persons in each city from the study city, in this study show a great different in the percentage of infection by parasites, helminthes, viruses, bacteria and vibrio cholera in the two city according to age groups, reach upper percentage by infection in age (1-10) years in Obiady city with percent (57.5 %) wh

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures
Peak Ground Acceleration Models Predictions Utilizing Two Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques
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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Two-Points Singular Boundary Value Problem Using Hermite Interpolation
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In this paper, we have been used the Hermite interpolation method to solve second order regular boundary value problems for singular ordinary differential equations. The suggest method applied after divided the domain into many subdomains then used Hermite interpolation on each subdomain, the solution of the equation is equal to summation of the solution in each subdomain. Finally, we gave many examples to illustrate the suggested method and its efficiency.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Two Poets Alandaluian Abu Al Makshi and His Douter Hasana
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Andalusian literature is a literature in itself that is influenced and influenced, and it did not come out of thin air. Muslim Arabs came from the East to this country for jihad and a desire to live, and they carried with them their beliefs, customs and traditions. They must blend in the new element and its environment, so interference, fusion, diversity and influence actually took place.
It seems to us that the Arabs in the era of the governors in Andalusia (92-138 AH) strived hard to preserve everything that is Eastern. Literature is an oriental model in the content of prose and poetry, but in the era of the Umayyad emirate, we will notice that the environment, the development of ages, and the mixing of civilizations have an effect

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