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Performance Evaluation of Two Date Palm Frond Cutting Saws
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Abstract<p>Traditional tree management is laborious and costly, thus this work aimed to study the performance of two different types of frond cutting saws (reciprocating saw and vibrating saw) and examine the two saws on five date palm varieties. Four parameters were examined, including cutting time for a single frond, the power needed for cutting a single frond, frond cutting productivity expressed as tree/h, and vibration conveyed to the worker’s hand. A field experiment was designed according to the nested randomized complete block design, including five date palm varieties as the main plot and the type of saw as a sub-plot. Means were compared using the least significant differences (LSD 0.05). Results indicated that Bream variety required the least time for frond cutting. The reciprocating saw exhibited efficiency in saving the time required for frond cutting, while the vibrating saw took significantly longer time needed for cutting a single frond. The highest number of fronds cut in one hour was recorded in Bream variety, again significantly higher than the number of other studied varieties. Moreover, the reciprocating saw achieved significantly higher productivity than the vibrating one, indicating that the productivity of the reciprocating saw is almost three times more than the vibrating saw. Maximum productivity was recorded in Bream variety, while the least was recorded in Tebarzal using the vibrating saw. Moreover, results indicate that the variety and the type of saw have a vital role in productivity since as the thickness of a frond increases, the cutting takes more time and ultimately reduces the number of date palms to be pruned per hour. Results also exhibited that vibrating saw reduced the consumed energy during frond cutting. Additionally, results revealed that the minimum power consumed by a vibrating saw was in Bream variety, while Tebarzal consumed the upmost energy when a reciprocating saw was used. Maximum vibration on X-axis was reported in Bream variety when a vibrating saw was used. Additionally, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared with the vibrating saw. Moreover, the reciprocating saw caused the lowest vibration in Tebarzal variety. Results indicated that the vibration imposed by both saws reached the maximum value in Bream variety. The vibrating saw resulted in the higher vibration toward Z axis, while the Reciprocating saw resulted in higher vibration toward X axis, which was more than eight times that recorded by the vibrating saw. Results indicate that vibration toward the Y axis increased significantly in Bream variety compared with others. Again, as in the situation with X and Z axis, the reciprocating saw exhibited the highest vibration compared to that resulted from using a vibrating saw which was more than three times the vibration caused by the vibrating saw.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Potential flow of fluid from an elevated, two-dimensional source
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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Empirical Equations for Analysis of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
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There are many different methods for analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs. The most efficient methods depend on using certain factors given in different codes of reinforced concrete design. The other ways of analysis of two-way slabs are the direct design method and the equivalent frame method. But these methods usually need a long time for analysis of the slabs.

In this paper, a new simple method has been developed to analyze the two-way slabs by using simple empirical formulae, and the results of final analysis of some examples have been compared with other different methods given in different codes of practice.

The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analy

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular Typing of Two Suspected Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Isolates in Baghdad
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Leishmaniasis is a group of parasitic diseases caused by Leishmania spp., an endemic infectious agent in developing countries, including Iraq. Diagnosis of cutaneous lesion by stained smears, serology or histopathology are inaccurate and unable to detect the species of Leishmania. Here, two molecular typing methods were examined to identify the promastigotes of suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis samples, on a species level. The first was species-specific B6-PCR and the second was ITS1-PCR followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using restriction enzyme HaeIII. DNA was extracted from in vitro promastigote culture followed by amplification of kDNA by B6 or amplification and digestion of LITSR/L

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Two Stage Evaporative Cooling of Residential Building Using Geothermal Energy
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The weather of Iraq has longer summer season compared with other countries. The ambient temperature during this season reaches over 50 OC which makes the evaporative cooling system suitable for this climate. In present work, the two-stage evaporative cooling system is studied. The first stage is indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) represented by two heat exchangers with the groundwater flow rate (5 L/min). The second stage is direct evaporative cooling (DEC) which represents three pads with groundwater flow rates of (4.5 L/min). The experimental work was conducted in July, August, September, and October in Baghdad. Results showed that overall evaporative efficiency of the system (two coils with three pads each

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
FPGA Realization of Two-Dimensional Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Transform
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The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) approach is the most recent category, which takes the place in the implementation of most of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. It had proved the capability to handle such problems and supports all the necessary needs like scalability, speed, size, cost, and efficiency.

In this paper a new proposed circuit design is implemented for the evaluation of the coefficients of the two-dimensional Wavelet Transform (WT) and Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) using FPGA is provided.

In this implementation the evaluations of the WT & WPT coefficients are depending upon filter tree decomposition using the 2-D discrete convolution algorithm. This implementation w

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Enhancement of Hoisting System Performance
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In this paper it is required to enhance the performance of a mechanical system (here: a Hoisting System) where it is preferred to lift a different payloads with approximately the same speed of lifting and keeping at the same time the good performance, and this of course needs some intelligence of the system which will be responsible on measuring the present load and taking into account the speed and performance desired in order to achieve the requirements or the criteria. The process therefore is a Mechatronics System design which includes a measuring system, a control or automation technique, and an actuating system. The criteria built here in this research using a given Hoist system's characteristics and parameters and changing one of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Characteristic Performance of Deionized Columns
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The reclamation of makeup water is studied in terms of breakthrough time (i.e., the leakage of the cations). Makeup water was subjected to lab-scale ion exchangers of two types: strong acid cation and weak base anion exchanger. The experimental investigation was directed to study the ion exchanger performance in terms of four different parameters (i.e., copper concentration, total dissolved solids (TDS), feed rate and bed depth). Box-Wilson composite rotatable design was adopted in designing the experiments. Breakthrough times of the effluent stream are measured in terms of copper concentration of 2 to 25 ppm, TDS concentration of 250 to 1250 ppm, feed rate of 0.38 to 5.34 l/h and bed depth of 5 to 70 cm. Simulation the effect of the stu

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Properties of High Performance Concrete
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The research deals with a new type of high-performance concrete with improved physical properties, which was prepared by using metal additives minutes (Metakaolin) and by studing their impact on the properties of mortar and concrete high-performance through destructive and non destructive tests. This type of concrete is used broadly in public buildings and in other structures . The research involved a number of experiments such as finding the activity index of burned at a temperature of 750 º C according to the standard ( ASTM C-311/03), as well as casting models for the cubic mortar mixtures and concrete containers at different rates of metakaolin ranging between (5% - 20%) as an added part to the cement mix to get a high- compressive

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 23 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The aim of this study was extraction of jojoba oil using different solvents. A mixture of waterhexane and water-ethanol are used as solvents to extract jojoba oil in a batch extraction process and compared with a pure solvent extraction process. The effects of particle size of crushed seeds, solvent-to-water ratio and time on jojoba oil extraction were investigated. The best recovery of oil was obtained at the boiling temperature of the solvent and four hour of extraction time. When seed particle size was 0.45 mm and a pure ethanol was used (45% yield of oil extraction), whereas, it was 40% yield of oil at 25% water-hexane mixture. It was revealed that the water-ethanol and water-hexane mixtures have an effect on the oil extraction yield. T

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Nanoparticles and Surfactant on Phase Inversion of Two Phases
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In the present study, a pressure drop technique was used to identify the phase inversion point of oil-in-water to water-in-oil flows through a horizontal pipe and to study the effect of additives (nanoparticles, cationic surfactant and blend  nanoparticles-surfactant) on the critical dispersed volume fraction (phase inversion point). The measurements were carried  for mixture velocity ranges from 0.8 m/sec to 2.3 m/sec. The results showed that at low mixture velocity 0.8 and 1 m/sec there is no effect of additives and velocity on phase inversion point, while at high mixture velocities the phase inversion point for nanoparticles and blend (nanoparticles/surfactant) systems was delayed (postponed) to a higher value of the dispers

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