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Evaluation of a fire safety risk prediction model for an existing building
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Abstract<p>Fire is one of the most critical risks devastating to human life and property. Therefore, humans make different efforts to deal with fire hazards. Many techniques have been developed to assess fire safety risks. One of these methods is to predict the outbreak of a fire in buildings, and although it is hard to predict when a fire will start, it is critical to do so to safeguard human life and property. This research deals with evaluating the safety risks of the existing building in the city of Samawah/Iraq and determining the appropriateness of these buildings in terms of safety from fire hazards. Twelve parameters are certified based on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA2016) code. The concept of giving weight to each criterion was adopted to classify the criteria according to their importance and then conduct an on-site examination of these existing buildings to test the selected criteria. The result indicates a possible fire risk in these buildings due to the lack of compliance with fire safety instructions in the approved codes.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Shell model and Hartree-Fock calculations of electron scattering form factors for 25Mg nucleus
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Shell model and Hartree-Fock calculations have been adopted to study the elastic and inelastic electron scattering form factors for 25Mg nucleus. The wave functions for this nucleus have been utilized from the shell model using USDA two-body effective interaction for this nucleus with the sd shell model space. On the other hand, the SkXcsb Skyrme parameterization has been used within the Hartree-Fock method to get the single-particle potential which is used to calculate the single-particle matrix elements. The calculated form factors have been compared with available experimental data.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This paper compares between the direct and indirect georeferencing techniques in Photogrammetry bases on a simulation model. A flight plan is designed which consists of three strips with nine overlapped images for each strip by a (Canon 500D) digital camera with a resolution of 15 Mega Pixels.


The triangulation computations are carried out by using (ERDAS LPS) software, and the direct measurements are taken directly on the simulated model to substitute using GPS/INS in real case. Two computational tests have been implemented to evaluate the positional accuracy for the whole model and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) relating to (30) check points show that th

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 22 2019
Journal Name
Separation Science And Technology
Modification of Langmuir model for simulating initial pH and temperature effects on sorption process
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Artificial neural network model for predicting the desulfurization efficiency of Al-Ahdab crude oil
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Suggested Model for auditing the performance of municipal institutions to verify the services provided
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The services provided by the municipal institutions of the basic things needed by the man in his daily life and the evolution of cities basically depends on these services and therefore has paid most of the world's attention to this vital facility and give him the biggest concern for the welfare of the citizens, as is the research problem that there is no program scrutiny to evaluate the performance of municipal institutions contribute to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided and was based on research on the premise that the preparation of the existence of audit program to evaluate the performance of municipal institutions contribute to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided has reac

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 05 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was conducted to evaluate the bottled water quality for the six-producing companies in Baghdad city, where selected six brands which are the most marketed in the Iraqi market, especially in Baghdad, where taking the proper amount of bottled water in September 2015 and included the studied characteristics (EC , pH ,TDS, Turbidity, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl-, No3-, So4-2, HCO3-, Na+ and K+) in addition to the total population of bacteria aerobic and coliform, and compare the results with the standard specifications of the Iraqi and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as to compare the results of sampling specifications mentioned on the packaging by the producing companies. The results showed the presence of high significant differ

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
2013 Ieee International Conference On Circuits And Systems (iccas)
Improved undetected error probability model for JTEC and JTEC-SQED coding schemes
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The undetected error probability is an important measure to assess the communication reliability provided by any error coding scheme. Two error coding schemes namely, Joint crosstalk avoidance and Triple Error Correction (JTEC) and JTEC with Simultaneous Quadruple Error Detection (JTEC-SQED), provide both crosstalk reduction and multi-bit error correction/detection features. The available undetected error probability model yields an upper bound value which does not give accurate estimation on the reliability provided. This paper presents an improved mathematical model to estimate the undetected error probability of these two joint coding schemes. According to the decoding algorithm the errors are classified into patterns and their decoding

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Apply the gravity model for trips between Najaf center and its settlements
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The study showed flow rates and the interaction between the settlements served by applying the model of gravity theory to measure depending on the number of the population between city Najaf and the rest of the other settlements served and using three functions of disability, time and cost, as recorded an increase in the interaction index with some settlements like them Kufa, Abbasid and Manathira, while the indicator contrast was in other settlements, either when the application of the gravity model depending on trips and socio-economic characteristics accuracy rate was more pronounced.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Different Estimation Methods for System Reliability Multi-Components model: Exponentiated Weibull Distribution
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        In this paper, estimation of system reliability of the multi-components in stress-strength model R(s,k) is considered, when the stress and strength are independent random variables and follows the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution (EWD) with known first shape parameter θ and, the second shape parameter α is unknown using different estimation methods. Comparisons among the proposed estimators through  Monte Carlo simulation technique were made depend on mean squared error (MSE)  criteria

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using jack knife to estimation logistic regression model for Breast cancer disease
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It is considered as one of the statistical methods used to describe and estimate the relationship between randomness (Y) and explanatory variables (X). The second is the homogeneity of the variance, in which the dependent variable is a binary response takes two values  (One when a specific event occurred and zero when that event did not happen) such as (injured and uninjured, married and unmarried) and that a large number of explanatory variables led to the emergence of the problem of linear multiplicity that makes the estimates inaccurate, and the method of greatest possibility and the method of declination of the letter was used in estimating A double-response logistic regression model by adopting the Jackna

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