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Evaluation of a fire safety risk prediction model for an existing building
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Abstract<p>Fire is one of the most critical risks devastating to human life and property. Therefore, humans make different efforts to deal with fire hazards. Many techniques have been developed to assess fire safety risks. One of these methods is to predict the outbreak of a fire in buildings, and although it is hard to predict when a fire will start, it is critical to do so to safeguard human life and property. This research deals with evaluating the safety risks of the existing building in the city of Samawah/Iraq and determining the appropriateness of these buildings in terms of safety from fire hazards. Twelve parameters are certified based on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA2016) code. The concept of giving weight to each criterion was adopted to classify the criteria according to their importance and then conduct an on-site examination of these existing buildings to test the selected criteria. The result indicates a possible fire risk in these buildings due to the lack of compliance with fire safety instructions in the approved codes.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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The importance of Kurdish songs and games in building the child's personality: كونا قادر محمد
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  The popular Kurdish songs and games for children are among the simplest types that can be close to the child’s interest, because we estimate that this segment is limited by its meanings and goals charged with competition and the fall of its innate biological energies, in the early years of the stages of development and growth of human mental, psychological, and muscular skills, Passionate about knowing and discovering the general decree of life, and getting acquainted with the logical rulings that surround his new law, but instinctively it approaches everything that is simple in terms of understanding and palatability, as these games and songs are simple and easy in their melodic elements and elegance Conscious and kinetic are a

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Strategic Planning and its Importance in Building Institutional Work in the National Insurance
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The aim of the research is to identify the reality of strategic planning in the National Insurance Company and its importance in building institutional work and to identify the requirements that enable this company to successfully implement strategic planning and the obstacles that limit its application and then achieve the marketing objectives of this company. This study started from the fact that there is a problem represented by the main question that was stated.                                            &nbsp

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Big Data Approch to Enhance Organizational Ambidexterity An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Managers at ASIA Cell For Mobile Telecommunication Company in Iraq
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               The research aimed at measuring the compatibility of Big date with the organizational Ambidexterity dimensions of the Asia cell  Mobile telecommunications company in Iraq in order to determine the possibility of adoption of Big data Triple as a approach to achieve organizational Ambidexterity.

The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach to collect and analyze the data collected by the questionnaire tool developed on the Likert scale After  a comprehensive review of the literature related to the two basic study dimensions, the data has been subjected to many statistical treatments in accordance with res

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering &amp; Technology
Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm &amp; a new flipping block with an adaptive RLE method for high medical image compression ratio
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Huge number of medical images are generated and needs for more storage capacity and bandwidth for transferring over the networks. Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm is applied to compress the medical images by exploiting the features of both techniques. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coding is applied to image YCbCr color model which decompose image bands into four subbands (LL, HL, LH and HH). The LL subband is transformed into low and high frequency components using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to be quantize by scalar quantization that was applied on all image bands, the quantization parameters where reduced by half for the luminance band while it is the same for the chrominance bands to preserve the image quality, the zig

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Design a system for an approved video copyright over cloud based on biometric iris and random walk generator using watermark technique
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Physical and Chemical Treatment of Wastewater for the Dairy Industry
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Dairy wastewater generally contains fats, lactose, whey proteins, and nutrients. Casein precipitation causes the effluent to decompose into a dark, strong-smelling sludge. Fluid waste contains soluble organic matter, suspended solids, and gaseous organic matter, which cause undesirable taste and smell, grant tone and turbidity, and advance eutrophication, which plays an essential role in increasing biological oxygen demand (BOD) in water. It also contains detergents and disinfecting agents from the rinses and washing processes, which increase the need for chemical oxygen (COD). One of the characteristics of dairy effluents is their relatively high temperature, high organic contents, and wide pH range, so the discharge of wastewater into

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of Stability and Rheological Properties of Foam Cement for Oil Wells
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Oilwell cementing operations are crucial for drilling and completion, preserving the well's productive life. However, weak and permeable formations pose a high risk of cement slurry loss, leading to failure. Lightweight cement, like foamed cement, is used to avoid these difficulties. This study is focused on creating a range of foamed slurry densities and examining the effect of gas concentration on their rheological properties. The foaming agent and foam stabilizer are tested, and the optimal concentration is determined to be 2% and 0.12%, respectively, by the weight of the cement.

Furthermore, the construction of samples of foam cement with different densities (0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6) g/cc is performed to f

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Fatigue Behavior of Epoxy Coatings used for Potable Water Storage Tanks
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In this paper, three types of epoxy-based coatings (Polyamide, pure Polyamine, and Polyamine reinforced by glass-flake) used as a lining for potable water tanks were studied using experimental and finite element methods. Tensile, impact, and fatigue tests were conducted on uncoated and coated AISI 316 stainless steel. The test results show that the applied epoxy based coating improves the mechanical properties, increases of fatigue crack resistance, and enhance the dynamic fracture toughness. The fatigue crack propagation is influenced by the compositions of epoxy coating, and the glass-flake improves the coating resistance to fatigue crack propagation compared to other types.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
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Remote sensing technique to monitoring the risk of soil degradation using NDVI
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In order to take measures in controlling soil erosion it is required to estimate soil loss over area of interest. Soil loss due to soil erosion can be estimated using predictive models such as Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). The accuracy of these models depends on parameters that are used in equations. One of the most important parameters in equations used in both of models is (C) factor that represents effects of vegetation and other land covers. Estimating land cover by interpretation of remote sensing imagery involves Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), an indicator that shows vegetation cover. The aim of this study is estimate (C) factor values for Part of Baghdad city using NDVI derived from satellite Image of Landsat-7

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radiological risk assessment of fuel fabrication facility at Al- Tuwaitha nuclear site
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The specific activity of 29 soil samples collected from Fuel
Fabrication Facility FFF at AL-Tuwaitha site, 20 km south of
Baghdad were determined using HPGe detector in a low background
configuration, it's relative efficiency of 40%, and resolution of 2keV
for the 1332 keV gamma ray emission of 60Co. The range of activity
concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were between (12.56-31.96),
(10.2-18.4) and (47.47-402.1) Bq/kg respectively. In order to assess
any radiological hazard to human health, the absorbed gamma dose
rate D in air at 1m above the ground surface was calculated in the
range (18.87 to 36.46) nGy/h; the outdoor annual effective dose
equivalent AEDE was evaluated to vary from 0.0039 to 0.0076

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