Experimental model was done for pile model of L / D = 25 installed into a laminar shear box contains different saturation soil densities (loose and dense sand) to evaluate the variation of pore water pressure before and after apply seismic loading. Two pore water pressure transducers placed at position near the middle and bottom of pile model to evaluate the pore water pressure during pullout tests. Seismic loading applied by uniaxial shaking table device, while the pullout tests were conducted through pullout device. The results of changing pore water pressure showed that the variation of pore water pressure near the bottom of pile is more than variation near the middle of pile in all tests. The variation of pore water
... Show MoreThis research shows the experimental results of the bending moment in a flexible and rigid raft foundation rested on dense sandy soil with different embedded depth throughout 24 tests. A physical model of dimensions (200mm*200mm) and (320) mm in height was constructed with raft foundation of (10) mm thickness for flexible raft and (23) mm for rigid raft made of reinforced concrete. To imitate the seismic excitation shaking table skill was applied, the shaker was adjusted to three frequencies equal to (1Hz,2Hz, and 3Hz) and displacement magnitude of (13) mm, the foundation was located at four different embedment depths (0,0.25B = 50mm,0.5B = 100mm, and B = 200mm), where B is the raft width. Generally, the maximum bending
... Show MoreDynamic loads highly influence soil properties and may cause real damage to structures and buildings. This article reports the experimental results from 24 tests to study the settlement of flexible and rigid raft foundation with different embedment depth rested on dense sandy soil. A small scale building model of dimension 200*200 mm and 320 mm in height was performed with reinforced concrete raft foundation of 10 mm thickness for flexible raft and 23 mm for rigid raft, The shaking table technique was used to simulate the seismic effect, the shaker was sat to give three different excitation frequencies 1,2,and3 Hz and displacement amplitude equal to 13 mm, the foundation was placed at
In this work, studying the effect of ethylenediamine as a corrosion inhibitor was investigated for carbon steel in aerated HCl solution in range of 0.1-1N under dynamic conditions, i.e., rotational velocity of 400–1200 rpm in the temperature range 35 – 65 ºC. Weight loss method was employed in absence and presence of the inhibitor as an adsorption type in concentration range 1000 – 5000 ppm using rotating cylinder specimens. The experimental results showed that corrosion rate in absence and presence of inhibitor is increased with increasing temperature, rotational velocity and concentration of acid. It is decreased with increasing inhibitor concentration for the whole range of temperature, rotational velocity and concentrati
... Show MoreThe use of external posttensioning technique for strengthening reinforced concrete girders has been considerably studied by many researchers worldwide. However, no available data are seen regarding strengthening full-scale composite prestressed concrete girders with external posttensioned technique under static and repeated loading. In this research, four full-scale composite prestressed I-shape girders of 16 m span were fabricated and tested under static and repeated loading up to failure. Accordingly, two girders were externally strengthened with posttensioned strands, while the other two girders were left without strengthening. The experimental tests include deflection, cracking load, ultimate strength and strains at midspan, a
... Show MoreThe analysis of rigid pavements is a complex mission for many reasons. First, the loading conditions include the repetition of parts of the applied loads (cyclic loads), which produce fatigue in the pavement materials. Additionally, the climatic conditions reveal an important role in the performance of the pavement since the expansion or contraction induced by temperature differences may significantly change the supporting conditions of the pavement. There is an extra difficulty because the pavement structure is made of completely different materials, such as concrete, steel, and soil, with problems related to their interfaces like contact or friction. Because of the problem's difficulty, the finite element simulation is
... Show MoreSoils encounter cyclic loading conditions in situ, for example during the earthquakes and in the construction sequences of pavements. Investigations on the local scale displacements of the soil grain and their failure patterns under the cyclic loading conditions are relatively scarce in the literature. In this study, the local displacement fields of a dense sand layer interacting with a rigid footing under the plane-strain condition are examined using both experiments and simulations. Three commonly used types of cyclic loading conditions were applied on the footing. Digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) is used to measure the local scale displacement fields in the soil, and to understand the ev
Chilled ceilings systems offer potential for overall capital savings. The main aim of the present research is to investigate the thermal performance of the indirect contact closed circuit cooling tower, ICCCCT used with chilled ceiling, to gain a deeper knowledge in this important field of engineering which has been traditionally used in various industrial & HVAC systems. To achieve this study, experimental work were implemented for the ICCCCT use with chilled ceiling. In this study the thermal performances of closed wet cooling tower use with chilled ceiling is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Different experimental tests were conducted by varying the controlling parameters to investigate their effects
... Show MoreIn this paper, a dynamic investigation is done for strip, rectangular and square machine foundation at the top surface of two-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose on medium sand and dense on medium sand). The dynamic investigation is performed numerically using finite element programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is expected as a versatile totally plastic material that complies with the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. A harmonic load is applied at the base with an amplitude of 6 kPa at a frequency of (2 and 6) Hz, and seismic is applied with acceleration – time input of earthquake hit Halabjah city north of Iraq. A parametric study is done to evaluate the influence of changing L/B ratio (Length=12,6,3 m and width=3 m), type of sand
... Show MoreThe theoretical analysis depends on the Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) that is based on the Von-K ráman Theory and Kirchhov Hypothesis in the deflection analysis during elastic limit as well as the Hooke's laws of calculation the stresses. New function for boundary condition is used to solve the forth degree of differential equations which depends on variety sources of advanced engineering mathematics. The behavior of composite laminated plates, symmetric and anti-symmetric of cross-ply angle, under out-of-plane loads (uniform distributed loads) with two different boundary conditions are investigated to obtain the central deflection for mid-plane by using the Ritz method. The computer programs is built using Ma
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