تعد الحروب و الصراعات واحدة من اقدم الظواىر التي عرفتها المجتمعات البشرية وان ىذه الظاىرة تجسدت في البداية على مستوى الصراعات الفردية عندما كانت ترتقي الى مستوى الاشتباك وكانت بدائية في وسائلها وادواتها ،وكما ان ظاىرة الحرب بدأت من الاسرة ومن ثم القبيلة والعشيرة وانتهت بالدولة ،اذ ان ظاىرة الحروب بشكلها التقليدي تأخذ شكلا تدميريا بعد ان تتطور ابعادىا القصوى وان حدوثها ىو تضارب مصالح واىداف الاطراف وانها الوسيلة النهائية بعد ان تعجز الو سائل الاخرى في حسم الصراع او النزاع ،وان الحروب او الصراعات تعبر عن التناقض المفاىيمي والقيمي في مكون الايديولوجيات والمصالح والاىداف بين اطراف يصعب التوافق فيما بينهم ،وان الحرب ترتبط بالمجتمع الانساني وتعبر عن قيمتو الفكرية وعقائده الاقتصادية والفلسفية و الاجتماعية عندما تتعارض مع نظيرتها لدى الاطراف الاخرى وىي في الوقت ذاتو تعبر عن الارادة السياسية لصناع القرار من خلال نظرتهم للوسائل التي يتم بها تحقيق اىداف ومصالح دولهم.شهدت نهاية الحرب الباردة تحول في طبيعة مصادر التهديد والتي لم تقتصر على التهديدالعسكري او العدوان من طرف اخر و منها بروز العولمة الإلكترونية او الاقتصادية و البيئية كالفقر والمجاعة والامراض بالإضافة الى الحروب الاىلية والارىاب والجريمة المنظمة وتجارة المخدرات وانتشار الاسلحة ،وكما تحولت طبيعة الحروب ولم تعد حروب او صراعات بين الدول وقد اصبحت معظمها صراعات داخلية اطرافها افراد او جماعات تعمل على اضعاف الدول من الداخل في جميع النواحي ولهذا يصعب التحكم فيها ومما يجعل المنظور التقليدي للأمن عاجزا عن مواجهتها وىو مما ادى الى اعادة النظر في مفهوم الامن الانساني.
Autonomous motion planning is important area of robotics research. This type of planning relieves human operator from tedious job of motion planning. This reduces the possibility of human error and increase efficiency of whole process.
This research presents a new algorithm to plan path for autonomous mobile robot based on image processing techniques by using wireless camera that provides the desired image for the unknown environment . The proposed algorithm is applied on this image to obtain a optimal path for the robot. It is based on the observation and analysis of the obstacles that lying in the straight path between the start and the goal point by detecting these obstacles, analyzing and studying their shapes, positions and
... Show MoreThe study aims to introduce the Islamic sites available on the Internet and determine the criteria that contribute to evaluating these sites to indicate their value, topics, and services, while evaluating a simple random sample of the general Islamic sites, which number (35) sites. The results were presented in (8) tables. The study concluded To a set of conclusions, including: (465) “Islamic” websites were seized during the research period, and they are constantly increasing. They were classified according to the name of the website (domain name) com, org, net, edu, and also according to topics such as general Islamic websites and websites of holy places. Mosques, sites of sheikhs, etc. Among the best general Islamic websites are: Isla
... Show MoreCompression for color image is now necessary for transmission and storage in the data bases since the color gives a pleasing nature and natural for any object, so three composite techniques based color image compression is implemented to achieve image with high compression, no loss in original image, better performance and good image quality. These techniques are composite stationary wavelet technique (S), composite wavelet technique (W) and composite multi-wavelet technique (M). For the high energy sub-band of the 3 rd level of each composite transform in each composite technique, the compression parameters are calculated. The best composite transform among the 27 types is the three levels of multi-wavelet transform (MMM) in M technique wh
... Show Moreان التحول في الحياة الاقتصادية الناتج عن التقدم التكنولوجي وتقنية المعلومات في مجالات الفضاء والتقدم في الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية والالكترونيات الدقيقة مكنت الشركات من ارسال كميات هائلة من البيانات بتكاليف منخفضة.
وان انتشار الشركات متعددة الجنسبة والتي سعت لتحقيق السيطرة على اقتصاديات العالم من خلال فروعها المنتشرة فتحتاج الى نظم للانتاج والتكاليف ونظم للمعلومات الادارية والمحاس
... Show MoreConsidering the science of speech in the light of its purposes is an accurate scientific study that looks at it from its reality in which it originated, and its topic that it dealt with and its goals that it sought, and it follows its main course in the directions of approving the belief and inferring it, and repelling the objections to it, and this study comes to show the realism of the science of speech in its emergence Its subject and method, since its launch was from the reality of the Islamic nation and based on its intellectual needs, so its presence was necessary in the life of the Islamic nation because of its role in facing the challenges faced by the Islamic faith, and the dangers it was exposed to as a result of the intellectu
... Show MoreFor businesses that provide delivery services, the efficiency of the delivery process in terms of punctuality is very important. In addition to increasing customer trust, efficient route management, and selection are required to reduce vehicle fuel costs and expedite delivery. Some small and medium businesses still use conventional methods to manage delivery routes. Decisions to manage delivery schedules and routes do not use any specific methods to expedite the delivery settlement process. This process is inefficient, takes a long time, increases costs and is prone to errors. Therefore, the Dijkstra algorithm has been used to improve the delivery management process. A delivery management system was developed to help managers and drivers
... Show MoreThe Messengers and the Imam of the God-fearing, Muhammad is God, his family, and all of his companions. As for what comes after... Fainting is one of the involuntary symptoms and states that occur to a person when carrying out his life’s tasks suddenly due to his loss of sense and movement, so he loses consciousness for a period of time that is short or may be long, and the person is held accountable and responsible for every moment of his life. He is required to perform duties specified by Sharia law, such as prayer, fasting, and Hajj...and fainting prevents him from performing these actions. We must consider the opinions of jurists and know the legal implications resulting from it. It was said that a person has a capacity that enable
... Show MorePiracy is one of the most important problems faced by sound record producers, because it is a problem that technology, evolves with the development of time and and although piracy is not a new problem, it has received great attention in recent years, because of the means by which (the Internet) and its size result from it, even In many of the ruler, describing it as (the crime of nd she participated in the great the electronic age) aharm it causes to all the groups involved in it producing the sound recording, because there are three categories that contribute to the production of the sound recording, which is (the author of the recorded work, the st who performs the work and the producer who artiperforms an operation Performance recording
... Show MoreThe importance of internal audit in the growing demand for services in the public and private economic units, and in the rapid growth of its systems professional, has also been recognition of the importance of internal audit quality and the quality of information provided in a long time, as well as the importance of achieving the greatest possible quality in his work to reduce accounting risks of financial reports misleading or fraudulent, which is one of the important features of the audit.
The internal audit quality are linked with the ability of auditors to detect errors in the financial statements, and their willingness to express an opinion technical neutral and non-aligned based on the results of th
... Show More