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A Proposed Algorithm for Steganography
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 18 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effectiveness of a proposed teaching strategy according to The Common Knowledge Construction Model in Mathematical Proficiency for middle school student
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This research aims to know the effectiveness of teaching with a proposed strategy according to the common Knowledge construction modelin mathematical proficiency among students of the second middle class. The researchers adopted the method of the experimental approach, as the experimental design was used for two independent and equal groups with a post-test. The experiment was applied to a sample consisting of (83) students divided into two groups: an experimental comprising (42) students and a control group, the second comprising (41) students., from Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab Intermediate School for Boys, for the first semester of the academic year (2021-2022), the two groups were rewarded in four variables: (chronological age calculated in mo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Pertanika Journal Of Science & Technology
Modified Kohonen network algorithm for selection of the initial centres of Gustafson-Kessel algorithm in credit scoring
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Credit risk assessment has become an important topic in financial risk administration. Fuzzy clustering analysis has been applied in credit scoring. Gustafson-Kessel (GK) algorithm has been utilised to cluster creditworthy customers as against non-creditworthy ones. A good clustering analysis implemented by good Initial Centres of clusters should be selected. To overcome this problem of Gustafson-Kessel (GK) algorithm, we proposed a modified version of Kohonen Network (KN) algorithm to select the initial centres. Utilising similar degree between points to get similarity density, and then by means of maximum density points selecting; the modified Kohonen Network method generate clustering initial centres to get more reasonable clustering res

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2008
Journal Name
2008 First International Conference On The Applications Of Digital Information And Web Technologies (icadiwt)
Hybrid canonical genetic algorithm and steepest descent algorithm for optimizing likelihood estimators of ARMA (1, 1) model
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This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm (hGA) for optimizing the maximum likelihood function ln(L(phi(1),theta(1)))of the mixed model ARMA(1,1). The presented hybrid genetic algorithm (hGA) couples two processes: the canonical genetic algorithm (cGA) composed of three main steps: selection, local recombination and mutation, with the local search algorithm represent by steepest descent algorithm (sDA) which is defined by three basic parameters: frequency, probability, and number of local search iterations. The experimental design is based on simulating the cGA, hGA, and sDA algorithms with different values of model parameters, and sample size(n). The study contains comparison among these algorithms depending on MSE value. One can conc

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 25 2021
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Performance evaluation of Photovoltaic Panels by a Proposed Automated System Based on Microcontrollers
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Novel Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) by Whale Optimization Algorithm(WOA) to solve Large Scale Optimization Problems
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  In this work, two algorithms of Metaheuristic algorithms were hybridized. The first is Invasive Weed Optimization algorithm (IWO) it is a numerical stochastic optimization algorithm and the second is Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) it is an algorithm based on the intelligence of swarms and community intelligence. Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) is an algorithm inspired by nature and specifically from the colonizing weeds behavior of weeds, first proposed in 2006 by Mehrabian and Lucas. Due to their strength and adaptability, weeds pose a serious threat to cultivated plants, making them a threat to the cultivation process. The behavior of these weeds has been simulated and used in Invas

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Hiding And Multimedia Signal Processing
Enhancement of lsb audio steganography based on carrier and message characteristics
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Data steganography is a technique used to hide data, secret message, within another data, cover carrier. It is considered as a part of information security. Audio steganography is a type of data steganography, where the secret message is hidden in audio carrier. This paper proposes an efficient audio steganography method that uses LSB technique. The proposed method enhances steganography performance by exploiting all carrier samples and balancing between hiding capacity and distortion ratio. It suggests an adaptive number of hiding bits for each audio sample depending on the secret message size, the cover carrier size, and the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Comparison results show that the proposed method outperforms state of the art methods

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Color Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transforms
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        The secure data transmission over internet is achieved using Steganography. It is the art and science of concealing information in unremarkable cover media so as not to arouse an observer’s suspicion. In this paper the color cover image is divided into equally four parts, for each part select one channel from each part( Red, or Green, or  Blue), choosing one of these channel depending on the high color ratio in that part. The chosen part is decomposing into four parts {LL, HL, LH, HH} by using discrete wavelet transform. The hiding image is divided into four part n*n then apply DCT on each part. Finally the four DCT coefficient parts embedding in four high frequency sub-bands {HH} in

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Steganography using dual tree complex wavelet transform with LSB indicator technique
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Image steganography is undoubtedly significant in the field of secure multimedia communication. The undetectability and high payload capacity are two of the important characteristics of any form of steganography. In this paper, the level of image security is improved by combining the steganography and cryptography techniques in order to produce the secured image. The proposed method depends on using LSBs as an indicator for hiding encrypted bits in dual tree complex wavelet coefficient DT-CWT. The cover image is divided into non overlapping blocks of size (3*3). After that, a Key is produced by extracting the center pixel (pc) from each block to encrypt each character in the secret text. The cover image is converted using DT-CWT, then the p

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Hiding And Multimedia Signal Processing
Enhancement of lsb audio steganography based on carrier and message characteristics
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Data steganography is a technique used to hide data, secret message, within another data, cover carrier. It is considered as a part of information security. Audio steganography is a type of data steganography, where the secret message is hidden in audio carrier. This paper proposes an efficient audio steganography method that uses LSB technique. The proposed method enhances steganography performance by exploiting all carrier samples and balancing between hiding capacity and distortion ratio. It suggests an adaptive number of hiding bits for each audio sample depending on the secret message size, the cover carrier size, and the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Comparison results show that the proposed method outperforms state of the art methods

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research
Horizontal Fragmentation for Most Frequency Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm
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Abstract: Data mining is become very important at the present time, especially with the increase in the area of information it's became huge, so it was necessary to use data mining to contain them and using them, one of the data mining techniques are association rules here using the Pattern Growth method kind enhancer for the apriori. The pattern growth method depends on fp-tree structure, this paper presents modify of fp-tree algorithm called HFMFFP-Growth by divided dataset and for each part take most frequent item in fp-tree so final nodes for conditional tree less than the original fp-tree. And less memory space and time.

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