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An Evolutionary Algorithm for Task scheduling Problem in the Cloud-Fog environment
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Abstract<p>The rapid and enormous growth of the Internet of Things, as well as its widespread adoption, has resulted in the production of massive quantities of data that must be processed and sent to the cloud, but the delay in processing the data and the time it takes to send it to the cloud has resulted in the emergence of fog, a new generation of cloud in which the fog serves as an extension of cloud services at the edge of the network, reducing latency and traffic. The distribution of computational resources to minimize makespan and running costs is one of the disadvantages of fog computing. This paper provides a new approach for improving the task scheduling problem in a Cloud-Fog environment in terms of execution time(makespan) and operating costs for Bag-of-Tasks applications. A task scheduling evolutionary algorithm has been proposed. A single custom representation of the problem and a uniform intersection are built for the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, the individual initialization and perturbation operators (crossover and mutation) were created to resolve the inapplicability of any solution found or reached by the proposed evolutionary algorithm. The proposed ETS (Evolutionary Task Scheduling algorithm) algorithm was evaluated on 11 datasets of varying size in a number of tasks. The ETS outperformed the Bee Life (BLA), Modified Particle Swarm (MPSO), and RR algorithms in terms of Makespan and operating costs, according to the results of the experiments.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 05 2007
Journal Name
Neural Network World
A canonical generic algorithm for likelihood estimator of first order moving average model parameter
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The increasing availability of computing power in the past two decades has been use to develop new techniques for optimizing solution of estimation problem. Today's computational capacity and the widespread availability of computers have enabled development of new generation of intelligent computing techniques, such as our interest algorithm, this paper presents one of new class of stochastic search algorithm (known as Canonical Genetic' Algorithm ‘CGA’) for optimizing the maximum likelihood function strategy is composed of three main steps: recombination, mutation, and selection. The experimental design is based on simulating the CGA with different values of are compared with those of moment method. Based on MSE value obtained from bot

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposed Adaptive Bitrate Scheme Based on Bandwidth Prediction Algorithm for Smoothly Video Streaming
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A robust video-bitrate adaptive scheme at client-aspect plays a significant role in keeping a good quality of video streaming technology experience. Video quality affects the amount of time the video has turned off playing due to the unfilled buffer state. Therefore to maintain a video streaming continuously with smooth bandwidth fluctuation, a video buffer structure based on adapting the video bitrate is considered in this work. Initially, the video buffer structure is formulated as an optimal control-theoretic problem that combines both video bitrate and video buffer feedback signals. While protecting the video buffer occupancy from exceeding the limited operating level can provide continuous video str

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
WOAIP: Wireless Optimization Algorithm for Indoor Placement Based on Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO)
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Optimizing the Access Point (AP) deployment has a great role in wireless applications due to the need for providing an efficient communication with low deployment costs. Quality of Service (QoS), is a major significant parameter and objective to be considered along with AP placement as well the overall deployment cost. This study proposes and investigates a multi-level optimization algorithm called Wireless Optimization Algorithm for Indoor Placement (WOAIP) based on Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO). WOAIP aims to obtain the optimum AP multi-floor placement with effective coverage that makes it more capable of supporting QoS and cost-effectiveness. Five pairs (coverage, AP deployment) of weights, signal thresholds and received s

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
Journal Name
An International Journal Of Optimization And Control: Theories &amp; Applications (ijocta)
Design optimal neural network based on new LM training algorithm for solving 3D - PDEs
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In this article, we design an optimal neural network based on new LM training algorithm. The traditional algorithm of LM required high memory, storage and computational overhead because of it required the updated of Hessian approximations in each iteration. The suggested design implemented to converts the original problem into a minimization problem using feed forward type to solve non-linear 3D - PDEs. Also, optimal design is obtained by computing the parameters of learning with highly precise. Examples are provided to portray the efficiency and applicability of this technique. Comparisons with other designs are also conducted to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed design.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Wireless Optimization Algorithm for Multi-floor AP deployment using binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO)
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Abstract<p>Optimizing the Access Point (AP) deployment is of great importance in wireless applications owing the requirement to provide efficient and cost-effective communication. Highly targeted by many researchers and academic industries, Quality of Service (QOS) is an important primary parameter and objective in mind along with AP placement and overall publishing cost. This study proposes and investigates a multi-level optimization algorithm based on Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO). It aims to an optimal multi-floor AP placement with effective coverage that makes it more capable of supporting QOS and cost effectiveness. Five pairs (coverage, AP placement) of weights, signal threshol</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Genetic Algorithm Optimization Model for Central Marches Restoration Flows with Different Water Quality Scenarios
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A Genetic Algorithm optimization model is used in this study to find the optimum flow values of the Tigris river branches near Ammara city, which their water is to be used for central marshes restoration after mixing in Maissan River. These tributaries are Al-Areed, AlBittera and Al-Majar Al-Kabeer Rivers. The aim of this model is to enhance the water quality in Maissan River, hence provide acceptable water quality for marsh restoration. The model is applied for different water quality change scenarios ,i.e. , 10%,20% increase in EC,TDS and BOD. The model output are the optimum flow values for the three rivers while, the input data are monthly flows(1994-2011),monthly water requirements and water quality parameters (EC, TDS, BOD, DO and

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Zubair Formation in Rumaila Oilfields, Southern Iraq: Microfacies and Geochemistry
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In the Rumaila oilfields in southern Iraq, the Zubair Formation was deposited in a shallow environment as three main facies, delta plain, backshore, and delta front depositional conditions indicating a transition from delta front and delta plain to a highstand level due to the finning upward mode. The facies of the Zubair clasts show well-sorted quartz arenite sandstone, poorly sorted quartz arenite sandstone, clayey sandstone that has not been properly sorted, sandy shale, and shale lithofacies. The minor lithofacies were identified using well-logging methods (gamma ray, spontaneous potential and sonic logs) and petrography. The Zubair clasts are of transition environment that appears to be transported from freshwater and deposited

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Develop Bactra system to determine Mutagens in the Environment, Food III: use emulators nitrogenous bases 5 - Bromeuruasil
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The results show that the compound affects the rest of the living cells after treatment for 15 minutes The influence Almtafr has had the effect BU less than the effect of NTG in the case of the registration of every of Struptomaysan resistance and rifampicin, although the first attribute more responsive

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Problem of Designing the User Interface in the Interactive Websites (website of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Ways of Developing it)
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The interactive websites are the interaction between the product and the user, and interactive design is based on the user interface for communication and how the interface responds to the user and how to help him to achieve his goals and enjoy the use of the interface. The interactive design is based on the design of interactive programs, i.e., programs that directly interact with the user, taking into account the different culture of the audience, the age group and many other factors. An example for the use of the user interface: Web designs, smartphone application designs and it even includes computer operating systems and electronic game interface. The interaction is the communication between the source and the receiver.  The we

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of political thinking on the decision maker in analyzing the strategic environment of the state (applied study in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance)
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The Political Thinking Regarded as an important element for the formulation of the stat, weather in its formation, the structure of it s entity, its political system and it s governmental instruments .The political thinking can not act without determined strategy, So they intend to work hard to formulate a railed strategy that make them able to determine its  directions to general issues.

   The Study aimed to solve the problem through the following question:

1- What are the levels of Political Thinking and Strategic Analysis in the financial ministry?

2- What are the relation ship between the dimensions of Political  T

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