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Iraqi Paradigm E-Voting System Based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform
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Voting is one of the most fundamental components of a democratic society. In 2021 Iraq held the Council of Representatives (CoR) elections in 83 electoral constituencies in 19 governorates. Nonetheless, several significant issues arose during this election, including the problem of logistics distribution, the excessively long period of ballot counting, voters can't know if their votes were counted or if their ballots were tampered with, and the inconsistent regulation of vote counting. Blockchain technology, which was just invented, may offer a solution to these problems. This paper introduces an electronic voting system for the Iraq Council of Representatives elections that is based on a prototype of the permission hyperledger fabric blockchain. An immutable, distributed ledger maintained by all members of a network is what blockchain technology is all about. By authenticating each voter, the system can prevent voting fraud by making votes traceable and verifiable, hence decreasing the chance of unlawful activities and fraudulent ballots. This work investigates the influence of E-voting, specifically the voting phase workload, on the performance of the hyperledger fabric blockchain platform in terms of latency and throughput by altering transaction send rates (tps), block size, and block timeout.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Secure Smart Contract Based on Blockchain to Prevent the Non-Repudiation Phenomenon
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Blockchain is an innovative technology that has gained interest in all sectors in the era of digital transformation where it manages transactions and saves them in a database. With the increasing financial transactions and the rapidly developed society with growing businesses many people looking for the dream of a better financially independent life, stray from large corporations and organizations to form startups and small businesses. Recently, the increasing demand for employees or institutes to prepare and manage contracts, papers, and the verifications process, in addition to human mistakes led to the emergence of a smart contract. The smart contract has been developed to save time and provide more confidence while dealing, as well a

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 21 2021
Journal Name
The 3rd Al-noor International Conference Of Science And Technology 2021 Muscat-oman
Gama Platform Survey for Agent-Based Modelling
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The agent-based modeling is currently utilized extensively to analyze complex systems. It supported such growth, because it was able to convey distinct levels of interaction in a complex detailed environment. Meanwhile, agent-based models incline to be progressively complex. Thus, powerful modeling and simulation techniques are needed to address this rise in complexity. In recent years, a number of platforms for developing agent-based models have been developed. Actually, in most of the agents, often discrete representation of the environment, and one level of interaction are presented, where two or three are regarded hardly in various agent-based models. The key issue is that modellers work in these areas is not assisted by simulation plat

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 10 2015
Journal Name
British Journal Of Mathematics & Computer Science
The Use of Gradient Based Features for Woven Fabric Images Classification
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Neutrosophic Science
A New Paradigm for Decision Making under Uncertainty in Signature Forensics Applications based on Neutrosophic Rule Engine
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One of the most popular and legally recognized behavioral biometrics is the individual's signature, which is used for verification and identification in many different industries, including business, law, and finance. The purpose of the signature verification method is to distinguish genuine from forged signatures, a task complicated by cultural and personal variances. Analysis, comparison, and evaluation of handwriting features are performed in forensic handwriting analysis to establish whether or not the writing was produced by a known writer. In contrast to other languages, Arabic makes use of diacritics, ligatures, and overlaps that are unique to it. Due to the absence of dynamic information in the writing of Arabic signatures,

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Scientific Research And Engineering (ijasre), Issn:2454-8006, Doi: 10.31695/ijasre
A Proposed Blockchain-Based Digital-Identity Management using ERC 725/735
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In modern technology, the ownership of electronic data is the key to securing their privacy and identity from any trace or interference. Therefore, a new identity management system called Digital Identity Management, implemented throughout recent years, acts as a holder of the identity data to maintain the holder’s privacy and prevent identity theft. Therefore, an overwhelming number of users have two major problems, users who own data and third-party applications will handle it, and users who have no ownership of their data. Maintaining these identities will be a challenge these days. This paper proposes a system that solves the problem using blockchain technology for Digital Identity Management systems. Blockchain is a powerful techniqu

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Power System Stabilizer PSS4B Model for Iraqi National Grid using PSS/E Software
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To damp the low-frequency oscillations which occurred due to the disturbances in the electrical power system, the generators are equipped with Power System Stabilizer (PSS) that provide supplementary feedback stabilizing signals. The low-frequency oscillations in power system are classified as local mode oscillations, intra-area mode oscillation, and interarea mode oscillations. Double input multiband Power system stabilizers (PSSs) were used to damp out low-frequency oscillations in power system. Among dual-input PSSs, PSS4B offers superior transient performance. Power system simulator for engineering (PSS/E) software was adopted to test and evaluate the dynamic performance of PSS4B model on Iraqi national grid. The results showed

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Power System Stabilizer PSS4B Model for Iraqi National Grid using PSS/E Software
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To damp the low-frequency oscillations which occurred due to the disturbances in the electrical power system, the generators are equipped with Power System Stabilizer (PSS) that provide supplementary feedback stabilizing signals. The low-frequency oscillations in power system are classified as local mode oscillations, intra-area mode oscillation, and interarea mode oscillations. Double input multiband Power system stabilizers (PSSs) were used to damp out low-frequency oscillations in power system. Among dual-input PSSs, PSS4B offers superior transient performance. Power system simulator for engineering (PSS/E) software was adopted to test and evaluate the dynamic performance of PSS4B model on Iraqi national grid. The res

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Plasmonic Nanoparticles Decorated Salty Paper Based on SERS Platform for Diagnostic low-Level Contamination: Lab on Paper
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In this research, a low cost, portable, disposable, environment friendly and an easy to use lab-on-paper platform sensor was made. The sensor was constructed using a mixture of Rhodamine-6G and gold nanoparticles also Sodium chloride salt. Drop–casting method was utilized as a technique to make a platform which is a commercial office paper. A substrate was characterized using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV-visible spectrophotometer and Raman Spectrometer. Rh-6G Raman signal was enhanced based on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy technique utilized gold nanoparticles. High Enhancement factor of Plasmonic commercial office paper reaches up to 0.9 x105 because of local surface pl

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Iraqi License Plate Recognition System based on Canny Edge Detection Method
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In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the road in all the sections of the country. Vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the developing system is consist of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 21 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Iraqi license plate recognition system based on Canny edge detection method
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In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the road in all the sections of the country. Vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the developing system is consist of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny Edge detection algo

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