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3D image reconstruction from its 2D projection - a simulation study
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A simulation study of using 2D tomography to reconstruction a 3D object is presented. The 2D Radon transform is used to create a 2D projection for each slice of the 3D object at different heights. The 2D back-projection and the Fourier slice theorem methods are used to reconstruction each 2D projection slice of the 3D object. The results showed the ability of the Fourier slice theorem method to reconstruct the general shape of the body with its internal structure, unlike the 2D Radon method, which was able to reconstruct the general shape of the body only because of the blurring artefact, Beside that the Fourier slice theorem could not remove all blurring artefact, therefore, this research, suggested the threshold technique to eliminate the excessive points due to the blurring artefact.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Numerical Modeling of Circular Tunnel Alignment Under Seismic Loading
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The continuous increase in population has led to the development of underground structures like tunnels to be of great importance due to several reasons. One of these reasons is that tunnels do not affect the living activities on the surface, nor they interfere with the existing traffic network. More importantly, they have a less environmental impact than conventional highways and railways. This paper focuses on using numerical analysis of circular tunnels in terms of their behavior during construction and the deformations that may occur due to overburden and seismic loads imposed on them. In this study, the input data are taken from an existing Cairo metro case study; results were found for the lateral and vertical displacements, the Peak

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Accuracy Assessment of Various Resolutions Digital Cameras For Close Range Photogrammetry Applications
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Due to the great evolution in digital commercial cameras, several studies have addressed the using of such cameras in different civil and close-range applications such as 3D models generation. However, previous studies have not discussed a precise relationship between a camera resolution and the accuracy of the models generated based on images of this camera. Therefore the current study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the derived 3D buildings models captured by different resolution cameras. The digital photogrammetric methods were devoted to derive 3D models using the data of various resolution cameras and analyze their accuracies. This investigation involves selecting three different resolution cameras (low, medium and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurement of Radon-222 Concentration in Soil Samples of some Sulfuric Spring in Hit City Using CR-39 Detector
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In this study, concentrations of radon were measured for seventeen samples of soil distributed in three Sulphuric Spring, in addition to other regions as a background in Hit City in AL-Anbar Governorate. The radon concentrations in soil samples measured by using alpha-emitters registration that emits from radon (222Rn) in (CR-39) track detector. The concentrations values were calculated by a comparison with standard samples. The results show that the radon concentrations in first spring varies from (258.253- 347.762 Bq/m3), second spring (230.374-305.209 Bq/m3), third spring (292.002-336.023 Bq/m3) and the average radon concentration in other regions (187.821 Bq/m3). As a conclusion of the study radon concentration in Sulphuric Spring is r

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of radon and thoron concentrations of soil- gas in Al-Kufa city using RAD-7 detector
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This work represents the set of measurements of radon and thoron concentrations levels of soil-gas in Al-Kufa city in Iraq using electric Radon meter (RAD-7). Radon and thoron concentration were measured in soil-gas in 20 location for three depth of (50, 100 and 150) cm.
The results show that the emanation rate of radon and thoron gas varied from location to anther, depending on the geological formation. The Radon concentration in soil has been found to vary from (12775±400) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location (sample K2) to (41.45±17) Bq/m3, for depth 150 cm in location (sample K20). The thoron concentration in soil has been found to vary from (198±8.5) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location samples (K1 & K2) to undetected in the mos

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 26 2022
Journal Name
Aims Geosciences
Calculation and determination of radioactivity in the old district of Najaf by using the track detector CR-39 and geographical information systems (GIS) methods
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This research aims to study the radiation concentration distribution of the old District of Najaf (Iraq), where 15 samples were taken from featured sites in the District, which represents archaeological, religious, and heritage sites. Track detector CR-39 was used to calculate the concentration of three different soil weights for each sample site after being exposed for a month. Geographical information systems (GIS) were used to distribute the radioactive concentration on the sites of the samples, where two interpolation methods, namely the inverse distance weight method (IDW) and the triangle irregular network method (NIT), to study the distribution of the radioactivity concentration. The study showed that the western part of the district

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations using twin cup dosimeter for indoor Al-Madaan city – Baghdad – Iraq
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In this study, the activity concentrations of indoor radon, thoron
and their progeny have been measured in air for 61 different
locations of Al-Maddan city using twin cup dosimeter. Furthermore,
some useful parameters concerning the health hazards have been
estimated; working level month (WLM), annual effective dose (Eff),
and excess lung cancer per million person per year (ELC).The results
show that the values of radon gas levels in the investigated districts
varied from 56.28 to 194.43Bq/m3with an overall average value
132.96Bq/m3, while 0.313 to 1.085 for WLM with an overall average
0.740, respectively. The value of Eff and ELC have been found to
vary from 1.420 to 4.918 mSv/y with an overall average valu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Measurement radon concentrations in samples for drinking water
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The principal forms of radiation dosage for humans from spontaneous radiation material are being recognized as radon and its progenitors in the interior environment. Radiation-related health risks are caused by radon in water supply, which can be inhaled or ingested. Materials and Methods: The solid-state CR-39 nuclear trace detectors method was using in this research for measuring accumulation of radioactivity in water supply in different locations of Iraq's southwest corner of Baghdad. In Baghdad district, 42 samples were selected from 14 regions (3 samples out of each region) and put in dosimeters for 50 days. Results: The mean radon concentration was 49.75 Bq/m3, that is lower than the internationally recognized limit of 1100 Bq /m3. Th

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Satellite Images Fusion Using Mapped Wavelet Transform Through PCA
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In this paper a new fusion method is proposed to fuse multiple satellite images that are acquired through different electromagnetic spectrum ranges to produce a single gray scale image. The proposed method based on desecrate wavelet transform using pyramid and packet bases, the fusion process preformed using two different fusion rules, where the low frequency part is remapped through the use of PCA analysis basing on covariance matrix and correlation matrix, and the high frequency part is fused using different fusion rules (adding, selecting the higher, replacement), then the restored image is obtained by applying the inverse desecrate wavelet transform. The experimental results show the validity of the proposed fusion method to fuse suc

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Wavelet compression for remotely sensed images
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Image compression is very important in reducing the costs of data storage transmission in relatively slow channels. Wavelet transform has received significant attention because their multiresolution decomposition that allows efficient image analysis. This paper attempts to give an understanding of the wavelet transform using two more popular examples for wavelet transform, Haar and Daubechies techniques, and make compression between their effects on the image compression.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
SlantletTransformbased VideoDenoising
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A technique for noise removal is proposed based on slantlet transform. The proposed algorithm tends to reduce the computational time by reducing the total number of frames through dividing the video film into sub films, finding master frames, applying the slantlet transform which is orthogonal discrete wavelet transform with two zero moments and with improved time localization. Thresholding technique is applied to the details coefficients of the slantlet transform .The denoised frame is repeated to retain the original frame sequence. The proposed method was applied by using MATLAB R2010a with video contaminated by white Gaussian noise .The experimental results show that the proposed method provides better subjective and object

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