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High throughput screening of rooting depth in rice using buried herbicide
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Abstract<p>Root research requires high throughput phenotyping methods that provide meaningful information on root depth if the full potential of the genomic revolution is to be translated into strategies that maximise the capture of water deep in soils by crops. A very simple, low cost method of assessing root depth of seedlings using a layer of herbicide (<styled-content style="fixed-case">TRIK</styled-content> or diuron) buried 25 or 30 cm deep in soil‐filled boxes of varying size is described that is suitable for screening hundreds or thousands of rice accessions in controlled environment conditions. Variation in cultivar sensitivity to the herbicide when injected into pots was detected but considered small in relation to the variation detected when the herbicide was buried. Using 32 rice cultivars previously characterised for root traits in rhizotron and hydroponic systems, 80% of variation in herbicide score at 35 days was explained by cultivar and herbicide score correlated strongly with rooting depth traits. Using 139 genotypes of the Bala × Azucena mapping population, heritability for herbicide symptoms reached 55% and quantitative trait loci were detected which match those previously reported in this population. In repeated experiments using different soils, the method did not always perform to its maximum potential (in terms of speed of symptom development or discrimination between cultivars). This was not due to degradation or reduced bio‐availability of the herbicide in the soil but is believed to be due to the soil water content and water release characteristics as it relates to plant water use. Therefore, when using this technique, thorough preliminary experiments to determine the best water application regime for the particular combination of soil and environmental conditions are required. The method should be applicable to seedling stage screening of rice and other crops.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Financial Guarantee Assessmeats on Accounting Profite: Apractical Research In Dell Company
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The research specialized in examining the role of guarantees and their impact on accounting benefits quality using statistical analysis to the income before and after the impact of guarantee on the accounting profits.This research depended on the inductive approach, which ensures that companies could manipulate in benefits through a variety of means including the guarantees. As it is possible that the companies can use the policy of guarantee as a strategy in business deal. The research aimed to highlight the different companies' practices on policies guarantee and its impact on accounting benefits. The benefit of Dell Company has been chosen as a sample for the research because of the availability of interim data from the company for te

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
External Morphology of Neophilaenus lineatus(Linnaeus 1758) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in Iraq New Record Species
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The work included external morphological study of the frog hopperNeophilaenuslineatus(Linnaeus), 1758 which belongs to the family Cercopidae of order Homoptera. The studied species is regarded as new record to Iraqi funa. The study involved with the most important toxonomic external characters such as the head, thorax, abdomen and some of their appendages in addition to male and female genitalia

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol in a Trickle Bed Reactor
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Kinetics study on the phenol oxidation by catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) using CuO.NiO/Al2O3 as heterogeneous catalyst is presented. 4 g/l phenol solution of pH 7.3 was oxidized in a trickle bed reactor with gas flow rate of 80% stochiometric excess (S.E).. In order to verify the proposed kinetics, a series of CWAO experimental tests were done at two temperatures (140 and 160° C), oxygen partial pressures (9 and 12 bar), and weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 h-1). According to Power Law, the reaction orders are found to be approximately 1 and 0.5 with respect to phenol concentration and oxygen solubility, respectively. These values favorably compare with those cited in the literature for intrinsic kinetics,

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination and evaluation of principal minerals in Negella sativa by atomic absorption technical methods
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Determination and evaluation of principal minerals in Negella sativa by atomic absorption technical methods were showed, using wet ashing method. This work was done on Negella sativa because of wide using of this plant in many formulations ( in food or medicine ).two types of atomic absorptions were used : first, flame atomic absorption spectroscopy, for minerals of high concentrations such as, Na, Mg, K, Fe, Ca, Li, Ni, Zn, Mn, Cu. Second, flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy, for minerals of low concentrations such as, Al, Si, V, B, Pb, Co, Cd, Cr ,Si, Hg, Sn .The results showed the existence of many minerals in Negella sativa useful to human sanity with acceptable dietary allowance. On other side, the presence of harmful m

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
apply Six Sigma in improving the quality of projects added expert system )Applied research(
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Construction projects need methods and techniques to ensure the level of quality and commensurate with the level required and documented in the project contract. The quality of the project is affected by the quality of the inputs and accompanying procedures in the construction of the project.

Al-Rumaitha residential project found that the quality of the concrete for the ceilings in the research sample (the roof of the third floor of buildings A25 and A26) and (roof of the second floor of buildings A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32 and A33) and roof of buildings A15 and A16 A19)) is not the required quality level.

The idea of the research came after the need to improve the performance o

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article Structural violence: A study In Johann Galtung's theory of explanation he violence t
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This study deals with the subject of violence, but from another perspective, it has not been emphasized in contemporary studies of violence in Arabic and raqi universities, which is the structural or institutional aspect of violence. Traditional studies have focused their analysis of violence on the direct side the violence, The other side of the violence is the hidden violence, which is characterized by a lack of clarity of the underlying factors and its effects are not arises, which makes it the most serious violence, which requires a deep research into the social, political, economic, cultural and psychological structure of society (individuals and institutions). This study was based on the theory of the Norwegian scientist (J

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Use of Gis for Creating a Project Management Data Base in Baghdad Al-Rissfa
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The main objective of resources management is to supply and support the site operation with necessary resources in a way to achieve the required timing in handing over the work as well as to achieve the cost-realism within the budget estimated. The research aims to know the advantage of using GIS in management of resources as one of the new tools that keep pace with the evolution in various countries around the world also collect the vast amount of spatial data resources in one environment easily to handled and accessed quickly and this help to make the right decision regarding management of resources in various construction projects. The process of using GIS in the management and identification of resources is of extreme importance in t

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Expressionistic Features in the Drawings of Artist Abdul Razzaq Yasser: محمد فهمي عباس
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To understand what the arts in general, and plastic arts in particular, have to do, it is necessary to know how they perform, not only that, but also to know their history, which we should understand at least in general terms. Which in turn gives an image of the standards of taste prevailing in each age, and some of the social and historical relationship of each era, and the cultural expression of that era, which is shown in the arts. We need to understand that the arts of each stage, although different from each other, yet remain interrelated in what we see through the effects that appear through the succession of times, which creates certain artistic traditions, inherited by one generation after the other. The research in this field de

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Saline Water and Potassium Fertilizer on Nitrogen Fixation in Pisum sativum L.
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Field experiment was conducted to test the effect of saline water 2 and7 dSm-1 potassium fertilizer rate 150,300 and 450 kg/donum on nitrogen fixation in Pisum sativum L. nodules. The experiment included anatomy study .Results water salinity ( 2,7 dSm-1) as a main plot and fertilizer rates as a sub plot. Results indicated that irrigation with saline water 7 dSm-¹ caused a significant decrease in N contents especially in the lower parts of the plants. The percentage of the N decreased in lower leaves to (0.01%) under 7dSm-¹ and 300 kg/donum fertilizer; however the percentage increased in the upper leaves to (2.80%) under with 2dSm-¹of irrigation water and 300 kg/ donum fertilizer rate. Fresh weight decreased to 6.26g under 7 dSm

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
One dimensional Finite Element Solution of Moving Boundaries in Far IR Laser Tissue Ablation
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In this work, the finite element analysis of moving coordinates has been used to study the thermal behavior of the tissue subjected to both continuous wave and pulsed CO2 laser. The results are compared with previously published data, and a good agreement has been found, which verifies the implemented theory. Some conclusions are obtained; As pulse width decreases, or repetition rate increases, or fluence increases then the char depth is decreased which can be explained by an increase in induced energy or its rate, which increases the ablation rate, leading to a decrease in char depth. Thus: An increase in the fluence or decreasing pulse width or increasing repetition rate will increase ablation rate, which will increase the depth of cut

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