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High throughput screening of rooting depth in rice using buried herbicide
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Abstract<p>Root research requires high throughput phenotyping methods that provide meaningful information on root depth if the full potential of the genomic revolution is to be translated into strategies that maximise the capture of water deep in soils by crops. A very simple, low cost method of assessing root depth of seedlings using a layer of herbicide (<styled-content style="fixed-case">TRIK</styled-content> or diuron) buried 25 or 30 cm deep in soil‐filled boxes of varying size is described that is suitable for screening hundreds or thousands of rice accessions in controlled environment conditions. Variation in cultivar sensitivity to the herbicide when injected into pots was detected but considered small in relation to the variation detected when the herbicide was buried. Using 32 rice cultivars previously characterised for root traits in rhizotron and hydroponic systems, 80% of variation in herbicide score at 35 days was explained by cultivar and herbicide score correlated strongly with rooting depth traits. Using 139 genotypes of the Bala × Azucena mapping population, heritability for herbicide symptoms reached 55% and quantitative trait loci were detected which match those previously reported in this population. In repeated experiments using different soils, the method did not always perform to its maximum potential (in terms of speed of symptom development or discrimination between cultivars). This was not due to degradation or reduced bio‐availability of the herbicide in the soil but is believed to be due to the soil water content and water release characteristics as it relates to plant water use. Therefore, when using this technique, thorough preliminary experiments to determine the best water application regime for the particular combination of soil and environmental conditions are required. The method should be applicable to seedling stage screening of rice and other crops.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The role of ferric citrate in a sample of Iraqi patients on hemodialysis- A randomized controlled clinical trial
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Background: Uncontrolled hyperphosphatemia is the main difficulty facing staff treating patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Sevelamer and calcium-containing phosphate binders have been associated with cost burden and tissue calcification, respectively. Therefore, the current trial was targeted to investigate the efficacy of a new phosphate binder, ferric citrate, in a sample of Iraqi patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Keywords: Ferric citrate, Hemodialysis Phosphate binder

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Digital panoramic estimation of chronological age among Iraqi adult population in relation to morphological variables of canine teeth
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Background: Age determination of skeletal remains is apart of many medico-legal as well as anthropological examination. Many anatomical structures have been studied, but the teeth and their measurements seem to be the most reliable method since teeth represent the most durable and resilient part of the skeleton. This study was undertaken for estimating the chronological age among Iraqi adult subjects based on various morphological variables of canine teeth using digital panoramic radiograph. Material and methods: The sample in the current study consisted of 240 Iraqi patients attending to the dental radiological clinic at College of dentistry/ Babylon University taking panoramic radiographs for different diagnostic purposes, the study samp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The stage of change and institution-building and its impact on the structure of housing policy in Iraq
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The research examines the reality of the housing sector in Iraq and the stage of change and institution-building, which is increasingly challenging to respond to development needs. The legal legislation in Iraq over the last five years indicates a significant shift towards decentralization, with powers and services being delegated from federal ministries to regional levels Localization and growth in cities and urban centers is an added factor that requires responses from local governments to strengthen the capacity of their institutions to engage in national policy debate at the re
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Composites Science
The Influence of Strontium Oxide on the Physio-Mechanical Properties of Biomedical-Grade Titanium in Ti-SrO Composites
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Dental implants can be made of various materials, and amongst them, titanium and titanium alloy were the materials of choice for dental implants for many years because of their biocompatibility. The two alloys have a high level of biocompatibility, a lower modulus of elasticity, and better corrosion resistance than other alloys. Thus, they are frequently utilized in biomedical applications and mostly replace stiff fabrics. The latest advances in a new strontium oxide–cp titanium composite alloy are the main topic of this research. With regard to biomedical applications, additions of strontium oxide were synthesized at three distinct weight percentages (2%, 4%, and 6% by wt%). Powder metallurgy was used to create the alloys, which

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of the Factors lead to School Bullying of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Asir
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This study aims to identify the most prominent factors that lead to bullying of students with intellectual disabilities in primary and middle schools from the perspectives of special education teachers. A quantitative descriptive approach was utilized. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The sample consisted of (72) male and female teachers from the Asir region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The results revealed the most prominent factors that lead to bullying as follows: factors associated with the school and its policies, factors associated with peers, factors associated with students with intellectual disabilities, and factors associated with general education teachers. The findin

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 14 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Origin of Creation in Khattab (The Beginning of Creation) by Imam Ali (as) and Genesis (Comparative Study)
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The research aims to answer the questions that revolve in the mind of mankind about how to create creation, how it existed prior to creation, who created existence, and the characteristics of that presence. The researcher also wanted to show that the culture of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) In the book of Adam, peace be upon him, God has punished Adam (peace be upon him) for not having sinned. Because his wife is the one who fed him the fruit of the tree, and this is contrary to what was stated in the sermon of Imam (peace be upon him) who Z Adam (peace be upon him) is the one who trusted Satan and Gwighth.We note that the approach of the rhetoric has pointed to the creation of angels and did not refer to the creation of Eve and the class

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Inhibition Effect of Peach Juice on Corrosion of Low Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid at Different Temperatures
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The corrosion inhibition of low carbon steel in1N HCl solution in the presence of peach juice at temperature (30,40,50,and 60)°C at concentration ( 5, 10, 20, 30, 40and 50 cm3/L)were studied using weight loss and polarization techniques. Results show that the inhibition efficiency was increased with the increase of inhibitor concentration and increased with the increase of temperature up to 50ºC ,above 50ºC (i.e. at 60 ºC) the values of efficiency decreases. Activation parameters of the corrosion process such as activation energies, Ea, activation enthalpies, ΔH, and activation entropies, ΔS, were calculated. The adsorption of inhibitor follows Langmuir isotherm. Maximum inhibition efficiency obtained was a bout 91% at 50ºC in the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effects of Oral Supplementation of Pomegranate Peel Extract on Some serum biochemical Parameters Related with Bone in Rabbit
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Background and aim: Pomegranate is a medicinal herb that can promote healing of periodontal tissue through differentiation of mesenchymal cells both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, this study is to investigate the effect of oral supplementation of Punicagranatum L. peel extract on bone defect in rabbit. Methods: Forty five male rabbits were divided into 3 groups; group 1; baseline group(5 rabbits) left without bone defect. Group 2; study group (20 rabbits) with bone defect model that received daily 1ml of oral supplementation of pomegranate peel extract (PoPx). Group 3; control group (20 rabbits) with bone defect model that received distilled water. Bone defect was done into facial plate of lower right central incisor. Blood biopsies by

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Impact strength behaviour of PMMA denture base through addition of different nanoparticles after immersion in some nutrition liquids
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Poly methyl methacrylate PMMA polymer could be considered the main material that used mostly in the recent years in denture base fabrication. It commonly known by it is poor strength properties such as low impact strength. The aim of the present research was to enhance the performance of PMMA denture base through the addition of two kind of nanoparticles (nano particles that selected from artificial and natural sources). Nano -particles from both Al2O3 and crushed peanut Peel were used for comparing purposes.Various weight fraction used in this study for both kinds of the additive (1%, 2% and 3%). Moreover, in this work a study and evaluation in impact strength (I.S.) value were done before and after immersion. The new prepared nanocompo

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 20 2018
Journal Name
Mustansiria Dental Journal
A comparative Study in the Antibacterial effect of Eugenol as Hand Wash Material with two Types of Soap
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Hands have consistently been an important vehicle in the transmission of disease (1). Thus, thorough hand-washing remains the single most important factor in preventing infection specially in hospitals and labs.Twenty-nine non-clinical volunteers (do not work or come in contact with a clinical or hospital setting) that lacked visible skin injuries, eczema or apparent skin disease were used, those subjects were all tested by a material of each of the three used in the study weekly and laboratory tests were done pre- and post washing.All three material were effective , Eugenol extract as effective as the bar and lotion soap. And this was confirmed statistically.Eugenol has a great antibacterial action even in small concentration and t

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