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High throughput screening of rooting depth in rice using buried herbicide
Abstract<p>Root research requires high throughput phenotyping methods that provide meaningful information on root depth if the full potential of the genomic revolution is to be translated into strategies that maximise the capture of water deep in soils by crops. A very simple, low cost method of assessing root depth of seedlings using a layer of herbicide (<styled-content style="fixed-case">TRIK</styled-content> or diuron) buried 25 or 30 cm deep in soil‐filled boxes of varying size is described that is suitable for screening hundreds or thousands of rice accessions in controlled environment conditions. Variation in cultivar sensitivity to the herbicide when injected into pots was detected but considered small in relation to the variation detected when the herbicide was buried. Using 32 rice cultivars previously characterised for root traits in rhizotron and hydroponic systems, 80% of variation in herbicide score at 35 days was explained by cultivar and herbicide score correlated strongly with rooting depth traits. Using 139 genotypes of the Bala × Azucena mapping population, heritability for herbicide symptoms reached 55% and quantitative trait loci were detected which match those previously reported in this population. In repeated experiments using different soils, the method did not always perform to its maximum potential (in terms of speed of symptom development or discrimination between cultivars). This was not due to degradation or reduced bio‐availability of the herbicide in the soil but is believed to be due to the soil water content and water release characteristics as it relates to plant water use. Therefore, when using this technique, thorough preliminary experiments to determine the best water application regime for the particular combination of soil and environmental conditions are required. The method should be applicable to seedling stage screening of rice and other crops.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Morphometric Analysis of the Mental Foramen Variation in an Iraqi Population by Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling of Sediment Transport Around A Water Intake In Tigris River – Baghdad Using A Numerical 2d Model

     Understanding sedimentation behavior and its transport capacity in the Tigris River is of significant importance owing to the detrimental consequences caused by it. This study investigates the sediment amounts transported along the reach of the Tigris River in Baghdad. The CCHE2D model which is a common tool developed by the National Center for Computational Hydrological Science and Engineering (NCCHE) was applied to investigate the flow pattern and sediment amounts within 7 km reach. The model was initially calibrated and validated under steady-state conditions at the Sarai gauging station (upstream) and its performance was evaluated around the Abu Nawas water treatment plant (downstream). The result shows that the water surfac

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research &amp; Development
Spectrophotometric Determination of Nifedipine in Pharmaceutical Tablets Using Batch and Flow Injection Method Via Diazotization Coupling Reaction

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Classification of al-hammar marshes satellite images in Iraq using artificial neural network based on coding representation

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
identifying the reasons of electronic smoking spreading (VAPING) in the society with practical application using Analytical Factors

We have investigated in this research, the contents of the electronic cigarette (Viber) and the emergence of the phenomenon of electronic smoking (vibing) were discussed, although the topic of smoking is one of the oldest topics on which many articles and research have been conducted, electronic smoking has not been studied according to statistical scientific research, we tried in this research to identify the concept of electronic smoking to sample the studied data and to deal with it in a scientific way. This research included conducting a statistical analysis using the factor analysis of a sample taken randomly from some colleges in Bab Al-medium in Baghdad with a size of (70) views where  (КМО) and a (bartlett) tests

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of using Project - Based Learning method in development intensive reading skills at middle school students

The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of the use of project-based learning in the development of intensive reading skills at middle school students. The experimental design was chosen from one group to suit the nature of the research and its objectives. The research group consisted of 35 students. For the purpose of the research, the following materials and tools were prepared: (List of intensive reading skills, intensive reading skills test, teacher's guide, student book). The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at (0.05) in favor of the post-test performance of intensive reading skills. The statistical analysis also showed that the project-based learning approach has a high

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating of Groundwater Recharge using Meteorological Water Balance and Water level Fluctuation in Khan Al-Baghdadi Area

Climate and hydrological conditions in any hydrological basin are multi-combined reflection of natural factors of morphology and soil nature, as well as the changing in climate factors that affect directly on hydrological cycle. Water balance techniques are a means of solution of important theoretical and practical hydrological problems, while estimating the physical properties of water-bearing layers is an essential part of groundwater studies. One of the most effective ways of determining these properties is to conduct and analyze aquifer tests. The aim of this research is to compare groundwater recharge in Khan Al-Baghdadi area which located to northwest of Anbar governorate in the west of Iraq, depending on meteorological water balan

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of Gypsum- Calcite Percentages Using a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), in Alexandria Gypsiferous Soil -Iraq

In this study the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIR) provides a quick, efficient and relatively inexpensive method for identifying and quantifying gypsum concentrations in the samples taken from different sites from different localities from Alexandria district southwest Baghdad. A comprehensive spectroscopic study of gypsum-calcite system was reported to give good results for the first time by using IR for analytical grades of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and calcite (CaCO3) pure crystals. The spectral results were used to create a calibration curve relates the two minerals concentrations to the intensity (peaks) of FTIR absorbance and applies this calibration to specify gypsum and calcite concentrations in Iraqi gypsiferous soi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Handling a problem of transport solid waste in Baghdad City to Healthy landfill sites using transportation Model

 A problem of solid waste became in the present day common global problem among all countries, whether developing or developed countries, and can say that no country in the world today is immuning from this dilemma which must find appropriate solutions. The problem has reached a stage that can not ignore or delay, but has became a daily problem occupies the minds of ecologists, economists and politicians took occupies center front in the lists of  priorities for the countries in terms of finding solutions to the rapid scientific and radical them. and that transport costs constitute an important component of total costs borne by the municipal districts in the process of disposal of solid waste, so any improvement in the

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Damage Detection and Assessment of Stiffness and Mass Matrices in Curved Simply Supported Beam Using Genetic Algorithm

In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to detect damage in curved beam model, stiffness as well as mass matrices of the curved beam elements is formulated using Hamilton's principle. Each node of the curved beam element possesses seven degrees of freedom including the warping degree of freedom. The curved beam element had been derived based on the Kang and Yoo’s thin-walled curved beam theory. The identification of damage is formulated as an optimization problem, binary and continuous genetic algorithms
(BGA, CGA) are used to detect and locate the damage using two objective functions (change in natural frequencies, Modal Assurance Criterion MAC). The results show the objective function based on change in natural frequency i

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